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Female adult 80 y.

o patient CC: Chronic Cough for 2 months BP- 80/50mmHg RR- 36bmp HR- 110bpm Temp- 37.6C

BP- 150/90mmHg RR- 42bmp HR- 120bpm Temp- 36.7C Become RESTLESS

Hypoxemia Increased BP Tachycardia Tachypnea Hypothermia

Give supplemental O2 at 2LMP

Patient was (+) Brudzinski and Kernig Sign

Probable signs of Meningitis

Chronic Cough for 2 mos. Classic Sign of TB

Probability of having TB Meningitis is High


The patient had drooling of eyes and become restless

Put the bed in low and flat position with side rails up. Turn the patient to side and protect the head injury Observe the duration and type of seizure Provide O2 therapy Seizure Precaution Suction Machine Standby Place patient in a cool and dim environment to reduce photophobic discomfort. Maintain a quite and calm environment to prevent agitation that may cause increased ICP. Close curtain

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