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Minecraft: FAQ/Walkthrough by noz3r0

Version Final, Last Updated 2012-04-06 View/Download Original File

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`--- ---'`---'`--- ---'`-------'`-------'`--- ---'`--- ---'`---'
"Has an ending!"
By: Greg Boccia aka noz3r0
Version: Final
Copyright 2011 Greg Boccia
Table of Contents
| I. Introduction ............................................... [01.00.00]|
| II. Basics ..................................................... [02.00.00]|
| III. Walkthrough ................................................ [03.00.00]|
- The First Day ............................................ [03.01.00]|
- The First Night .......................................... [03.02.00]|
- The Next Day and Beyond .................................. [03.03.00]|
- Into the Nether .......................................... [03.04.00]|
- The End .................................................. [03.05.00]|
| IV. Crafting Recipes ........................................... [04.00.00]|
- Basic .................................................... [04.01.00]|
- Block .................................................... [04.02.00]|
- Tools .................................................... [04.03.00]|
- Weapon ................................................... [04.04.00]|
- Armor .................................................... [04.05.00]|
- Transportation ........................................... [04.06.00]|
- Mechanism ................................................ [04.07.00]|
- Food ..................................................... [04.08.00]|
- Miscellaneous ............................................ [04.09.00]|
- Dye ...................................................... [04.10.00]|
- Enchantment and Brewing .................................. [04.11.00]|
| V. Smelting ................................................... [05.00.00]|
| VI. Enchanting ................................................. [06.00.00]|
| VII. Brewing .................................................... [07.00.00]|
|VIII. Bestiary ................................................... [08.00.00]|
| IX. Version History ............................................ [09.00.00]|
| X. Closing .................................................... [10.00.00]|



Thank you for choosing to my guide on Minecraft. Minecraft is a massive

sandbox-style game with near unlimited possibilities. Since this game is very
open I will provide some guidance and clarity on how the world of Minecraft
functions as well as ways to survive dangers of the darkness. With the popular
game being officially released and having an ending it is not expected to have
massive changes like it went through in Alpha/Beta testing. This guide will be
covering the Survival Single Player/Multi-Player side of the game. Hardcore
Mode can also be applied but Creative Mode will not be covered. This guide is
written for version 1.0, the official release.

Before beginning your grand adventure there a few things that you should know
about the world of Minecraft.

Minecraft has customizable controls and it is recommended that you at least

edit a few of them. For instance, changing the Inventory key to "I" instead of
"E" and the Chat command to "Enter" instead of "T" will provide some more
familiarity. Controls that aren't listed include:
| Action
| Key
| Attack
| Button 1
| Use Item
| Button 2
| Pick Block
| Button 3 (Scroll) |
| Forward
| W
| Left
| A
| Back
| S
| Right
| D
| Jump
| Space
| Drop
| Q
| Chat
| T
| Sneak
| Left Shift
| Inventory
| E
| List Players
| Tab

F1 - Toggles the Heads Up Display (HUD)

F2 - Takes a screenshot
F3 - Brings up various information the game to include XYZ coordinates and the
seed for the game.
F5 - Toggles 3rd Person View
Health and Hunger

At the bottom of your HUD above your experience bar are your Health and
Food Bars. Both bars have a maximum value of 10 and are directly related to
one another. Health is regenerated by drinking healing potions or over time
from having at least 9 points in the Food Bar, at a rate of 1/2 heart per 4
If the Food Bar is at 3 points or lower you will become unable to sprint.
When the Food Bar reaches 0 your health decrease at a rate of 1/2 heart per 4
seconds until it reaches 1/2 heart remaining (Easy/Normal) or you die (Hard).
The Food Bar decreases over time based on your actions, measured in Exhaustion
Level. When this level exceeds 4.0 then 1/2 point on the Food Bar will be
subtracted. See the chart below for actions that increase Exhaustion Level:
| Action
| Level Increase
| Walking
| 0.01
| / The measurement for these
| Sprinting
| 0.1
| < three actions are by meter.
| Swimming
| 0.015
| \ (That's one block in Minecraft)
| Jumping
| 0.2
| Sprinting Jump | 0.8
| Breaking a Block | 0.025
| Attacking
| 0.3
| Taking Damage
| 0.3

To restore your hunger you obviously need to consume something. See the
chart below which details all the food that can be consumed:
| Food
| Food Points
| Bread
| 3
| Cake
| 1 per slice
| Cookie
| 1
| Melon Slice
| 1
| Mushroom Stew
| 4
| Raw Chicken
| 1
| Cooked Chicken
| 3
| Raw Beef
| 2
| Steak
| 4
| Raw Porkchop
| 2
| Cooked Porkchop | 4
| Raw Fish
| 1
| Cooked Fish
| 3
| Red Apple
| 2
| Golden Apple
| 5
| Rotten Flesh
| 2
| Spider Eye
| 1

Light Level and Monsters

The amount of light that a block is exposed to determines whether or not a

monster can spawn. This also applies for food that grows, typically the more

sunlight the better. The following chart provides information on how Light is
generated (0 being the lowest and 15 being the highest):
| Block
| Light Level |
| Sunlight
| 15
| Fire
| 15
| Jack-O-Lantern
| 15
| Lava
| 15
| Glowstone
| 15
| Torch
| 14
| Lit Furnace
| 13
| Sunlight (Rain)
| 12
| Portal
| 11
| Lit Redstone Torch | 7
| Moonlight
| 4

Hostile mobs can spawn in light level 7 or less. This is excluding Slimes,
Zombie Pigmen, and Ghasts which have different behaviors. Therefore, it is
highly recommended to have a source of light that provides 8 or more light to
the area you are staying in. Killing monster yields experience points based on
what type they are. This will be thuroughly covered in it's own section.

The walkthrough section is a generic how to survive and how to achieve the
ending of the game. Minecraft is not a linear game, it is a sandbox, you can
do what ever you want to.
|.| | |
`-|. |-'
|: |
|::.|he First Day
| Things to do: Obtain Wood ............................................ [ ] |
Make a Crafting Table .................................. [ ] |
Create a Shelter ....................................... [ ] |
Acquire Tools .......................................... [ ] |
Find Coal .............................................. [ ] |

You are dropped into the world with no guidance, no instructions, and no
sense of what to expect. It is day time, but this won't last long. You have
roughly 10 minutes before night falls and monsters of the darkness spawn,
attempting to kill you.
The first thing you want to do is acquire some Wood. Find a tree and begin
to break the Wood Block to acquire it. Collect at least 10 Wood for good

measure then open your inventory. Place the Wood in the crafting space to
create 4 Wooden Planks per Wood. From here fill the crafting space with the
Wooden Planks to create a Crafting Table. Next, make some Sticks by stacking
2 Wooden Planks on top of each other.
With all the basic crafting materials ready, you can now make some Wooden
Tools. The only recommended tool to make at this time is a Wooden Pickaxe.
01 - Wooden Plank
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
02 - Stick
03 - Wooden Pickaxe
| 02 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 |
Equip the Wooden Pickaxe and find a hill with Stone exposed. Mine this until
you acquire roughly 10 Cobblestone. You can now make Stone tools by using the
same crafting recipe above. Substitute the Wooden Planks for Cobblestone to
create a more powerful, longer lasting Stone Pickaxe. You should also make a
Stone Shovel and Stone Axe to quickly take out the Dirt and Wood.
01 - Cobblestone
| 01 | 01 |
02 - Stick
03 - Stone Axe
| 01 | 02 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 |
01 - Cobblestone
| 01 |
02 - Stick
03 - Stone Shovel
| 02 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 |
At this time you can quickly acquire Wooden Planks or Dirt to build a shelter

or you can carve out a hill and seal it to make a shelter. It is recommended to
create a shelter out of a hill because you will acquire more Cobblestone and
Dirt and have the opportunity to find Coal, a valuable resource because it can
make Torches. Once you acquire Coal, place it in the crafting table above a
Stick to make 4 Torches per combination. With the Torches in hand you can
light up your shelter so you have a safe place for night time.
|.| | |
`-|. |-'
|: |
|::.|he First Night
| Things to do: Expand the Shelter ..................................... [ ] |
Acquire Resources ...................................... [ ] |
Create Weapons and Armor ............................... [ ] |
Make a Furnace ......................................... [ ] |

