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CORE COMPETENCY social responsibility

A resource from the Co-op and Career competency kit Need help? Visit

Social responsibility means that you recognize how your beliefs, ethics and actions fit within the context of a greater community. You demonstrate social responsibility when you: know your personal convictions and strive to put them into practice accept responsibility for your own actions show a respect for others rights and diverse ideas commit to personal, professional and academic honesty choose ethical courses of action contribute to your local, national and international community build relationships without prejudice consider the global implications of your decisions How can we help you gain this competency? We offer many helpful services and programs, including: SUPPORT One-on-one career coaching Goal setting appointments with Co-op and Career staff Service Learning Internship Program (for co-op students) WHERE TO FIND OUT MORE Contact your Co-op and Career office

Where else can you gain this competency? You can show social responsibility in the classroom, in the workplace and in your daily life. Volunteer for a soup kitchen or food bank, donate to a charity you believe in, read the news and be aware of whats going on in the world, recycle beyond your blue box (find out where to recycle your batteries, plastic bags and appliances), and keep an open min as you interact with others.


2010 by Co-operative Education Program and Career Services University of Victoria

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