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: NAILIS SA ADAH : TE 090376 : BI 6 C

Application of Inquiry Methods in Learning reading narrative text in the Class VIII Junior High School 41 Mingkung Village RegencyMuara Jambi" CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1Background Education is a conscious effort to prepare students through mentoring, learning, and training for their role in the future. Education is one aspect of building a nation that will improve human well-being and quality of life. As stated in th e RI Law No. 14 of 2005, that: National development efforts in the field of education is the intellectual life of the nation and improve the quality of Indonesian people who believe, fear All ah and noble, and master of science, technology, and art in creating an advanced society, just, prosperous and civilized based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the State Republic of Indonesia Year 1945. Essentially educational purpose is to provide opportunities for learners to real ize their talents and its ability to optimally so as to enable him according to the needs of self and society around the neighborhood. As stated in the 1945 ope ning of the fourth paragraph, the Indonesian government is responsible and oblig ated the intellectual life of the nation, which in this case is the nation who s hould get an education as her ability to continue development of the nation and as a relay of Indonesia. Even this statement has been confirmed in the RI Law No . 20 of 2003 on national education systems, that: Functioning of national education to develop skills and form the character and c ivilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the intellectual life of t he nation, aimed at developing the potential of learners in order to become a ma n of faith and piety to God the almighty God, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, ski lled, creative, independent and become citizens of a democratic and responsible. With education, we hope that the Indonesian people can catch up in science in or der to align with other more advanced nations. Therefore, the government is alwa ys trying to boost the quality of education through various means, including sup porting efforts made by various educational institutions are also realizing the state apparatus and national education goals. To realize these goals, the actors are required to continue education reform educational policies that have been i mplemented. Some of the components that affect the development of education was evaluated and refined as, curriculum, students, educational facilities, as well as the quality of teachers. The teacher is the key to the success of an educational institution. Guru is the sales agent of the institution. Good or bad behavior or how to teach teachers w ill greatly affect the image of the institution, and therefore the resources the teacher has to be developed both through education and training and other activ ities to further increase their professional capabilities. A lot of science that are difficult to understand when to follow the lessons in the classroom when the teacher together, but it is easily absorbed in the study group forum. Therefore, good teachers will certainly encourage students to do a lot oeserta study groups. Sehinnga subjects they find difficult to be easily hel ped in the group. In improving the quality of learning, the implementation process of learning des igned by the teacher plays a very important. Quality of learning is strongly inf luenced by the quality of planning. The planning stage to be the principal deter minant of the learning activities of the implementation and assessment activitie s. According to Husen (in Mardainis, 2005:1) "Teaching and learning process invo lves three activities, namely, the preparation of lesson planning, implementatio n of learning, and assessment of learning". Learning is an activity undertaken b