Night has fallen and monsters have begun to spawn outside your shelter. Have
no fear, you are safe inside the confines of the home you have created. While
you wait for day to come you might as well be constructive and expand your
shelter if you dug into a hill. The next thing to do is begin to make a
staircase down into the layers of the world and obtain resources for crafting
newer and greater things. When going deeper into the ground a staircase is
the best way because you can quickly ascend or descend and it's safer then
digging straight down which could cause you to fall into Lava or a dark cave
where monsters are waiting to kill you.
Hopefully you acquire more Coal and even Iron. The Iron is unusable in it's
present state but that is easily remedied by creating a furnace (preferably
near your Crafting Table). If you have some Wooden Planks still you can also
make some Chests to place all your items in.
01 - Cobblestone
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
02 - Furnace
| 01 |
| 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |

01 - Wooden Plank
02 - Chest

| 01 |
| 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
The Coal you acquired is very efficient for smelting, a 1:8 ratio of Coal to
Items that can be smelted. This means that an entire stack (64) can be smelted
with only 8 Coal! To make the Iron usable you must smelt it into Iron Ingots,
so place it in the top slot of the Furnace and the Coal in the bottom slot and
simply wait. Iron tools are essential to mining Gold and Diamond at lower
layers of the world; they also last much longer then Stone tools do. If you
acquire Iron it is recommended to make a Sword and Armor out of this, likewise
a Stone Sword is better than no Sword at all.
01 - Cobblestone/Iron/Gold/Diamond
| 01 |
02 - Stone/Iron/Gold/Diamond Sword
| 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
| 02 |
01 - Iron
02 - Iron Helmet
| 01 | 01 | 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 |
| 01 |
01 - Iron
| 01 |
| 01 |
02 - Iron Chestplate
| 01 | 01 | 01 | ---> | 02 |

| 01 | 01 | 01 |
01 - Iron
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
02 - Iron Leggings
| 01 |
| 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 |
| 01 |
01 - Iron
02 - Iron Leggings
| 01 |
| 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 |
| 01 |
You should periodically check for when Night has ended and Day has returned.
By the time day arrives you should have at least a Sword and a Furnace and a
considerable amount of Cobblestone/Dirt. If you were lucky you may have found
some Iron and crafted a few pieces of Armor out of it.
|.| | |
`-|. |-'
|: |
|::.|he Next Day and Beyond
| Things to do: Find Food .............................................. [ ] |
Create a Bed ........................................... [ ] |
Build Boundaries ....................................... [ ] |
Make Farms for Renewable Resources ..................... [ ] |

Food - A Renewable Resource

Your Food Bar is probably getting low at this point, so you need so acquire

some food. Find friendly animals like a Cow, Chicken, or Pig and slay the
animal. It will drop some meat that should be cooked before being eaten for the
best effect (place it in the furnace to cook). You should also invest in a
renewable means to obtain food since it is essential to your living. A Wheat
Farm is the simplest and easiest way to do this. Before getting started you
will need a few basic items -- a Hoe, a Bucket, and Seeds.
01 - Stick
| 02 | 02 |
02 - Cobblestone
03 - Stone Hoe
| 01 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 01 |
01 - Iron
02 - Bucket
| 01 |
| 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 |
After crafting the first two items begin your search for Wild Grass that
grows on top of Dirt. Start destroying it until you have a bunch of Seeds.
Fill your Bucket with Water and you begin to make a farm. See the diagram
below on a simple way to make a farm.
| 01 - Seeds
| 01 | 01 | 01 | 01 | 01 | 01 | 01 | 01 | 01 |
| 01 |
| 01 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 | 01 | 01 | 01 | 01 | 01 | 01 |
This is what you would see from an aerial view. All the blocks where Seeds
are placed have been tilled with a Hoe, making them acceptable for the Seeds
to be planted on. The blocks in the middle have water in them so that the crop
can grow. It is recommended to make a Fence around the outside and place a

few Torches around the edges to provide the proper light level and keep the
monsters/animals off the crop while it grows.
01 - Stick
02 - Fence (2)
| 01 | 01 | 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
A Place to Call Home

If you want to be able to skip the Night and change your spawn location -- a
very nice thing to do if you die -- you need to create a Bed. This requires you
to find a new resource, Wool. It is easily found by shearing or killing a Sheep
in the wild.
01 - Wool
02 - Wooden Planks
03 - Bed
| 01 | 01 | 01 | ---> | 03 |
| 02 | 02 | 02 |
Place the Bed in a safe area, preferably your shelter and sleep in it during
the Night to reset the clock to day! If you happen to die, you will spawn near
your bed now.
In addition to making a bed, you should start making boundaries and creating
to your own will. Reference the Crafting section for new items and experiment
with them until you feel comfortable and want to progress to the Nether.
| |
|. |
|. |
|: |
|::.|nto the Nether
| Things to do: Acquire New Blocks ..................................... [ ] |
Discover a Fortress .................................... [ ] |

Obtain Blaze Rods ...................................... [ ] |

To enter the Nether you must create a Portal. To do this you must find and
acquire Obsidian, a block that can only be mined with a Diamond Pickaxe. You
can also create Obsidian by placing Water on top of a source Lava block. Create
the following shape with the Obsidian and light the center with Flint and Steel
to create the Portal.
| 01 | 01 | 01 | 01 |
| 01 |
| 01 |
| 01 |
| 01 |
| 01 |
| 01 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 | 01 |

01 - Obsidian
Note: The corners are not required but for
aesthetics they should be added.

While in the Nether every step you take equates to 8 in the Overworld. This
is a viable means of transportation over long distances since you would only
move 1/8th the distance in the Nether. There are few new monsters in the Nether
and they are the only ones that spawn in this world -- Ghasts, Magma Cubes,
Blazes, and Zombie Pigmen. This world is filled with Netherack and Lava for the
most part. You can find Soulstone and Glowstone as well large quantities of
Mushrooms in the Nether.
Ultimately, you need to find a Nether Fortress where you can find Nether
Brickers, Brick Fences, and Brick Stairs. More often then naught you will find
a Blaze Spawner inside this Fortress. These are the only means by which to
obtain a Blaze Rod. The Blaze do decent damage and it is fire-based so using
Fire Resistance potions are recommended and at least Iron Armor/Sword. Note the
location of this Spawner and do not destroy it. The Blaze Rods themselves can
be used in Crafting but they are the only way to obtain Blaze Powder and create
an Eye of Ender.
|.| | |
`-|. |-'
|: |
|::.|he End
| Things to do: Craft Eyes of Ender .................................... [ ] |

Discover a Stronghold .................................. [ ] |
Enter The End .......................................... [ ] |
Defeat the Enderdragon ................................. [ ] |

