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Ahmad bin Majid Private School

Component 3 Team Element - Reflective Paper Outline

750-1000 words (does not include Bibliography)

1. Introduction

This is my reflection report for my IGCSE Global Perspectives team project. Our group project
focused on poverty in families. In this report, I will describe my role as the leader and how I
contributed to the team's success and cohesiveness. I will also provide evidence of my
involvement in completing the team's goals.

2. Individual Work Habits (AO1 Research, analysis and evaluation)

a. How well did our group meet our Aim?
Our primary objectives were to raise awareness, engage in volunteer work, and gain more knowledge
about family poverty. We achieved our group goal by helping the AlrAhma organization set up their
shop and volunteering our time. We also spoke to an expert who answered our questions in an
informative way, which helped us learn more about family poverty. As part of our awareness-raising
efforts, we created a PowerPoint presentation and administered surveys to our school community. We
received more than 150 responses within a short time limit, which helped us educate them about this
topic. We hope to improve our abilities and reach even greater heights in the future.

b. Strengths & Weaknesses of Own Work Habits

As I assess my work habits as a leader, I have come to realize that I possess several strengths and
weaknesses. One of my notable strengths is my strong organizational skills. I excel in creating
structured plans, setting clear goals, and efficiently managing my time. This allows me to guide my team
with a sense of direction. Additionally, I can communicate effectively, which fosters a collaborative work
environment, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. On the flip side, I acknowledge that I tend to
take on too much responsibility at times. While my dedication to tasks is commendable, it can lead to
burnout and hinder my ability to delegate effectively. I am actively working on honing my delegation
skills to empower my team members and cultivate a more balanced and sustainable leadership
approach. Continuous self-reflection and improvement are crucial aspects of my commitment to
evolving as a leader.

c. Specific Actions for Improvement Next Group Project

we can improve our Outcome:
To improve our next group project, we can take specific actions. Firstly, establishing clear
communication channels is crucial, fostering an open dialogue for idea sharing and alignment with
project objectives. Secondly, creating a detailed project plan with defined roles will mitigate confusion
and enhance task management. Regular progress assessments will identify challenges, allowing
proactive solutions. Lastly, incorporating constructive feedback throughout the project will promote
continuous improvement and a collaborative team dynamic, aiming to enhance more goals in the future.

How I can improve my work habits

I plan to incorporate several specific actions to enhance my work habits for the upcoming group project.
Firstly, I intend to prioritize setting attainable and practical goals and breaking down larger tasks into
smaller, manageable steps to stay focused and productive. Furthermore, I will allocate time at the start
of each week to develop a detailed schedule, allocating specific time slots for different project-related
activities and making sure to accomplish them. By using this structured approach, I will be able to better
manage my time and ensure that I complete project deadlines on time instead of waiting until the last
minute. Additionally, I will actively ask for feedback from my team members about my work habits,
which will help me identify areas for improvement and adjust accordingly. By implementing these
specific actions, I aim to increase my efficiency and effectiveness as a team member and as a leader,
ultimately contributing to the success of our next group project.
3. Teamwork & Collaboration (AO2 Reflection)
a. Benefits & Challenges of Working as a Team

Teamwork brings both benefits and challenges. The diverse skills and perspectives of team members
foster creativity and innovation in problem-solving. Collaboration promotes camaraderie, contributing to
a positive work environment, and shared responsibilities enhance efficiency and productivity. However,
challenges like conflicts and communication breakdowns arise. Effective communication and conflict
resolution become crucial in navigating these issues. Balancing individual contributions with collective
goals and maintaining accountability are ongoing considerations. Despite challenges, teamwork's
benefits, including enhanced creativity, efficiency, and camaraderie, underscore its value in achieving
collective success.

b. My Strengths & Weaknesses as a Teammate

As a teammate, I excel in communication and collaboration, fostering inclusivity and unity within the
team. My organizational skills ensure efficient task management, though I acknowledge a tendency to
take on too much responsibility, leading to occasional stress. I'm working on delegating tasks effectively
to empower teammates. In a leadership role, I am skilled in strategic planning and goal-setting, inspiring
a positive team dynamic. However, I recognize a weakness in delegation and am actively improving to
distribute responsibilities more effectively. Continuous self-reflection guides my approach as both a
teammate and a leader.

4. Personal Learning (AO2 Reflection)

a. What I have learned about Different Cultural Perspectives
Exploring different cultural perspectives has been a transformative learning experience. Engaging with
diverse viewpoints has broadened my understanding of the world and deepened my appreciation for the
richness of cultural diversity. Recognizing the impact of cultural nuances on communication styles,
social norms, and decision-making processes has been eye-opening. I've learned that cultural context
significantly influences how individuals perceive and respond to various situations. The works of
renowned scholars like Edward T. Hall and Geert Hofstede have been instrumental in guiding my
exploration of cultural dimensions and their implications on intercultural interactions. Embracing cultural
diversity not only fosters global awareness but also enriches collaboration by encouraging mutual
respect and understanding.

b. Overall learning from this project (about teamwork, myself, etc.)

This poverty initiative has been an excellent teaching tool that emphasizes the need for cooperation and
clear communication. Working with people from different backgrounds improved my ability to solve
problems and deepened my knowledge of poverty. Personally, it helped me become more resilient and
self-aware, which inspired me to tackle difficult problems with empathy. This project gave me a greater
understanding of the value of teamwork in bringing about positive change in society by highlighting the
importance of tackling societal concerns.

5. Conclusion (AO3 Communication)

a. What are the key personal research findings

The poverty team project revealed the intricate layers of poverty, emphasizing the need for holistic
solutions that integrate economic, social, and educational interventions. It underscored the pivotal role
of grassroots initiatives and collaboration between various sectors in creating sustainable impact. This
experience heightened my awareness of the nuanced challenges surrounding poverty and the
importance of comprehensive strategies for lasting change.
b. Overall connection between team and personal elements of the project:
This poverty project effectively intertwined both personal and team elements to create a mutually
beneficial learning experience. On a personal level, it deepened my understanding of poverty and
helped me develop important qualities such as resilience and empathy. At the same time, the
collaborative team effort emphasized the value of effective communication and the power of diverse
perspectives. The project emphasized that addressing poverty requires both individual commitment and
collective teamwork, highlighting the interdependence of personal growth and shared efforts in tackling
complex societal issues.

Samaa Al busaidi 9D

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