y students, while teaching is an activity undertaken by the teacher. Learning ac tivities are carried out is related to the opinion. In learning implementation in the schools, in reality there are still some Engli sh teachers who only use traditional methods such as lecture method, without any other study methods varied by a further enable students to learn while teaching at the school were referred to the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) that r equires the activity of students. If a teacher is only monotonous on one method alone without any active involvement in the implementation of student learning, then students will feel bored in the study. Because the teachers just move and s how as much information to students, so the concepts of learning the language an d literature in Indonesia seem meaningless. As a result, the success of the lear ning objectives that should be owned by students is not achieved fully. To solve this problem, efforts were made to get closer to what reality is suppos ed to improve the quality of teachers should be learning. One way is to use teac hing methods adapted to the material to be delivered, learning objectives, situa tion and condition of the students and the facilities and infrastructure that su pport. By using a variety of learning methods, is expected to reduce the saturat ion level of the students in learning, so students will be motivated to follow t he learning process. Besides learning process carried out by varying the learnin g method will create an active learning, innovative, creative and fun One method of learning that can be used in varying the learning process is a method of inquiry. Inquiry is a technique or a way that teachers use to te ach in the classroom. Inkuiry is a core part of the contextual-based learning ac tivities. Knowledge and skills students are expected to be obtained not by consi dering a set of facts, but the finding itself . Thus, methods of inquiry learning is a teaching method that is not only receive a set of facts or concepts from the teacher, but how do these students find the concepts or understanding in teaching. The general objective inquiry exercise is to help students develop the intellect ual discipline and skills needed to provide questions and get answers on the bas is of their curiosity. Although this method is centered on the activities of students, but teachers sti ll play an important role as a maker of design learning experiences. Teachers as fasilisator, motivator, organizer, and evaluators, guiding the students are obl iged to perform the learning activities. This is done in order to improve and de velop the potential possessed by students. One of the teachers the importance of applying the method of learning is that learning inqiury done by students in more meaningful and lasting thoughts. Purpose of applying this learning is that students can work directly, adventure , and find their own answers to the problems that the teacher in learning. Thus, students have a better understanding of learning and skills for themselves and when it interacts with society. Based on the observation that the researchers did in Junior High School 41 estua ries Jambi show that English teachers have gained knowledge about methods of inq uiry and have tried to implement it. Although the learning, not all English teac hers at Junior High School 41 Muara Jambi using inquiry methods in the implement ation of learning. English teachers at Junior High School 41 Muara Jambi has bee n trying to implement inquiry learning in teaching reading text in a text. This is because reading is one of the four language skills of language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Based on these reasons, the application of methods of inquiry in learning to rea d the text needs to be investigated. The research conducted aims to describe inf ormation about the application of the Inquiry method of learning to read narrati ve text in class VII Junior High School 40 Muara Jambi. Research emphasis on pla nning and implementing learning pembalajaran read narrative text by applying the method of inquiry. For this reason researchers want to investigate on "Application of Inquiry Metho ds in Learning reading narrative text in the Class VIII Junior High School 41 Mu ara Jambi".

Based on the description that has been presented in the background, then the for mulation of the problem in this study are as follows: 1.2 Problem Statement 1) What are the preparation of teachers in planning learning through the applica tion of narrative text readig Inquiry method in class VIII Junior High School 41 jambi Estuary? 2) What are the stages of learning to read extensively through the implementatio n of Inquiry method in class VIII Junior High School 41 Muara Jambi? 1.3 purpose of reseach The purpose of this study are: 1) Describe the preparation of teachers to plan learning reading narrative text by applying the method of Inquiry in class VIII Junior High School 41 MuaraJambi . 2) Describe the stages of learning to read extensively by applying the method of Inquiry in class VIII Junior High School 41 Muara Jambi. 1.4 Benefits of Research The benefits of this research are as follows: 1.4.1 The Theoretical The results could theoretically be useful to increase the application of the theory of inquiry teaching methods in the preparation of lesson planning an d implementation process of learning, especially learning the English language. 1.4.2 The Practical The results of this study is expected to benefit include: 1) For the educator or teacher, in choosing the right method of learning the Eng lish language and research is expected to provide information concerning the des cription of the application of inquiry methods of teaching reading in the narrat ive text in class VIII Junior High School 41 Muara Jambi. 2) For researchers, the results of this study to fulfill a condition of obtainin g a degree-1 starata English Language Studies Program Faculty of Tarbiyah IAIN J AMBI STS. 3) For a student, as a comparison and carry out further research. 4) As a contribution to the world of education thinking about how to apply the m ethods of inquiry learning.