In order to reach The End you must craft Eyes of Ender. This requires finding
Ender Pearls, uncommonly dropped by Endermen. The easiest way to acquire these
is to venture out into the wilds when it's raining. You will see Endermen
warping around because they are taking damage from the water. You should be
able to pick up several Ender Pearls due to their deaths. Place an Ender Pearl
and a Blaze Powder anywhere inside a crafting table to create an Eye of Ender.
With the Eye of Ender in hand, use it to toss it high into the air and into
a direction. It won't go very far but it points in the exact direction of the
Stronghold you seek. It is recommended that you travel for quite a distance
before using the Eye of Ender again since it has limited uses and the
Stronghold can be anywhere from 640-1152 blocks from the origin 0,0. Once you
have found the Stronghold place the Eyes of Ender into the Ender Portal blocks
to form a portal to The End.
You should take the following items with you into The End:

Diamond Sword
Diamond Armor
5 Stacks of Arrows
Healing Potions
3 Stacks of Dirt/Cobblestone
Enchanting Table


Beware that once you enter The End the only ways out are to defeat the
Enderdragon or die. You will enter surrounded by End Stone so mine yourself out
and into the area with several Enders and the Enderdragon flying above. The
Enderdragon will fly around and continually heal itself with the Ender Crystal
high above on the platforms. The safest way to take these out is with a Bow
since the Ender Crystals explode once you hit them. You must take all of them
out or the Enderdragon will continue to heal itself faster than you can deal
Once they are all taken out stand on one of the platforms and fire arrows at
the Enderdragon and attack it once it gets close to you. A viable tactic is to
make several Snow Golems to stunlock the Enderdragon while you melee it. The
fight will take a while but overall isn't that difficult. Upon it's death, the
Enderdragon will drop 20,000 Experience. It only requires just under 9,000
Experience to reach level 50, the max level for enchantments, thus it is highly
recommended to bring an Enchanting Table and enchant your equipment to get
maximum effect from the Experience.
A Dragon Egg will be sitting on Bedrock above an End Portal. Obtain the
Dragon Egg and step into the End Portal to view the ending of the game.

Crafting Recipes

Basic Recipes
This is a list of all the Basic Recipes. Most of these items can be created
in a 2x2 crafting table and only require minimal resources.
Wooden Plank
Used commonly as a building material and is used into crafting many any
other items.
01 - Wood
02 - Wooden Plank (4)
| ---> | 02 |
| 01 |
Used to craft torches, arrows, signs, ladders, fences, and the base of any
01 - Wooden Plank
02 - Stick
| 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
| 01 |
Used to create light. Can also melt snow and ice.

01 - Coal
02 - Stick
03 - Torches (4)
| 01 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 |
Crafting Table
Allows the player to craft on a 3x3 grid.
01 - Wooden Plank
02 - Crafting Table
| 01 | 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 |
Allows the player to smelt the various items that require it.
01 - Cobblestone
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
02 - Furnace
| 01 |
| 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
A chest can hold upto 27 stacks, but can be doubled up to make a large chest
that can hold up to 54 stacks of items.

01 - Wooden Plank

| 01 | 01 | 01 |
02 - Chest
| 01 |
| 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
Block Recipes
The Block Recipes are slightly more advanced and are a good way to obtain
many decorative items.
Ore Blocks
Allows Gold/Iron Ingots, Diamond Gems, or Lapis Lazuli Dyes to be crafted
into placeable blocks that serve as a means of storage or a beautiful and
expensive decoration.
01 - Gold Ingot/Iron Ingot/Diamond Gem
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
or Lapis Lazuli Dye
02 - Gold/Iron/Diamond/Lapis Lazuli Block
| 01 | 01 | 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
This serves as a slightly brighter alternative to torches. Glowstone can
also be placed underwater and can be placed many places a torch cannot.
01 - Glowstone Dust
02 - Glowstone
| 01 | 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 |

Creating Wool is an alternative to finding it on Sheep. This recipe is not
01 - String
02 - Wool
| 01 | 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 |
This is a way to create a blast like a Creeper would but when and where you
want it to detonate.
01 - Gunpowder
| 01 | 02 | 01 |
02 - Sand
03 - TNT
| 02 | 01 | 02 | ---> | 03 |
| 01 | 02 | 01 |
Slabs function as half-blocks and can be stacked on top of like slabs to
create a full block. Great for making an extended staircase.
01 - Stone, Sandstone, Wooden Plank
Cobblestone, Brick, or Stone Brick
02 - Stone/Sandstone/Brick/Stonebrick
Slab (3)
| ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |

Used for increasing elevation on a 1:1 scale.
01 - Wooden Plank, Cobblestone, Brick,
| 01 |
Stone Brick, or Nether Brick
02 - Wooden/Stone/Brick/Stone Brick/
Nether Brick Stairs
| 01 | 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
Snow Block
Used as a building material and to make Snowmen.
01 - Snowball
02 - Snow Block
| 01 | 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 |
Clay Block
Used as a building material.
01 - Clay Ball
02 - Clay Block
| 01 | 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 |
This is the end recipe of all the Clay. Used as a building material.

01 - Clay Brick
02 - Brick
| 01 | 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 |
Stone Brick
Used as a building material.
01 - Stone
02 - Stone Brick (4)
| 01 | 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 |
This a building material that looks like Sand but is not influenced by
gravity like Sand.
01 - Sand
02 - Sandstone
| 01 | 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 |
Used as a decoration or to grant knowledge to an Enchantment Table.

01 - Wooden Plank
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
02 - Book
03 - Bookshelf
| 02 | 02 | 02 | ---> | 03 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
Functions exactly like Glowstone but in a festive manner.
01 - Pumpkin
02 - Torch
03 - Jack-O-Lantern
| 01 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 |
Tool Recipes
Sticks are common place in this category. You'll likely have all of these
memorized after only a few creations since you'll need to make them so many
An Axe is typically used to chop Wood faster. Using it on anything that's
not Wood related will cost 2 damage points.
01 - Wooden Plank, Cobblestone, Iron Ingot
| 01 | 01 |
Gold Ingot, or Diamond Gem
02 - Stick
====== 03 - Wood/Stone/Iron/Gold Diamond Axe
| 01 | 02 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 |

The most commonly used item in the game. You need various types of Pickaxes
to acquire all kinds of resources and dig through Stone.
01 - Wooden Plank, Cobblestone, Iron Ingot
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
Gold Ingot, or Diamond Gem
02 - Stick
====== 03 - Wood/Stone/Iron/Gold Diamond Pickaxe
| 02 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 |
The Shovel will dig through Dirt, Grass, Sand, Gravel, and Snow faster then
normal. A Shovel is also required to obtain Snowballs.
01 - Wooden Plank, Cobblestone, Iron Ingot
| 01 |
Gold Ingot, or Diamond Gem
02 - Stick
====== 03 - Wood/Stone/Iron/Gold Diamond Shovel
| 02 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 |
Hoes are used to till Dirt and Grass blocks to prepare them for crops.
01 - Wooden Plank, Cobblestone, Iron Ingot
| 01 | 01 |
Gold Ingot, or Diamond Gem
02 - Stick
====== 03 - Wood/Stone/Iron/Gold Diamond Hoe
| 02 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 |
Flint and Steel

Used to create fire and ultimately, a Portal to the Nether.

