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Cortan, Charlene B.



1. What public awareness campaigns or programs are needed to resolve the issues and
problems in your community?
Answer: Programs for homeless people in my community. There’s a lot of homeless people in
my community that needed to resolve, I want to help them and give them the opportunity or new
life that they deserve. Because every time I see them, I see their eyes that they need help, they
need foods and house, especially the children.

2. If you were given a chance to organize students to participate in a three year strategic
planning for a service-learning program, how would you lead your team?

Answer: Organizing students to participate in a three-year strategic planning for a service-

learning program requires effective leadership to ensure a productive and successful outcome.
Here's how I would lead the team:

1. Establish clear goals: Begin by defining the purpose and objectives of the service-learning
program. Clearly articulate the desired outcomes and the vision for the program. This will
provide a framework for my team's efforts and guide their strategic planning process.
2. Form a diverse team: I assemble a team of students with diverse backgrounds, skills, and
interests. A variety of perspectives will enrich the planning process and generate innovative
ideas. I assign roles and responsibilities based on each team member's strengths and
3. Foster a collaborative environment: I encourage open communication, active participation,
and collaboration among team members and create a safe space where everyone feels
comfortable expressing their ideas, opinions, and concerns.
4. Conduct a needs assessment: Conduct a thorough needs assessment to understand the
community or target group we aim to serve. We gather data, conduct surveys or interviews,
and analyze existing resources and programs. This assessment will help my team identify
gaps, determine the community's needs, and align the program accordingly
5. Develop an action plan: we break down the strategic objectives into actionable steps and
we create a timeline for implementation. I assign responsibilities for each task, ensuring
that the workload is distributed evenly among my team members. Define measurable
indicators to track progress and success.
6. Encourage creativity and innovation: Foster an environment that encourages creativity and
innovation. I encourage my team members to think outside the box, propose new ideas,
and explore alternative approaches to problem-solving. And provide opportunities for
brainstorming, ideation, and feedback sessions.
7. Monitor and evaluate progress: I establish mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the
program's progress. Regularly review the implementation of the action plan, assess the
outcomes achieved, and make adjustments as necessary. Collect feedback from
participants and stakeholders to continuously improve the program.
8. Lastly, Celebrate milestones and successes: I acknowledge and celebrate milestones and
successes along the way. And recognize the efforts and achievements of individual team
members and the team as a whole.

1.What real-life experiences have you gained after a particular community engagement?
Answer: last year, I had an opportunity to participate in a community engagement where we
gave some clothes to the trash collectors, also known as "mangangalakal" in our Barangay. It
was such a wonderful experience because I saw the joy and happiness in the eyes of those
people, even though the gifts that we offered them are not that much in value. I've discovered
the value of showing gratitude for all we have from another perspective. Additionally, I've come
to understand that as long as it's our best effort, God will accept any offer we make, no matter
how small or substantial it may be. God will accept your sacrifice and make up for any flaws you
may have.

2. In what ways have your experiences significally developed your cognitive learning?
Answer: In a ways of paying attention, adopting the new learning that I learned and memorizing
the new information the I build in paying attention.

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