1.5 Limitations of the study In order to study this more directly, and can reach the target, then the study w as limited to the planning inquiry learning in the learning narrative text readi ng in class VIII Junior High School 41 Muara Jambi which includes learning objec tives, determine the matter, determine the learning scenario, media selection, a

nd determine the evaluation of learning . While in the learning process is limit ed research on the planning and implementation of learning that had been develop ed. So penilitian and discussion of this thesis is limited to the application of the planning inquiry learning in the learning process of reading narrative text on the same topic, to find the main problem of the text is

CHAPTER II TEORY REASEACH 2.1 Method of Inquiry "Inquiry is a core part of the contextual-based learning activities. Knowledge a nd skills gained the student should not of given set of facts, but the result of finding themselves . Therefore, the implementation of learning by using the method of inquiry, the teacher should always design activities refer to activities fou nd, so that students can formulate a notion or concept of learning that have bee n implemented. In this case, Gulo (in Trianto, 2007:135) also suggests the sense of learning in quiry. According to him, "Learning inquiry means a series of learning activities that involve the most of all the students' ability to search and investigate in a systematic, critical, logical, analytical, so that they can formulate their o wn inventions with aplomb." Further . according to Roestiyah (2008:75) "inquiry is a technique used atu way to teach i n the classroom". In the Oxford dictionary (in Hastuti,), inquiry means "ask for information" that is seeking information or seeking answers to the question con tent through a procedure that is structurally underlined. The underlying idea comes from the method of inquiry that defines the thinking o f John Dewey's reflective thinking. According to reflective thinking is an activ e business, careful, and precise testing of one's beliefs, or specific knowledge based on the support frame to be used as a basic fact of making further conclus ions. The idea was later developed by many experts of education and psychology. Trianto (2007:56) argues that "the inquiry approach is based on the concept that there was nothing supernatural, weird, or mystical happening in the ways of sci entific work as in the inquiry". Therefore, based on this assumption is the duty of teachers to bring students into situations that provide opportunities for st udents themselves to use what you already know and realize what they are doing i t is the acquisition of their own, not acquisition of the teacher. Based on the experience of learning with understanding and implementing inquiry

methods, the task of teachers is very heavy and complex. Because the teachers in this study did not provide an understanding of the material, but how teachers d esign learning so that students get pengetian a matter of its findings. 2.1.1 Method of Inquiry characteristics methods of inquiry characteristics are: a. Teachers try to stimulate students to think actively by means such as: asking questions, encouraging students to formulate opinions, ask students to apply th e principles prisnsip into various situations,, encourage students to process in formation, exposes students to the problem. b. The teacher tried to keep the atmosphere free and encourage students to dare to break his own fruit in ways: being helpful and open to opinion, lead to posit ive things, willing to receive and examine all the effort put forward by the stu dents, encouraging students, giving students the opportunity to do creative and independent, encouraging students to dare to exchange opinions and analyze opini ons and different interpretations tafsirafn. c. Inquiry involving a wide variety of teaching problem solving, both individual ly and in groups. In line with this, Talut (in Alma, 2008:58) proposed the basic features of inqui ry are: a. teaching strategy is a systematic approach in achieving the goal of teaching that has been planned. b. Tend to involve students as much as possible. Stimulation of curiosity and ac tive engagement in learning, in which the passive nature of the inevitable. c. Inquiy want pikitan especially higher-order thinking. 2.1.2 Method of Inquiry Objectives The aim of learning by using the method of this inquiry is to help students deve lop the intellectual discipline and skills needed by asking questions, presentin g the information and get answers to achieve a certain goal on the basis of thei r wonder. At the time of exercise of this inquiry began, the teacher provides a stimulus in the form of information or events that pose a puzzle. Thus, students will be motivated to ask questions and seek solutions. Motivation according to Thomas (Ahmad 2004: 11) is a conscious effort by the tea cher to create motifs on the self-learners or students who kick activities towar ds learning goals. 2.1.3 Step by Step Method of Inquiry The steps that must be implemented in the use of inquiry methods in Gulo (in Tri anto, 2007:137) is as follows: a. Ask questions or problems Activities of inquiry began when a question or problem posed. ntuk convinced tha t the question was clear, the question is written on the blackboard, then studen ts are asked to formulate hypotheses. b. Formulate hypotheses The hypothesis is a temporary answer to questions or solutions to problems that can be tested with data. To facilitate this process, the teacher asked the stude nts the idea of the possible hypotheses. Of all the ideas are there, selected on e of the hypotheses that are relevant to a given problem.