01 - Iron Ingot
02 - Flint
03 - Flint and Steel
| 01 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 |
Used to hold Water, Lava, and Milk.
01 - Iron Ingot
02 - Bucket
| 01 |
| 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 |
Points to the player's spawn point.
01 - Iron Ingot
| 01 |
02 - Redstone Dust
03 - Compass
| 01 | 02 | 01 | ---> | 03 |
| 01 |
A Map will create an image of an explored area 1028x1028 blocks from the
place of it's creation.

01 - Paper
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
02 - Compass
03 - Map
| 01 | 02 | 01 | ---> | 03 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
Displays the position of the Sun and Moon.
01 - Gold Ingot
| 01 |
02 - Redstone Dust
03 - Clock
| 01 | 02 | 01 | ---> | 03 |
| 01 |
Fishing Rod
Used to catch Fish. Can also be used to pulled monsters to the player.
01 - Stick
| 01 |
02 - String
03 - Fishing Rod
| o1 | 02 | ---> | 03 |
| 01 |
| 02 |
Shears are used to collect Leaves, Tall Grass, Vines, and Wool from Sheep.

01 - Iron Ingot

02 - Shears
| 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
| 01 |
Weapon Recipes
There a limited number of ways you can strike out against your enemies in
Minecraft but they get the job done.
This weapon is used for dealing melee damage.
01 - Stick
| 02 |
02 - Wooden Plank, Cobblestone, Iron Ingot
Gold Ingot, or Diamond Gem
====== 03 - Wood/Stone/Iron/Gold/Diamond Sword
| 02 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 01 |
This weapon allows you to strike at range.
01 - Stick
| 01 | 02 |
02 - String
03 - Bow
| 01 |
| 02 | ---> | 03 |
| 01 | 02 |
Arrows cannot be used alone, instead they function as ammunition for the

| 01 |
| 02 |
| ---> | 04 |
| 03 |


Arrow (4)

Armor Recipes
The various armor types provide a range of ways to defend yourself and
mitigate damage. The better your resources the more defense you can gain.
Leather Cap
Gold Helmet
Iron Helmet
Diamond Helmet


1/2 Armor
1 Armor
1 Armor
1 1/2 Armor

01 - Leather, Gold Ingot, Iron Ingot, or
Diamond Gem
02 - Leather Cap or Gold/Iron/Diamond
| 01 | 01 | 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 |
| 01 |
Leather Tunic
Gold Chestplate
Iron Chestplate
Diamond Chestplate



1/2 Armor
1/2 Armor

01 - Leather, Gold Ingot, Iron Ingot, or
| 01 |
| 01 |
Diamond Gem
02 - Leather Tunic or Gold/Iron/Diamond
| 01 | 01 | 01 | ---> | 02 |

| 01 | 01 | 01 |


Leather Pants
Gold Leggings
Iron Leggings
Diamond Leggings



1/2 Armor
1/2 Armor

01 - Leather, Gold Ingot, Iron Ingot, or
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
Diamond Gem
02 - Leather Pants or Gold/Iron/Diamond
| 01 |
| 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 |
| 01 |
Leather Boots
Gold Boots
Iron Boots
Diamond Boots


1/2 Armor
1/2 Armor
1 Armor
1 1/2 Armor

01 - Leather, Gold Ingot, Iron Ingot, or
Diamond Gem
02 - Leather/Gold/Iron/Diamond Boots
| 01 |
| 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 |
| 01 |
Transportation Recipes
If you need to get across the land or sea faster then just walking or
swimming, chances are you'll be searching this section where Minecarts and
the various tracks recipes are found.

Allows the player to ride in it along rails.

01 - Iron Ingot
02 - Minecart
| 01 |
| 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
Powered Minecart
This version of the minecart becomes replaced when you have Powered Rails.
It simply pushes out minecarts and requires fuel.
01 - Furnace
02 - Minecart
03 - Powered Minecart
| 01 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 |
Storage Minecart
Used to transport resources along rails.
01 - Chest
02 - Minecart
03 - Storage Minecart
| 01 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 |
Used to guide all versions of Minecarts.

01 - Iron Ingot
| 01 |
| 01 |
02 - Stick
03 - Rail (16)
| 01 | 02 | 01 | ---> | 03 |
| 01 |
| 01 |
Powered Rail
Used to speed up (in it's powered state) or brake (in it's unpowered state)
| 01 |
| 01 |
| 01 | 02 | 01 | ---> | 04 |
| 01 | 03 | 01 |


Gold Ingot
Redstone Dust
Powered Rail (6)

Detector Rail
Functions like a Pressure Plate that can only be activated by a minecart.
| 01 |
| 01 |
| 01 | 02 | 01 | ---> | 04 |
| 01 | 03 | 01 |


Iron Ingot
Pressure Plate
Redstone Dust
Detector Rail (6)

Allows for fast transport over water.

01 - Wooden Plank
02 - Boat
| 01 |
| 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
Mechanism Recipes
This section contains the items that do things and most require some form of
Redstone to function or be created.
Wooden Doors are opened and closed with a simple click. Iron Doors require
Redstone, Buttons, or Switches to be opened.
01 - Wooden Plank or Iron Ingot
| 01 | 01 |
02 - Door or Iron Door
| 01 | 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 |
This is the same thing as a door but in the horizontal sense. Used to cover
holes and allow access or deniability.
01 - Wooden Plank
02 - Trapdoor (2)
| 01 | 01 | 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
Pressure Plate

Used to send an electrical charge when stepped on. Wooden Pressure Plates
can also be triggered by dropping an item on it.
01 - Wooden Plank or Stone
02 - Pressure Plate
| ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 |
Stone Button
Used to send an electrical charge when pressed that lasts approximately one
01 - Stone
02 - Stone Button
| 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
| 01 |
Redstone Torch
Constantly sends an electrical charge.
01 - Redstone Dust
02 - Stick
03 - Redstone Torch
| 01 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 |

Used to toggle electrical charges either on or off.

01 - Stick
02 - Cobblestone
03 - Lever
| 01 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 |
Note Block
Plays a note when triggered. The pitch of the note can be changed by right
clicking this block. The instrument that is played is also altered by which
type of block it rests upon.
01 - Wooden Planks
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
02 - Redstone Dust
03 - Note Block
| 01 | 02 | 01 | ---> | 03 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
Used to play the various Music Discs.
01 - Wooden Planks
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
02 - Diamond Gem
03 - Jukebox
| 01 | 02 | 01 | ---> | 03 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |

Used to hold and shoot out items in a random order when given a charge.
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
| 01 | 02 | 01 | ---> | 04 |
| 01 | 03 | 01 |


Redstone Dust

Redstone Repeater
Used in redstone circuits as a repeater, a delayer, or a diode.
| 01 | 02 | 01 | ---> | 04 |
| 03 | 03 | 03 |


Redstone Torch
Redstone Dust
Redstone Repeater

Pushes blocks and various other objects.
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
| 02 | 03 | 02 | ---> | 05 |
| 02 | 04 | 02 |


Wooden Plank
Iron Ingot
Redstone Dust

Sticky Piston
Works like a Piston but will pull blocks back when retracted.

01 - Slimeball
02 - Piston
03 - Sticky Piston
| 01 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 |
Food Recipes
This is a complete list of the food that can be crafted in the game to
restore the players hunger.
Used to hold Mushroom Stew and milk a Mooshroom.
01 - Wooden Plank
02 - Bowl (4)
| 01 |
| 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 |
Mushroom Stew
Restores 4 Food Points and leaves the bowl to be re-used.
| 01 |
| 02 |
| ---> | 04 |
| 03 |


Red Mushroom
Brown Mushroom
Mushroom Stew


Restores 3 Food Points and is easily obtainable.

