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Nama : Mustika Nim : 090375 Kelas : Bi 6c Ju dul : Applying Methods Discussion in Translating English Teks in MTs xx Kasa ng Pudak

Regency Muara Jambi A.Problem Background Law no. 20 of 2003 on National Education states That education is a conscious an d deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so That Learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spir itual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence , noble charact er, and skills needed him, community, nation and the State Through education, students are prepared to be an intelligent and useful people to Homeland. Given the importance of education and it has a lot of effort by the government to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Education is an in vestment That is essential for any nation in the progress towards development. Today Indonesia is actively carrying out of development in all fields, including in education. Education is a Very Important thing in life That can not be separ ated That of life are absolute in either an individual or family life and societ y, nation and state. Forward the resignation of a nation can be determined by th e pullback advanced education. Given the importance of education so That educati on must be Implemented That Achieve the best goal so well expected: 1993 Guideli nes of State Policy on the National Development outlined That essentially AIMS to build a fully human Indonesia and Indonesian society in a fair and Prosperous society based on Pancasila. National development priorities are placed on the e conomy due to higher-quality human resources. This means That education is a veh icle to improved the quality of human resources. Education in the sense of a con scious effort to prepare students through counseling, teaching or training role That the days will come "(Law Decree No. 2 of 1989)" Increase is the quality of education schools primaries ins, ins principle, and i s an effort service to improve teaching and learning interactions. In this regar d, it is Necessary to increase of the competence of teachers. One of Them is ab ility or selecting and using Appropriate teaching methods so as to give students an active and creative opportunities ins the implementation of the learning pro cess . Learning process is actually Carried out by Learners individual, but the teaching process can be done in Itself groups. To Obtain a better learning outc omes, teachers should be Able to determine the teaching methods that match the m aterial to be Presented as well as goals to be Achieved. Thus Spake the foresigh t of a teacher to choose teaching methods will be used That is a crucial factor. Departing from the above description, the writer will review the methods of disc ussion, Because the method is an advanced stage of discussion That can be develo ped to Provide reaction and feedback to the argument as the subject of discussio n the students. By using this method encouraged students to engage actively acre and Creatively, so the learning process That the WHO troughs this stage is to s ucceed and reach the targets of ins accordance with the standards of thoroughnes s. This means teachers no longer taught as a lecturer or That teacher but as a f acilitator and mentor monotonically. But reality shows are very minimal discussion of the method applied by teachers in schools so students in the classroom That is a vacuum Because much of the lea rning process by teachers in dominos. Other reality is the lack of use of Indone sian in the family environment of students. Parents Often the language when comm unicating with children Their area. This has influenced the acquisition of Indon esian, Because elderly people are a source of knowledge for Their children. The above can be Achieved if teachers can apply the method of discussion ins an effective, efficient and well planned so as to Encourage students to engage acti vely and Creatively. That concluded Could be a good understanding to discuss Ind onesia will of Encourage students to Achieve an optimal level of knowledge as ex