c. Collecting the data Hypothesis is used to memuntun for the data collection process. d. Analysis of data Students are responsible for testing the hypothesis that was formulated by analy zing the data already obtained. Important factor in testing the hypothesis is th e notion 'true' or 'wrong'. e. Make conclusions Closing steps of the implementation of learning by the method of inquiry is to m ake conclusions based on data obtained by the students. Furthermore Rostiyah (2008:75) argues that the inquiry method steps are: a. The teacher divides the task of researching an issue. b. Students are divided into several groups and each group masng get a specific task to be done. c. Students studying, researching or discussing its role in the group. d. After their work in a group discussion, then made a well-structured reports. e. Report the results of group work are reported and there was widespread discus sion. f. Make a conclusion that is formulated as a continuation of the work. 2.1.4 The Role of Teachers in the Implementation of Learning by Using Method of Inquiry According Trianto the role of teachers in creating conditions for learning by ap plying the methods of inquiry are: a. Motivator, gives a stimulus to make students active and excited thought. b. Fasilisator, shows a way out if students have difficulty. c. Requester, the students aware of the mistakes they make. d. Administrator, responsible for all activities of the class. e. Director, leads the student to achieve the expected purpose. f. Manager, managing learning resources, time, and classroom organization g. Rewarder, to reward the achievements of students. In line with this, Alma (2008:60) also suggests that the implementation of learn ing by using the method of inquiry should be (1) teachers rarely tell you what s hould be known by students, (2) teachers use questions as an instrument pemantap levels of student inquiry, ( 3) did not receive a single statement in answer to a question, (4) encourage interaction among students. 2.1.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Method of Inquiry The excess method of inquiry by Rostiyah (2008:76) are: a. Can establish and develop "self concept" on students so that students can und erstand concepts and ideas better. b. Help using the memory in the new learning situation. c. encourage students to think and work on his own initiative, objective, honest and open. d. Can develop individual talents or skills. e. Giving students the freedom to learn on their own. f. Can avoid the students of the ways that traditional learning . the method of inquiry also has some drawbacks. Method is a shortage of inquiry: a. In changing the habits of learning is not an easy thing. b. To change the learning activities that teachers do also difficult because mos t teachers have not satisfied many teaching if not present the information throu gh lectures. c. In practice this method requires the provision of a variety of learning resou rces and facilities are adequate and are usually difficult to supply.