01 - Wheat
02 - Bread
| ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
Used for making a Cake and brewing a Potion of Swiftness.
01 - Sugar Cane
02 - Sugar
| 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
Restores 1 Food Point per use and it can be used 6 times. The buckets are
not destroyed in the process.
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
| 02 | 03 | 02 | ---> | 05 |
| 04 | 04 | 04 |


Chicken Egg

Restores 1 Food Point.

01 - Wheat
02 - Cocoa Bean
03 - Cookie (8)
| ---> | 03 |
| 01 | 02 | 01 |
Golden Apple
Restores 2 Food Points and regenerates health over time for a short period.
01 - Gold Nugget
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
02 - Red Apple
03 - Golden Apple
| 01 | 02 | 01 | ---> | 03 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
Melon Seeds
Plantable on tilled farmland and will produce one Melon.
01 - Melon
02 - Melon Seeds
| 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
Pumpkin Seeds
Plantable on tilled farmland and will produce one Pumpkin.


01 - Pumpkin
02 - Pumpkin Seeds (4)

| 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
Miscellaneous Recipes
Recipes that don't fit anywhere else are included here. Most commonly
decorations and beautification pieces.
01 - Stick
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
02 - Wool
03 - Painting
| 01 | 02 | 01 | ---> | 03 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
Can be place on the ground or hanged on a wall. The player can enter up to
four lines of text on a sign.
01 - Wooden Plank
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
02 - Stick
03 - Sign
| 01 | 01 | 01 | ---> | 03 |
| 02 |
Used to climb vertically. Must be placed against another block.

01 - Stick

| 01 |
| 01 |
02 - Ladder (2)
| 01 | 01 | 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 |
| 01 |
Glass Pane
A different style of Glass that behaves like Redstone and Fences. Cannot be
placed horizontally.
01 - Glass
02 - Glass Pane (16)
| 01 | 01 | 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
Iron Bars
Function like Fences except they only count as 1 block.
01 - Iron Ingot
02 - Iron Bars (16)
| 01 | 01 | 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
Used to create books and maps.


01 - Sugar Cane
02 - Paper (3)

| ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
Used to create a Bookshelf or Enchantment Table.
01 - Paper
| 01 |
02 - Book
| 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
| 01 |
Used as a barrier that cannot be jumped over like a normal block. The block
rests only 1 block in height but counts as 1.5 blocks for Mobs and Players.
01 - Stick or Nether Brick
02 - Fence (2) or Nether Brick Fence (6)
| 01 | 01 | 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
Fence Gate
Used as a gate that can be opened like a door. Commonly used between Fences.

01 - Stick
02 - Wooden Plank
03 - Fence Gate

| 01 | 02 | 01 | ---> | 03 |
| 01 | 02 | 01 |
Used to reset the Player's spawn and change night to day.
01 - Wool
02 - Wooden Plank
03 - Bed
| 01 | 01 | 01 | ---> | 03 |
| 02 | 02 | 02 |
Eye of Ender
Used to locate Strongholds and create a Portal to The End.
01 - Ender Pearl
02 - Blaze Powder
03 - Eye of Ender
| 01 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 |
Dye Recipes
A list of how to craft all 16 colors.
Bone Meal
Can instantly grow crops, trees, and grass as well as in dye recipes.


01 - Bone
02 - Bone Meal (3)

| 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
Light Gray Dye
Used to make light gray wool.
01 - Gray Dye
| 01 | 02 |
02 - Bone Meal
03 - Light Gray Dye (2)
| ---> | 03 |
Gray Dye
Used to create gray wool.
01 - Ink Sac
| 01 | 02 |
02 - Bone Meal
03 - Gray Dye (2)
| ---> | 03 |
Rose Red
Used to create red wool.
01 - Rose
02 - Rose Red (2)
| 01 |
| ---> | 02 |



Orange Dye
Used to create orange wool.
01 - Rose Red
| 01 | 02 |
02 - Dandelion Yellow
03 - Orange Dye (2)
| ---> | 03 |
Dandelion Yellow
Used to create yellow wool.
01 - Dandelion
02 - Dandelion Yellow (2)
| 01 |
| ---> | 02 |
Lime Dye
Used to create lime wool.
01 - Cactus Green
| 01 | 02 |
02 - Bone Meal
03 - Lime Dye (2)
| ---> | 03 |



Light Blue Dye

Used to create light blue wool.
01 - Lapis Lazuli Dye
| 01 | 02 |
02 - Bone Meal
03 - Light Blue Dye (2)
| ---> | 03 |
Cyan Dye
Used to create cyan wool.
01 - Lapis Lazuli Dye
| 01 | 02 |
02 - Cactus Green
03 - Cyan Dye (2)
| ---> | 03 |
Purple Dye
Used to create purple wool.
01 - Lapis Lazuli Dye
| 01 | 02 |
02 - Rose Red
03 - Purple Dye (2)
| ---> | 03 |

Magenta Dye
Used to create magenta wool.
01 - Purple Dye
| 01 | 02 |
02 - Pink Dye
03 - Magenta Dye (2)
| ---> | 03 |
Pink Dye
Used to create pink wool.
01 - Rose Red
| 01 | 02 |
02 - Bone Meal
03 - Pink Dye (2)
| ---> | 03 |
Enchanting and Brewing Recipes
These are all the recipes you need to get started on Enchanting and Brewing
Glass Bottle
Commonly used in Brewing.
01 - Glass
02 - Glass Bottle
| 01 |
| 01 | ---> | 02 |


| 01 |

Used to store water for Glass Bottles.
01 - Iron Ingot
| 01 |
| 01 |
02 - Cauldron
| 01 |
| 01 | ---> | 02 |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
Brewing Stand
Used to Brew.
01 - Blaze Rod
02 - Cobblestone
03 - Brewing Stand
| 01 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 | 02 | 02 |
Blaze Powder
Can be used to make an Eye of Ender and Magma Cream.
01 - Blaze Rod
02 - Blaze Powder (2)
| 01 |
| ---> | 02 |

Magma Cream
Used in Potions for fire-resistance.
01 - Slimeball
02 - Blaze Powder
03 - Magma Cream
| 01 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 |
Glistering Melon
Used in Brewing to create health restoration Potions.
01 - Melon Slice
02 - Gold Nugget
| 01 |
| ---> | 03 |
| 02 |
Enchantment Table
Used to Enchant tools, weapons, and armor.
| 01 |
| 02 | 03 | 02 | ---> | 04 |
| 03 | 03 | 03 |


Enchantment Table



Smelting is the means by which you heat items in Minecraft. The furnace
opens up into a window with a top and bottom spot for placing items. The top
slot is the item you want to heat and the bottom is the source of the heat.
| Input
| Output
| Raw Porkchop
| Cooked Porkchop
| Raw Beef
| Steak
| Raw Chicken
| Cooked Chicken
| Raw Fish
| Cooked Fish
| Iron Ore
| Iron Ingot
| Gold Ore
| Gold Ingot
| Sand
| Glass
| Cobblestone
| Stone
| Clay
| Clay Brick
| Wood
| Charcoal
| Cactus
| Cactus Green

| Fuel
| Burn Time | # of Items | # per Stack |
| Lava Bucket
| 1000s
| 100
| 0.64
| Blaze Rod
| 120s
| 12
| 5.33
| Coal
| 80s
| 8
| 8
| Charcoal
| 80s
| 8
| 8
| Wooden Planks
| 15s
| 1.5
| 43
| Wood
| 15s
| 1.5
| 43
| Stick
| 5s
| 0.5
| 128
| Sapling
| 5s
| 0.5
| 128