pected MPR No.II/1983 troughs provision of a policy of "national of Education ba sed on Pancasila And Increasing The aim devotion to Duty to God Almighty, intell igence, skills, enhance the character, personality forming and reinforcing the s pirit of Nationality in order to foster human development can build equally seta That Itself Responsible for the development of the nation. In order to Achieve what is Mandated by the Constitutional Committee and the Nec essary knowledge is acquired from the world of science education. Education will be Able to give birth out-put is required if the process of education in school learning activities Such as walking through the international dialogue and comm unicative. One attempt That was never abandoned by teachers is how to understand the positi on of the method as one of the components take part That the success of the lear ning activities. In the process of learning a method would be devastating to the student in understanding teaches a lesson That, Because the method of students interested in paying attention in times when the teacher was Explaining before. Many problems occur in environments require discussion That That by students of more than one course, the which is Mainly the issues That require the cooperatio n and Deliberation. If so Deliberation or discussion of the road solution That G ives the possibility to get the best settlement. Discussion method teaching and learning process ins means clustering method of the ins express the Deliberation to reach a consensus. Thus Spake the core of the discussion is the sense of meeting of minds. Necessar y to solve problems within a variety of answers. Of the response chosen one answ er is more logical and more precise and have a strong argument, the Refused to a nswer the which have a weak argument. It is in discussions to Obtain The Necessa ry discussion of the opinion That the meeting is supported by arguments, counter -argument argument. Based on the teaching methods and the above Reasons the Researchers wanted to fi nd out whether the application of the method of discussion can help teachers to improve student learning outcomes in subject English. Discussion of the scientific method is the conversation That contains an exchang e of views, ideas and the appearance of the testing conducted by the opinion of some people WHO are members of the group to seek the truth. Method of discussion is also intended to stimulate students to learn and think critically and issued an opinion in a rational and objective performances solving a problem. The learning process is Carried out by many educators now growing niche to the a chievement of curriculum materials, more emphasis on understanding concepts rath er than on memorization. It can be seen from the activities in the classroom lea rning activities the which are always dominated by the teacher. In the presentat ion, usually the teacher the make-use of lecture method, in the which the studen ts just sit, record and listen to what delivered and fewer opportunities for stu dents to ask questions. Thus Spake, the atmosphere is not conducive to learning so That Become passive s tudents. Efforts to improved student achievement is Inseparable from a variety o f factors influence That it. Ins this case required a protagonist The teacher ca n the make-learning is more interesting and liked by the students. Classroom atm osphere needs to be planned and constructed in Such a way to use Appropriate lea rning models so students can earn the opportunity to That Interact with each oth er so That in turn can be obtained by studying the optimal performance. In today's age, education is the modification of behavior is Achieved troughs te chnological support. In real terms it Appears That Replacing the role of teacher s teaching with modern sophisticated equipment. And students' role as a trainer to learn everything with the help of technology. So is the ever-changing curricu lum in accordance with the times. Of some of these exposures, the writer wants to do more in-depth research by lif ting the title: Effect of Using Method of Discussion in translating English text on XX MTs. A. Problem formulation

Based on the background of the above problems, it is a statement of research whe ther there is influence of the use of discussion methods translate English text. it can be argued some researcher in the research questions include: 1. Is there an effect of the use of Method Discussion Translating English t ext in the Mts xx ? 2. Is there a difficulty in translating the English text ? C. limitations Given the limitations of time, effort and cost, it is not possible to examine al l the issues that have been identified. Therefore limit the issues to be examine d on: A. Discussion The use of methods influences the Translating English text (Class VII) in MTs xx ? D. Use Research The usefulness of the research: 1. To broaden the knowledge of researchers to the problem under study. 2. To prove whether there is influence of the use of discussion methods in trans lating the English text E. Description of Theory A. Understanding Learning Method Method is the way that teachers use to convey a lesson to the students. Because the delivery took place in educational interactions, learning methods can be int erpreted as a means used by teachers to make contact with students during the te aching takes place. Thus, the learning method is a tool for creating teaching an d learning process. Learning methods in the set a lot of teachers allow students to learn (learningby-process), rather than just learning the product (learning-by-product),. Learn ing products in general, only emphasizes the cognitive aspect, while the learnin g process can be possible Achieving learning objectives in terms of cognitive, a ffective (attitude) and psychomotor (skills). Gagne and Riggs in this view the importance of learning students actively in lea rning. So, the which is Important in the Efforts of teachers to teach instead of delivering aspects learning materials, but how students can learn the material in accordance with the purpose of learning. Efforts of teachers is a series of e vents That can affect students' learning. This means That the role of the teache r changed, from the original as the providers of learning materials, the first s ource of influence and an enabler for the process of student learning. Process of learning leads teachers in designing a variety of learning methods al low That learning on students. This design is a reference and guide, both for te achers and for students Themselves. In all learning activities, teaching methods play a very Important and is a majo r supporter of success or failure of a teacher in teaching. Method is the means used to Achieve Goals Effectively and efficiently. The method of teaching is the way - the way the process rather than a teaching p rocess, or something about how technical learning materials Provided to students - students in schools. The opinions above method can be Understood material is a way used by the teache r to present the lesson material to the student a Certain Way to Achieve the goa l of teaching. a. Understanding Methods discuses Method of discussion is the Interaction Between students or student intera ction with teachers, to analyze, solve problems, explore, or to debate a particular t opic or issue.