2.2 Planning and Learning Process Ministry of Education (1997:3) defines planning as a result of a thought in the form of a decision to be implemented. Thought that was formulated in the form of planning is usually arranged in a logical, systematic, rational, and can be ver ified. This means that planning is a process and way of thinking that created wi th the aim of which was determined in a series of activities to make students le arn and can help achieve the expected results. Word of learn means a process of behavior change in students due to the interact ion between the individual and the environment through a process of experience a nd training. The series of activities in the form of systematic planning. This means that one component of activities with other activities are reciprocal (mutual dependence ), cooperate in creating a single destination . While the learning process is what makes a learning activity (Dekdikbud, 1997:1) .Yamin (2004:97) defines learning as the acquisition of skills, skills and attit udes. Learning is a change of views, knowledge and attitudes gained from the exp erience. Further to acquire and process knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Learning is com posed of a combination of elements including human, material, facilities, equipm ent and procedures that affect each other for the achievement of teachers and st udents ". As we know that the teaching process was in essence a series of communications b etween subject students; teachers and learners, the methods and situations, and so forth. But the author considers that these five factors is essential to suppo rt the main teaching events in which there will be a form of teaching educative interactions in nature. Teaching objectives that are general or specific, generally revolve around the t hree types. (1) cognitive goals, goals related to understanding and pengetahua. (2) affective goals, objectives relating to the business of changing the interes t, any value, and reason. (3) psychomotor goals, the goals related to skills or made use of the ears, hands, eyes, senses, and so forth. Teachers as educators is the most character and interact with students in compar ison to other school personnel. The teacher in charge of planning and implementi ng the learning process, assess learning outcomes, guidance and training to do, do pernilitian, and assessment, and open to the public comunication. 2.3 Definition of Reading Reading is a process that is carried and used by readers to obtain the message, which is trying to convey the author's words mlalui media or written language. A process which requires that a group of words which is a unity will be seen in a glimpse, and that the meaning of individual words will be known. The main purp ose of reading is to seek and obtain information, including the content, underst and the meaning of reading. Meaning, sense closely related to the purpose, or ou r intensive reading. Reading can also be interpreted as prosese think, without any assistance other t han a sentencesentence in the article that can enhance understanding. Reading is basically an activity that requires skill. Someone who reads must mov e the eye and use the mind, without it one can not read well. 2.5 Reading narrative text Reading tesk narrative in some tesk narrative that is intended in this study is students' ability to find the major problem of some text on the topic of the sam e narrative. Reading narrative task undertaken in earnest, the indicator of stud ents able to find a major problem and the conclusion of the narrative beberapata sk the same topic through reading activities. contains about a story or fairy tale (could be folk tales (folktale), an animal story (fable), legend (legend), short stories, etc.). In it there is a conflict / top issue, followed by settlement. Completion (ending) here can be a happy end

ing (happy ending) or can also be sad ending (sad ending). The main function of this text is to entertain readers. Generic Structure: Orientation - Complication - Evaluation (optional) Resolution Orientation: provides an introduction to the characters, place and time of the story (who or what, when andwhere) Complication: Contains the top issues / conflicts in the story. A story can have more than one complication Evaluation: This is an optional (there should be no), usually used to make the story more in teresting. Resolution: Solving the problem. Could end up with joy (happy ending) could also end up with sadness (sad ending) 2.6 Junior High School 41 Muara Jambi. Junior High School 41 is located on the estuary jambiKihajarDewantara II mingkun g village. SMP is a new stand for 4 years, under Mr Dr. Rumaidi as principal and by the number of teachers by 9 people. Although the SMP is 4 years old but, Jun ior is trying to live the vision and mission are to be a junior high school juni or who is qualified and can deliver the next generation of quality. In developing the vision and mission of education, Junior High School 41 Muara J ambi has an organizational structure that is intended to facilitate the division of tasks , learning, and development planning in improving the quality of education of ed ucators each with his position. Given this organizational system, it will create a coordinated form of cooperation in realizing the objectives of education prog rams that have been specified in the law curriculum and the national education s ystem and the school program itself. At this time Edinburgh City Junior High School 11 consists of class VII A, VII B VIII, and IX. In this study, researchers will examine in class VIII entitled "A pplication of the Method of Inquiry Learning class VIII narrative reading task S MP 41 Mingkung River district GelamMuaraJambi District 2012-2013 School Year".

CHAPTER III METHODS 3.1 Research Design In this study, the method used is a method deskriptif.Nasir (in Mardaini 2007:24 ) explains that the descriptive method is a method in the research status of a g roup of people, an object, a system of thought or a class of events today .qualitative research methods by Sugiyono are research methods used to examine t