Enchanting is a game mechanic that involves the use of an Enchantment Table

to modify tools, armor, and weapons with special powers. The cost for
performing an enchantment is paid in Experience Level.
Craft an Enchantment Table and place it on the ground then use it to display
the menu where you can place an item and bring up three random enchantments.
The names that appear are foreign but when deciphered still won't tell you
what enchantment you are getting. The only thing that is certain is the level
of enchantment you are paying for. The maximum level for any enchantment is 50
but the maximum will always be 5 unless you place Bookshelves around the table

to give it "knowledge."
| Bookshelves | Max Level |
| 0
| 5
| 1
| 7
| 2
| 8
| 3
| 10
| 4
| 11
| 5
| 13
| 6
| 14
| 7
| 16
| 8
| 17
| 9
| 19
| 10
| 20
| 11
| 22
| 12
| 23
| 13
| 25
| 14
| 26
| 15
| 28
| 16
| 29
| 17
| 31
| 18
| 32
| 19
| 34
| 20
| 35
| 21
| 37
| 22
| 38
| 23
| 40
| 24
| 41
| 25
| 43
| 26
| 44
| 27
| 46
| 28
| 47
| 29
| 49
| 30
| 50

To get the maximum effect you must arrange

the Bookshelves in the following design. The
diagram shows a view from above with Bookshelves
stacked 2 high around the Enchantment Table. The
blocks between the Bookshelves and Table must be
Air (even a Torch will ruin the setup).
| 01 | 01 | 01 | 01 | 01 |
| 01 |
| 01 |
| 01 |
| 02 |
| 01 |
| 01 |
| 01 |
| 01 | 01 |
| 01 | 01 |


The gap at the bottom allows you to enter the

small room where the Enchantment Table is
located. While you can add two more Bookshelves
there it will not increase the maximum level
of the enchantments past 50.

Below is a list of all the possible enchantments and their descriptions. The
identifiers underneath the enchantment name denote which items can receive the
enchantment. Weapon enchantments are simply spelled out.
H - Helmet C - Chestplate L - Leggings B - Boots
S - Shovel P - Pickaxe
A - Axe
| Name
| Max. Power | Description
| Protection
| IV
| Converts environmental damage to armor
| [HCLB]
| damage. Armor with this enchantment cannot |
| receive another type of protection.
| Fire Protection | IV
| Protection against fire. Armor with this |
| [HCLB]
| enchantment cannot receive another type of |
| protection.

| Blast Protection | IV
| Protection against explosions. Armor with |
| [HCLB]
| this enchantment cannot receive another
| type of protection.
| Projectile
| IV
| Protection against projectiles (arrows). |
| Protection
| Armor with this enchantment cannot receive |
| [HCLB]
| another type of protection.
| Respiration
| Decreases the rate of air loss underwater. |
| [H]
| Underwater breathing time increases by 15 |
| seconds per level and time between damage |
| from suffocation increases 1 second.
| Aqua Affinity
| I
| Increases underwater mining rate.
| [H]
| Feather Falling | IV
| Take 0.5 less damage from falling per level|
| [B]
| Sharpness
| V
| Extra damage up to 1.5 hearts per level. |
| [Sword]
| The damage is random for every hit but will|
| always be at least 0.5 heart extra.
| Smite
| V
| Up to 2 hearts of extra damage per level |
| [Sword]
| against Zombies, Zombie Pigmen, and
| Skeletons. The minimum damage increase will|
| always be at least 0.5 hearts.
| Bane of
| V
| Up to 2 hearts of extra damage per level |
| Arthropod
| against Spiders, Cave Spiders, and
| [Sword]
| Silverfish. The minimum damage increase
| will always be at least 0.5 hearts.
| Knockback
| II
| Knocks mobs and players backwards upon hit |
| [Sword]
| but doesn't stack with the knockback caused|
| by sprinting.
| Fire Aspect
| II
| Lights mobs on fire and causes 0.5 extra |
| [Sword]
| heart damage per second. Will cook meat if |
| if the mob is killed by the fire.
| Looting
| Mobs maximum amount of drops are increased |
| [Sword]
| by 1 per level.
| Power
| V
| Deals extra damage. A Power V enchantment |
| [Bow]
| can kill passive mobs in one hit.
| Punch
| Mobs are knocked back when hit by an arrow |
| [Bow]
| Infinity
| I
| As long as there is at least one arrow in |
| [Bow]
| your inventory you will never run out.
| Flame
| I
| Sets mobs on fire when struck by arrows. |
| [Bow]

| Efficiency
| V
| Increases mining speed by 10% per level. |
| [PSA]
| Silk Touch
| I
| Blocks mined will drop themselves even if |
| [PSA]
| it should drop something else (Stone will |
| drop Stone not Cobblestone). This allows |
| for collection of Ore Blocks, Mycelium,
| and Huge Mushrooms.
| Unbreaking
| Increases the chance that the tool will not|
| [PSA]
| incur durability loss by 25% per level.
| Fortune
| Can multiply the drop rate of items from |
| [PSA]
| blocks. Level I has a 30% chance of
| doubling, Level II has a 25% chance of
| doubling or tripling. Level III has a 20% |
| chance of doubling, a tripling, or
| quadrupuling.

How Enchantments Are Chosen

Enchantment Level is the cost of the enchantment in experience levels.

Enchantment Power is the strength of the particular enchantment. For example,
"Sharpness IV" has an Enchantment Power of 4. The enchantment algorithm uses a
three-step process.
Step One - Applying Modifiers to the Enchantment Level

The first modifier is based on the item's enchantability, which depends on

the material and the type of the item. Minecraft picks a number between 0 and
the enchantability, then adds that number plus one to the enchantment level.
Next, Minecraft picks a value between 0.75 and 1.25. The modified enchantment
level is multiplied by this value (so it could increase or decrease by up to
25%) and then rounded to the nearest integer.
The formula for calculating the Modified Enchantment Level is:
Random(0.75, 1.25) * (EnchantmentLevel + Random(0, Enchantability) + 1)
| Material
| Armor Enchantability | Sword/Tool Enchantability |
| Wood
| N/A
| 15
| Leather
| 15
| N/A
| Stone
| N/A
| 5
| Iron
| 9
| 14
| Diamond
| 10
| 10
| Gold
| 25
| 22

As an example, a Diamond Sword being enchanted with a level 20 enchantment

would receive -- +/-25% (20 + (0 through 10) +1) -- a minimum of 16 and a
maximum of 39 Modified Enchantment Level.