Meanwhile, According to Suryosubroto (1997:179) discussion is a scientific conve rsation by several people joined in a group, to exchange opinions on an issue or work together to find solutions to get the answers and the truth of the matter. In the discussion of learning has meaning in a situation where the teacher with other students verbally exchange ideas, share ideas and opinions, the which show s the statement to generate discussions are at a higher cognitive level Arends ( 1997) According Suryusubroto (1997: 181), that discussion by the teacher when going 1. Utilizing a variety of existing skills (owned) by the students 2. Opportunity give to students to channel Their Abilities 3. Obtaining feedback from students about whether the goals have been Formulated has been reached 4. Help students think through the Various theoretical and practical subjects an d school activities, 5. Help students learn to assess the role of Himself and his friends (others) 6. Help students Recognize and be Able to formulate the problem in a variety of "exercises" both from his own experience and from school learning, and 7. Develop motivation to learn more . Based on Such understanding, the use of discussion by the teacher has the sense to understand what is in students' thinking and how to process ideas and informa tion are taught through the That communication That Occurs during the learning t akes place both student and teacher communication Between with students. So the discussion provides a social order in the which teachers can help students analy ze Their thought processes. Discussion is that Responsive conversations undertaken by problematic questions and directed to obtain the solution of the problem. While the discussion method is a way of presenting learning materials in the which the teacher members the opportunity to the students (student groups) to hold a scientific debate in orde r to collect opinions, make or develop Conclusions Various alternative solutions to a problem. The method described in discussion of the Qur'an when the dialogue between Abrah am and Namjur in surat Al-Baqarah verse 258 as follows: "Have you not Considered Those WHO Argued with Abraham about his Lord (Allah) Be cause God has given him the command (to power. When Ibrahim said:" My Lord is th indeed h e turn on and off, "the man said:" I can turn on and off Ibrahim said:"God is sun from the east, then publish him is from the west," and was silent for inf idels, and Allah does not guide member to Those who do wrong. Method of discussion is the Interaction Between students with a student or teach er to describe with student, sass out the problem, explore a particular topic or issue. Discussion method is a method of teaching where the teacher member of a problem or problems to the students and the students were given the opportunity together to solve the problem with friends. Discussion is a scientific conversation by WHO some people join groups to exchan ge ideas about an issue or work together to find solutions to get the answers an d the truth of the matter. Discussion method is a way of presenting learning materials in the which the tea cher provides an opportunity for students (student groups) to hold a scientific debate in order to collect opinions, make Conclusions or the preparation of Vari ous alternative solutions to a problem. Discussion technique is one of the teaching and learning techniques do by a teac her at the school. In this discussion there is interaction between two or more i ndividuals involved, mutual exchange of experience, information, sass out the pr oblem, it can Happen all too active no passive as a listener only. Discussions are teaching strategies (instructional) involving students to share ideas on a common topic. The method is similar to the working group discussions and cooperative learning Because It emphasizes the interaction of the students . According to the Department of Education, the discussion method is defined as a means of mastery of course content through subordinate exchange opinions based o

n knowledge and experience gained in order to sass out the problem. Discussion m ethod of teaching is seen as one of the most effective method for small groups, especially learning a complex skill Such as critical thinking, problem solving, personal comments, learning discussion method can carry out exchange of ideas, facts, and opinions Among students, thereby making the atmosphere of learning to be dynamic. Discussion is to Provide an alternative answer to solve the Various problems of life. With a record of material That will be Discussed in depth must be controll ed. Discussion methods in use Where It's Match: The Presented material is in low-lev el opportunities. For the development of attitudes or goals that are effective t eaching. For purposes are systemic that analysis, and a high level of understan ding. Discussion method is a very effective tool only if it involved a few participant s. Kang & Song (1984) define a focus group as a meeting or two or more Conversation Between people discuss a particular topic who in the spotlight together. Discussion is a method of learning how to manage the presentation of the materia l through problem solving, or the analysis of technology products to solve the s ystem is very open. A discussion of the active support of students assessed when the discussion involves all members of the discussion and results in a problemsolving. Some understanding of the above discussion it can be concluded that the method i s a method of teaching used by teachers to improve student learning outcomes by giving opportunities to students to get together or in groups issued an opinion, experience or knowledge owned by each student to in suss out the problem given by the teacher in order to obtain a decision or outcome to be together. If this method is well managed, the enthusiasm of students to engage in this for um is very high. The procedure is as follows: there should be a discussion leade r, the topics to be discussed must be clear and engaging, participants can recei ve and give, and the atmosphere of discussion without pressure . Necessary to solve problems within a variety of answers. Of the response chosen one answer is more logical and more precise and have a strong argument, which refused to answer have weak argument. It is in discussions to obtain the n ecessary discussion of the opinion that the meeting is supported by arguments, c ounter-argument argument. Good discussion do when problems 1. The things that interest and attention of students / urgent. Students will ha ve a strong motivation to solve the problem, if they are interested and paying a ttention to the problem. 2. Problems that must contain a lot of possible answers, and each answer can be vouched for. 3. Should stimulate consideration, the ability to think logically and to compare business . Principles is In the following discussion: 1.. Involve students actively in the discussion is held. 2. Required order and regularity in rotating express opinion led by a chairman or moderator. 3. Discussed the issue with the development and abilities of children. 4. The teacher tried to encourage students who are less active to make or issue his opinion. 5. Students are accustomed to respect other people's opinions in favor of or aga inst the opinion. The Steps You Need On The Implementation Discussion: 1. The selection of topics will be discussed 2. In the form of discussion groups, and 3. The students had discussions in their respective groups. As with other methods, the method also has a discussion of the virtues. Merits t hat, among other things

