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Photos by Susie Fitzhugh

Introducing the Leadership Growth Strand Summer Leadership Institute August 10, 2011

Human Bingo
Move around the room Find a colleague who fits with the statement Have them sign that square Each square must have a different name First person to fill a row or column yells Bingo Take a seat when music stops

Setting the Stage

Facilitator Introductions Table Partner Introductions Describe a time when you worked really hard at something and grew tremendously from your effort. What led to your success? Review Agenda

Growth Mindset
Its not always the people who start out the smartest who end the smartest.
- Carol Dweck

I dont divide the world into the weak and the strong, or the successes and the failures... I divide the world into the learners and the nonlearners.
Benjamin Barber

Final Word Protocol

Read text Underline 1 significant idea and 1 back up Follow protocol in binder (on green paper) Facilitators have a star on their table card

Standards for Performance

Domain 1: Creating Culture Domain 2: Ensuring School Safety Domain 3: Planning with Data Domain 4: Aligning Curriculum Domain 5: Improving Instruction Domain 6: Managing Resources Domain 7: Engaging Communities Domain 8: Closing the Gap

DLT Strand: Leadership Growth

Differentiated, year-long course of study Focused on self-selected areas of growth Facilitated by a Principal Mentor 5 Full-Day DLT meetings throughout the year

Data Gathering to Determine Courses

Self-Assessment on Principal Standards for Performance rubric Select one domain to identify an area of strength. Put your name and the name of the domain on a blue post-it. Select one domain to identify an area of growth. Put your name and the name of the domain on a green post-it.

Evidence Carousel
In table groups, select a domain (see chart paper posted around the room) List concrete evidence you might collect to support your leadership growth in that domain. 2 minutes at each domain. When you hear the timer go off, switch.

Best Practices in Evidence Gathering

Collecting evidence for school leaders is similar to what we ask our teachers to do
(Mike, add details to slide here. What systems have you used to gather evidence?)


Next Steps Exit Ticket (in binder) In the spirit of the growth mindset, ongoing feedback is encouraged!


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