Step Two - Generating Possible Enchantments

Based on the Modified Enchantment Level, Minecraft makes a list of all

enchantment types that can be applied to the item along with the power that
each enchantment will have. The power of each enchantment type is determined
by the level and the values in the table below. For each power value of an
enchantment type, there is a minimum and maximum level that can produce the
enchantment at that power. If the modified enchantment level is within the
range, then the enchantment will be assigned that power. If the level is
within two overlapping ranges for the same enchantment type, the higher power
value is used.
| Armor Enchantment
| Modified Enchantment Level
| I | II | III | IV | V |
| Protection
| 1-21 | 17-37 | 33-53 | 49-69 | 70+ |
| Fire Protection
| 10-22 | 16-30 | 26-38 | 34-46 | 47+ |
| Feather Fall
| 5-15 | 11-21 | 17-27 | 23-89 | 90+ |
| Blast Protection
| 5-17 | 13-25 | 21-33 | 29-41 | N/A |
| Projectile Protection
| 3-18 | 9-24 | 15-30 | 21-36 | N/A |
| Respiration
| 10-40 | 20-50 | 30-60 | N/A | N/A |
| Aqua Affinity
| 1-41 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
| Weapon Enchantment
| Modified Enchantment Level
| I | II | III | IV | V |
| Sharpness
| 1-21 | 17-37 | 33-53 | 46-69 | 65-85 |
| Smite
| 5-17 | 13-25 | 21-33 | 29-41 | 37-49 |
| Bane of Arthropods
| 5-17 | 13-25 | 21-33 | 29-41 | 37-49 |
| Knockback
| 5-25 | 25-75 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
| Fire Aspect
| 10-60 | 30-80 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
| Looting
| 20-70 | 32-82 | 44-94 | N/A | N/A |
| Tool Enchantment
| Modified Enchantment Level
| I | II | III | IV | V |
| Efficiency
| 1-51 | 15-66 | 33-81 | 46-96 | 61-111|
| Silk Touch
| 25-75 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
| Unbreaking
| 5-55 | 15-65 | 25-75 | N/A | N/A |
| Fortune
| 20-70 | 32-82 | 34-94 | N/A | N/A |

An example: Suppose we are enchanting a sword with a modified enchantment

level of 21. If the sword gets the Sharpness enchantment, it will get Sharpness
II because 21 is in the power-II range for Sharpness (17-37). 21 is also in the
power-I range (1-21), but the higher power value will win over the lower. If
the sword gets Smite, then it will be Smite III, because 21 is in the power-III
range for Smite (21-33)
Step Three - Selecting the Enchantments

Now that there is a list of the possible enchantments for the item, Minecraft
has to pick some of them that will actually be applied. You always get at least
one enchantment. The first enchantment is picked from a list of statistical
"weights" - the enchantment with the higher weight has a higher chance of being

________________________________ ________________________________
| Armor Enchantment
| Weight | Weapon Enchantments | Weight |
| Protection
| 10
| Sharpness
| 10
| Fire Protection
| 5
| Smite
| 5
| Feather Fall
| 5
| Bane of Arthropods
| 5
| Projectile Protection | 5
| Knockback
| 5
| Blast Protection
| 2
| Fire Aspect
| 2
| Respiration
| 2
| Looting
| 2
| Aqua Affinity
| 2
| Tool Enchantments
| Weight | The weights are like having tickets in a
|=======================|========| hat. For Tool Enchantments there are 18
| Efficiency
| 10
| total tickets and 10 of them are labeled
| Unbreaking
| 5
| Efficiency. That's a 55% chance off the
| Fortune
| 2
| bat!
| Silk Touch
| 1


Brewing is a process of creating Potions by adding various ingredient to

water bottles. Before getting started you need to know what equipment you are
dealing with.
Brewing Stand
Glass Bottle
Water Bottle

Used to add ingredient into Glass Bottles

Each one can hold a water that will fill 3 Glass Bottles
Container for all kinds of potions
The base of all potions.

All potions can be combined with Gunpowder to create a Splash Potion of the
same type.
| Potion
| Ingredients
| Effect
| Duration |
| Awkward Potion | Water Bottle
| None
| None
| +
| Nether Wart
| Mundane Potion | Water Bottle
| None
| None
| +
| Ghast Tear
| Glistering Melon |
| Blaze Powder
| Magma Cream
| Sugar

| Spider Eye
| Mundane Potion | Water Bottle
| None
| None
| (Extended)
| +
| Redstone Dust
| Thick Potion
| Water Bottle
| None
| None
| +
| Glowstone Dust
| Potion of
| Water Bottle
| Reduces melee attacks by | 1:30
| Weakness
| +
| 1 heart damage.
| Fermented Spider |
| Eye
| Potion
| Ingredients
| Effect
| Duration |
| Potion of Healing| Glistering Melon | Restores three hearts
| Instant |
| +
| Awkward Potion
| Potion of Fire | Magma Cream
| Immune to Fire, Lava,
| 3:00
| Resistance
| +
| and Blaze damage.
| Awkward Potion
| Potion of
| Ghast Tear
| Restores health over time| 0:45
| Regeneration
| +
| Awkward Potion
| Potion of
| Blaze Powder
| Adds 1.5 damage to all | 3:00
| Strength
| +
| melee attacks.
| Awkward Potion
| Potion of
| Sugar
| Increases player's run, | 3:00
| Swiftness
| +
| speed, sprinting speed, |
| Awkward Potion
| and jump length
| Potion
| Ingredients
| Effect
| Duration |
| Potion of Poison | Spider Eye
| Reduces health over time | 0:45
| +
| down to 1/2 heart at a |
| Awkward Potion
| rate of 1/2 heart/second |
| Potion of
| Fermented Spider | Reduces melee attacks by | 1:30
| Weakness
| Eye
| 1 heart damage
| +
| Awkward Potion
| Thick Potion
| Mundane Potion
| Potion of
| Fermented Spider | Reduces melee attacks by | 4:00
| Weakness
| Eye
| 1 heart damage
| (Extended)
| +
| Mundane Potion
| (Extended)

| Potion of
| Redstone Dust
| Reduces melee attack by | 4:00
| Weakness
| +
| 1 heart damage
| (Extended)
| Potion of Weakness|
| Potion
| Ingredients
| Effect
| Duration |
| Potion of Fire | Redstone Dust
| Immune to Fire, Lava, and| 8:00
| Resistance
| +
| Blaze damage.
| (Extended)
| Potion of Fire
| Resistance
| Potion of
| Glowstone Dust
| Restores 6 heart points | Instant |
| Healing II
| +
| Potion of Healing |
| Potion of
| Redstone Dust
| Restores health over time| 2:00
| Regeneration
| +
| (Extended)
| Potion of
| Regeneration
| Potion of
| Glowstone Dust
| Restores health over time| 0:22
| Regeneration II | +
| Potion of
| Regeneration
| Potion of
| Redstone Dust
| Adds 1.5 damage to all | 8:00
| Strength
| +
| melee attacks
| (Extended)
| Potion of Strength|
| Potion of
| Glowstone Dust
| Adds 3 damage to all
| 1:30
| Strength II
| +
| melee attacks
| Potion of Strength|
| Potion of
| Redstone Dust
| Increases player's run | 8:00
| Swiftness
| +
| speed, sprinting speed, |
| (Extended)
| Potion of
| and jumping length
| Swiftness
| Potion of
| Glowstone Dust
| Increases player's run | 1:30
| Swiftness II
| +
| speed, sprinting speed, |
| (Extended)
| Potion of
| and jumping length
| Swiftness
| Potion
| Ingredients
| Effect
| Duration |
| Potion of Harming| Fermented Spider | Inflicts 3 heart damage | Instant |
| Eye
| +
| Potion of Healing |
| Potion of Poison |
| Potion of
| Fermented Spider | Inflicts 6 heart damage | Instant |
| Harming II
| Eye
| +
| Potion of
| Healing II

| Potion of
| Poison II
| Potion of
| Glowstone Dust
| Inflicts 6 heart damage | Instant |
| Harming II
| +
| Potion of Harming |
| Potion of Poison | Redstone Dust
| Deals 1/2 heart damage | 2:00
| (Extended)
| +
| every 2 second. Cannot |
| Potion of Poison | reduce past 1/2 heart. |
| Potion of
| Glowstone Dust
| Deals 1 heart damage per | 0:22
| Poison II
| +
| second. Cannot reduce
| Potion of Poison | past 1/2 heart.
| Potion of
| Fermented Spider | Player's movements are | 1:30
| Slowness
| Eye
| reduced to a crouch
| +
| Potion of Fire
| Resistance
| Potion of
| Swiftness
| Potion of
| Redstone Dust
| Player's movements are | 4:00
| Slowness
| +
| reduced to a crouch
| (Extended)
| Potion of Slowness|


All of these mobs will never attack the player even when attacked.