1. The class life, for the students directing his thoughts to the issues being d iscussed. Participation students in this method is better. 2. The students to practice critical to consider the opinion of his friends, the n take a stand, accept, reject or do not think at all. 3. Can raise the achievement of individual personality such as tolerance, democr atic attitude, critical attitude, systematic thinking and so on .4. Useful for everyday life, especially in a democracy. 5. An exercise to meet the rules and regulations applicable in the deliberations . Besides the good things that have been raised above method does not escape the d iscussion of the weaknesses, such as: 1.. Discussions are generally controlled by a student who likes to talk. 2. For students who do not actively participate there is a tendency to escape fr om responsibility. 3. A lot of time in use, but the results are sometimes not as expected 4. Difficult to be used at low levels in primary school, but not impossible. Ways to overcome the weaknesses of the discussion method there are several ways that can be pursued to overcome the disadvantages of methods of discussion inclu de: In using the method of discussion note the following requirements: 1. The extent of student 2. Level of difficulty that requires serious solutions that directly led by the teacher 3. If the discussion leader should be given to pupils is set in rotation 4. Teachers should not rely entirely on student-led discussion, need guidance an d control 5. Teachers seek all students participating in the discussion part 6. Arranged so that students get a turn to speak and the other students learn to be patient to listen to his opinion. In this method the student is expected to be active in the discussion whether it is asked, answered, and aims to increase student confidence, cooperation with o thers, students can solve problems that discusses it, and others. The task-Duty Teacher In discussion, as follows: 1. Can act as a leader in the discussion. 2. Pursue discussions nets to prevent the dialog or just questions and answers b etween teacher and student or between two students only. As a moderator who can secure, refuse or convey their opinions and suggestions to the participants. F. Definition translating Translation is a general term that refers to the transfer of thoughts and ideas from one language (source) to another language (target), whether the language in the form of oral or written, whether the language has been built orthography or do not have such standardization or whether one or both language is based on cu es such as the sign language of deaf people. According to Nida and Taber (1982:12) says that translating is a process to prod uce the closest natural equivalent from source language message into the receive r, the mining rate at the second level of meaning and style. According to Wills (1982: 112) in the analysis that translation is a procedure p erformed to determine the realization of the transfer of the source language tex t is written with the target language text to show equivalence of optimum level of comprehension and requires the syntactic, semantic, style, and pragmatic text of the original translator. Larson (1984:16 idiomatic say that the translation uses the natural shape of the target language both in grammatical construction and the choice of the lexical. Type who really does not sound like idiomatic translations. Result of the trans lation is as sound as the paper directly from native speakers . Therefore, a goo d translator will try translating be idiomatic. G. KIND OF THE TEKS NARRATIVE Purpose: To amuse/entertain the readers and to tell a story Generic Structure:

1. Orientation 2. Complication 3. Resolution 4. Reorientation Dominant Language Features: 1. Using Past Tense 2. Using action verb 3. Chronologically arranged RECOUNT Purpose: to retell something that happened in the past and to tell a series of p ast event Generic Structure: 1. Orientation 2. Event(s) 3. Reorientation Dominant Language Features: 1. Using Past Tens 2. Using action verb 3. Using adjectives Narrative and recount in some ways are similar. Both are telling something in th e past so narrative and recount usually apply PAST TENSE; whether Simple Past Te nse, Simple Past Continuous Tense, or Past Perfect Tense. The ways narrative and recount told are in chronological order using time or place. Commonly narrative text is found in story book; myth, fable, folklore, etc while recount text is f ound in biography. The thing that makes narrative and recount different is the structure in which t hey are constructed. Narrative uses conflicts among the participants whether nat ural conflict, social conflict or psychological conflict. In some ways narrative text combines all these conflicts. In the contrary, we do not find these confli cts inside recount text. Recount applies series of event as the basic structure DESCRIPTIVE Purpose: to describe a particular person, place or thing in detail. Dominant Generic Structure: 1. Identification 2. Description Language Features 1. Using Simple Present Tense 2. Using action verb 3. Using adverb 4. Using special technical terms REPORT Purpose: to presents information about something, as it is Generic Structure 1. General classification 2. Description Dominant Language Feature 1. Introducing group or general aspect 2. Using conditional logical connection 3. Using Simple Present Tense EXPLANATION Purpose: To explain the processes involved in the formation or working of natura l or socio-cultural phenomena. Generic Structure: 1. General statement 2. Explanation 3. Closing Dominant Language Features: 1. Using Simple Present Tens 2. Using action verb 3. Using passive voice

4. Using noun phrase 5. Using adverbial phrase 6. Using technical term 7. Using general and abstract noun 8. Using conjunction of time and cause-effect. ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION Purpose: To reveal the readers that something is the important case Generic Structure: 1. Thesis 2. Arguments Dominant Language Features: 1. Using modal 2. Using action verbs 3. Using thinking verbs 4. Using adverbs 5. Using adjective 6. Using technical terms 7. Using general and abstract noun 8. Using connectives/transition

HORTATORY EXPOSITION Purpose: to persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case or be done Generic Structure: 1. Thesis 2. Arguments 3. Recommendation Dominant Language features: 1. Using Simple Present Tense 2. Using modals 3. Using action verbs 4. Using thinking verbs 5. Using adverbs 6. Using adjective 7. Using technical terms 8. Using general and abstract noun 9. Using connectives/transition Then what is the basic difference between analytical and hortatory exposition. I while hortatory is the answer o n simple word. Analytical is the answer of How is/will f How should . Analytical exposition will be best to describe How will student do for examination? The point is the important thing to do. But for the question How shoul d student do for his exam? will be good to be answered with hortatory. It is to con vince that the thing should be done PROCEDURE Purpose: to help readers how to do or make something complete Generic Structure: 1. Goal/Aim 2. Materials/Equipments 3. Steps/Methods Dominant Language Features: 1. Using Simple Present Tense 2. Using Imperatives sentence 3. Using adverb 4. Using technical terms DISCUSSION Purpose: to present information and opinions about issues in more one side of an issue ( For/Pros and Against/Cons ) Structure: 1. Issue 2. Arguments for and against

3. Conclusion Dominant Language Features: 1. Using Simple Present Tense 2. Use of relating verb/to be 3. Using thinking verb 4. Using general and abstract noun 5. Using conjunction/transition 6. Using modality 7. Using adverb of manner REVIEW Purpose: to critique or evaluate an art work or event for a public audience dominant Generic Structure: 1. Orientation 2. Evaluation 3. Interpretative Recount 4. Evaluation 5. Evaluative Summation Dominant Language features: 1. Focus on specific participants 2. Using adjectives 3. Using long and complex clauses 4. Using metaphor ANECDOTE Purpose: to share with others an account of an unusual or amusing incident Generic Structure: 1. Abstract 2. Orientation 3. Crisis 4. Reaction 5. Coda. Dominant Language Features: 1. Using exclamations, rhetorical question or intensifiers 2. Using material process 3. Using temporal conjunctions SPOOF Purpose: to tell an event with a humorous twist and entertain the readers Generic Structure: 1. Orientation 2. Event(s) 3. Twist Dominant Language Features 1. Using Past Tense 2. Using action verb 3. Using adverb 4. Chronologically arranged NEWS ITEM Purpose: to inform readers about events of the day which are considered newswort hy or important Dominant Generic Structure: 1. Newsworthy event(s) 2. Background event(s) 3. Sources Dominant Language Features: 1. Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline 2. Using action verbs 3. Using saying verbs 4. Using adverbs : time, place and manner.