The Chicken is a passive mob that lays Chicken Eggs once every few minutes.
When slain the Chicken will drop Raw Chicken which can be cooked and consumed
to regenerate Food Points. They are often drawn towards light and yet caves at
the same time and will make no attempt to stay out of water. A Chicken can be
spawned from a Chicken Egg 1/8th of the time and can be bred with Wheat.

Cows are farm animal mobs and are the sole source Leather, Raw Beef, Steak,
and Milk. When killed Cows drop 0-2 Leather and 1-3 Raw Beef. With a Bucket a
Cow can be milked and the Bucket will fill. Cows often spawn in groups of 4-8
and will flee wildly if attacked. Cows can be bred with Wheat like the other

Mooshrooms are cow-like mobs that spawn in Mushroom Biomes. A Mooshroom can
be sheared for 2-5 Red Mushrooms and this will turn them back into normal Cows.
In all other aspects they function exactly like a Cow except when milked you
need a Bowl and instead receive Mushroom Stew.

Pigs are passive mobs that are the source of Porkchops. Each Pig will drop
0-2 Raw Porkchops when killed. They generally spawn in groups of 3-4 and like
all animals will follow the player with Wheat being held. The Pig can also be
bred with Wheat like other animals. Pigs can ridden with a Saddle but the
movement of the Pig cannot be controlled.

Sheep are passive mobs that supply Wool when sheared or killed and can be
dyed any of the 16 colors. Sheep will drop 2-4 Wool when sheared and the Wool
will be the color of the Sheep when sheared. Sheep can be bred to create more
Sheep of the same color. Sheep will eat grass and regrow their Wool to be
sheared again.

Squid live in the water and can be found at any depth. They are the sole
source of Ink Sacs which are used to create Black Wool.

Villager live in the Villages that they create and typically stay in their
homes. They will not strike back if attacked and don't drop anything when
killed. Villagers currently have the AI programming of the Pig.
The following mobs are passive unless attacked in which case they become
hostile and strike back.

This monster is 3 blocks tall and has glowing purple eyes and the same
particle effect of a Portal. Endermen are neutral unless you place your
crosshair on them, in which case they become hostile. Endermen can warp around
and take damage from water but will avoid it by teleporting underground. Any
projectiles fired at the Enderman will cause it dodge them so melee attacks
are the only way to slay them and obtain their Ender Pearls.

Wolves are mobs that can be tamed when fed a Bone. When tamed the Wolf will
attack mobs that the player attacks or that attack the player. Wolves will
become hostile if they are attacked and generally spawn in packs of 1-8. Wolves
can only spawn in Forest, Pine Forest and Taiga biomes.
Zombie Pigman

Zombie Pigmen are a common monster found in the Nether, but can be spawned
in the Overworld when a Pig is struck by lightning. The Pigmen roam the Nether

in packs of 4-10 and wander around avoiding cliffs and Ghasts. This monster is
rather quick and deals moderate damage so dealing with a pack can be potentially
dangerous. When slain, the Zombie Pigmen drops 0-1 Rotten Flesh and 0-1 Gold
These monsters generally require a light level of 7 or less in order to
spawn and will attack the player on sight.

Blaze spawn from monster spawners found in the Nether, generally inside a
Nether Fortress. They can fly and shoot fireballs at the player. Blaze will
start spawning once the player is within 16 blocks of the spawner, but require
light level 11 or lower to spawn and 1-6 can spawn at once. It is possible to
slay them with water and snowballs as well as spawning Snow Golems to help out
when they spawn. Blaze drop Blaze Rods when defeated.
Cave Spider

The Cave Spider spawns from monster spawners found in Abandoned Mine Shafts.
Their venomous bite inflicts 1/2 heart of damage every 1.5 seconds and lasts
for 5 seconds. Cave Spiders drop 0-2 String and 0-1 Spider Eye when killed.

Arguably the most hated monster in the game, the Creeper will cause no
physical damage to the player but instead explode and make a hissing sound
when approaching the player. Creepers do not take damage in sunlight and are
sneaky in their approaches as they hide around corner waiting for the player
to get close. When slain the Creeper drops 0-2 Gunpowder.

This monster spawns regularly in the Nether and flies around. Ghasts are
large, square, white creatures that shoot fireballs when they spot the player.
Most easily slain by batting the fireballs back at it or by pulling it in close
with a Fishing Rod. When killed Ghasts will drop 0-2 Gunpowder and 0-1 Ghast
Magma Cube

These are hostiles mobs with dark red and black skin. They function much like
Slimes in that they break down into smaller versions of themselves when slain.
All sizes can drop Magma Cream but they can be difficult to kill as they spring

Silverfish are small bug-like mobs with silver skin and they hide inside
special blocks found in Strongholds. There is always a silverfish mob spawner
in front of The End portal. Silverfish will spawn when blocks are mined in the
Stronghold and drop nothing when defeated.

Skeleton is a fast-paced enemy that fires arrows at the player. Skeletons

will burn in daylight and can spawn in mob spawners. They are the sole source

of Bones and can drop fully formed arrows. If a Skeleton kills a Creeper then
the Creeper will drop a Music Disc.

Slimes are green, gelatinous, hopping, and relatively rare mobs in the shape
of a cube. Slimes can only spawn in certain chunks and only in the lower 40
layers of the map. Slimes come in 3 sizes and will break into smaller sizes as
they are slain. They drop 0-2 slimeballs upon death, used to make Stick Pistons
and Magma Cream.

Spiders are arachnids that spawn as neutral mobs during sufficient light
levels but hostile when in light levels under 8. Spiders are fast and can
scale walls, hopping towards the player as they strike. There is a 1% chance
that a Spider will spawn with a Skeleton upon it's back creating a Spider
Jockey. Upon death Spiders will drop 0-2 String and 0-1 Spider Eye.
Spider Jockey

Spider Jockeys are Skeletons that spawn on top of and ride Spiders. If the
Spider is destroyed then the Skeleton will be dismounted and continue to fight
and vice versa. The Spider Jockey's drops are that of their individual parts.

Zombies are hostile mobs that look similar to the player. They move slowly
and attack the player in melee range. Zombies will burn in daylight and can
spawn in monster spawners. When slain they will drop 0-2 Rotten Flesh.
There is currently only one boss monster in the game, the Ender Dragon.
Ender Dragon

The Enderdragon is found in The End and has 200 Health Points. It will fly
around and heal itself with Ender Crystals in the area. These crystals must be
destroyed before killing the Ender Dragon. Refer to the walkthrough for more
information on the Ender Dragon.
Version History

14 Jan 12 - Initial Release

06 Apr 12 - Final Release

This document is Copyright 2012 Greg Boccia (noz3r0) and is the intellectual
property of the author. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances
except for personal, private use as long as it remains in its unaltered,
unedited form. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
The following sites are allowed to use my guide:
Minecraft: FAQ/Walkthrough by noz3r0
Version Final, Last Updated 2012-04-06 View/Download Original File
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