G. Approach This other research using this type of qualitative research, as created by Sprad ley "which says the method of qualitative research is the kind of research that relies on the understanding and interpretation of symptoms or social phenomena. There are several characteristics in qualitative research 1. Phenomenology "according to da Bogdan Biklen (1982) in asmadi alsa (2003) res earch with the phenomenological approach attempts to understand the meaning of an even t or a phenomenon of mutual influence with man in social situations 2. Literature or theory and rules that are used to support the formulation of th e problem 3. Formulate research questions and problems as well as the achievement of resea rch in general, determined by direct experience of researchers participating in a social situation in the introduction to "grand tour" to the research conducted "mini tour" 4. Data collection started from a simple word choice or sepecially broader or mo re general. 5. Data analysis is described and the themes presented in the analysis are inter preted to be meaningful. 6. Writing research reports, both related to the structure and various forms of data presentation is very flexible and determined by the reflection of the subje ctivity of researchers. Given more research done on the use and meaning of the behavior of teachers at t he school, staunch in the English language teacher. Then it is considered highly relevant research is used when the subject is related to the English teachers i n their profession. This study uses the approach of education. Educational approach that focuses on aspects of the process of maturation and maturation of students, but it also is a maturation process for the physical and mental balance. Educational approach in research is a systematic attempt to explore the potentia l of the input process, output process and outcome of a study H. Types and Source of Data a. Kind of Data 1) Primary Data According to Sugiyono (2011:225) "the primary data is data that directly provide s data to data collectors. This data is in the form of information or information relating to the subject m atter in this study. Primary data is used to determine the direct discussion of the methods used rese archers get from students in the can from the deployment questionnaire. 2) Secondary Data According to Sugiyono (2011: 309) "Secondary data is data that is not a direct s ource of data to show a data collector. 2. Sources of data The meaning of the source data in the study is the subject of where the data can be obtained (Arikunto, 2010: 172). 3. Setting and Subject of research a. Setting of research Advanced Research is done at school Mts XX is located in the Village Kasang Puda k, Ulu sub districts Kumpeh Jambi Regency Muaro b. Subject of research Based on Formulation of the problem and limit the problems of this study are cla ssified into qualitative research description: 1) Headmaster

2) English teachers 3) Students 4) The method of collecting the data To gather the data required in the discussion of this research both from respond ents and the information is used several techniques, are: 1. Observation Observations on the experience and interpret as the systematic recording of the symptoms that appear on the object of research. Observations and recording commi tted against objects in the place or the course of events, so the observation wa s with the object under investigation. Observations used in this study are the direct observation of the objects of res earch for a close look at the activities carried out. This technique is used to determine the class of situations, circumstances of students, facilities and inf rastructure in the MTs XX. 2. Interview Interview is data collection tool information by asking a number of questions to be answered orally as well. This interview is used information from research subjects regarding the provisio n of using the method discussion and participation in learning English follow. 3. Documentation According to Arikunto (2002:231) documentation is "looking for data about record s or variables that form, transcript grades, books, newspapers, magazines, minut es and so on." This method is used to collect the data about: a) The historical and geographical setting at the MTs XX in Jambi Muaro b) Structure XX in MTs organization in Jambi Muaro c) Condition of students and teacher at MTs XX in Jambi Muaro d) Condition of facilities and pre-facilities at MTs XX in Jambi Muaro 4. Questionnaire According to Sugiyono (2010:145) "techniques of data collection is done by provi ding a set of questions and statements to the respondent for the answer." Questionnaires used the data collation tool with respect to the perception of st udent about a variety of other factors that influence students' lower participat ion in the process of learning English 5. Analysis of data In terms of qualitative data analysis, Bogdan stated that data analysis is the p rocess of systematically searching and preparing the data obtained from intervie ws, field notes, and other materials, so it can be easily understood, and its fi ndings can inform others (Sugiyanto, 2007 : 334). The result of data analysis was conducted using the principles of a qualitative approach, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Implementation of the data reduction process includes selecting, sorting, delive ry, and categorical data. Data reduction is intended to facilitate the organizat ion of the data required in the analysis and drawing conclusions. Presentation o f data is a systematic presentation of data showing the close relationship of da ta flow, described actually happened, making it easier for researchers draw conc lusions. Inferences in this study took place from the beginning to the inference , the conclusion is still temporary. Final conclusion is made that the informati on is based on testing data In order for the data obtained to be valid, it is necessary to use a triangulati on method. There are four types of triangulation, namely, (1) Triangulation of d ata or data source, (2) triangulation method, the data collection is done by var ious methods, (3) triangulation of researchers, the data obtained by many resear chers, (4) theory triangulation, ie discuss the issues that were examined using a lot of theory.

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