he condition of natural objects, (as his opponent is an experiment) in which the researcher is a key instrument, and the Advanced Research kulaitatif results fu rther emphasize the significance of the generalization. Qualitative research is a process of research that produces descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken of the people and the observable behavior (B ogdan and Taylor in Moleong, 1990: 3). Based on the two-formulation of the problem in this study, namely (1) preparatio n of teachers in planning learning by applying the method of inquiry in narrativ e text reading materials VIII class news SMP.N 41 Muara Jambi, (2) the stages of the planning application which had been prepared in the learning process . Thro ugh a qualitative approach, the stages are performed in this study were (1) the orientation phase or description of data, (2) data reduction, (3) selection of d ata, (4) drawing conclusions. 3.2 Presence of Researchers In the study the researchers did, researchers used human instruments that resear chers sendiri.Peneliti than as instruments, as well as collectors data.Untuk col lect data, researchers use a research instrument that serves as a supporting ins trument. Supporting the research instrument used was an observer, interviews, an d a camera to document the application of inquiry methods of learning to read ex tensively in multiple text beritadi VIIISMP State 41Muara Jambi classes. Researc hers in the study acted as an observer only penuh.Peneliti observation activitie s without participating. 3.3 Study Site Researchers will study the location of the class VIII pilihadalah Junior High Sc hool 41 Muara Jambi. Determination of the design of the study sites conducted by several considerations, among others (1) junior class VIII Nageri 41 Muara Jamb i the inquiry method of learning has been implemented (2) in particular fields o f study english teacher in class VIII Superior Junior High School 41 Muara Jambi have gained knowledge about the application inquiry method of learning, (3) inf ormation obtained from direct studies teachers Mrs. PatinS.Pd.I. 3.4 Data and Data Sources The collection of data by researchers, consists of two forms, the first and the second lesson planning stages of the process is the data pembelajaran.Pengumpula n lesson plans done by request directly to the teacher concerned to assist resea rch. While the data collection process of learning is obtained when the learning takes place. Source of research data obtained from an informant that is PatinS.PdI.Informan a re English teachers at Junior High School 41 Estuary Jambi.Selain he also has a pretty good teaching skills, and have knowledge of the inquiry method of learnin g that apply. 3.5 Collection of Data In data collection, it is required by the researcher is the research instrument, the instrument consists of a human instrument, the researcher who acts as well as data collection instruments, and instruments other than humans that serves as a support in data collection. 3.5.1 Data Collection Planning Learning Collecting data at the planning stage, the researchers used the instrument to th e researcher's own request for information directly to the informant was the sou rce of the data in the data ini.Pengumpulan research conducted using observation and interview methods.

3.5.2 Data Collection Process of Learning To collect data the learning process, as well as when researchers collect data o n learning plan, the researchers themselves as an instrument. It's just gatherin g data at this stage researchers used observation and interview methods. So, the other instruments that assist researchers in collecting data peneltitian are gu idelines observation or observation, interview guidelines and a camera to docume nt that serves students in learning activities using the method of inquiry. (1) Observation Obsevasi is the systematic observation and recording of symptoms that appear on the object of research. Observation and recording are performed on objects in p lace or ongoing peristiwa.Sejalan happen with this, Sukandarrumudi (in mardaini 2007:27) "Observation is a conscious effort to collect data systematically, the procedures were also significantly standar.Observasi observation and recording a n object with a systematic phenomenon under investigation ". Observation is the observation that researchers use sitematik.Teknik observation as an instrument. Observation technique is systematic observation to determine systematically organized, things are going diobesrvasi. The scope of observatio n has been limited in accordance with the problem and the purpose of this peneli tian.Observasi researchers use to observe a variety of symptoms or phenomena tha t are related to the application of methods of inquiry in learning. (2) interview The interview is a way that is used to obtain information from respondents (inte rviewees) to conduct unilateral FAQ (Nurgiyantoro, 1988:53). That is, the activi ties of the interview questions were derived from the interviewer is the respond ents who answered the questions. According Narbuko (in Mardaini, 2007:28) is the process of question and answer interview in the premises of this study two more verbal, face to face, directly listened to the information or explanations. Types of interviews that researchers use in this study were free interview. Free interviews as an interviewer's intention is to give researchers the freedom of respondents to answer the questions according to the opinions and knowledge with out being limited by the provisions made by the interviewer (researcher). Resear cher as an interviewer are also free to ask any questions about the data that re searchers need. But researchers continue to use the grid that allows to ask ques tions regarding the data to be obtained. In addition researchers are also using the tools of the sound recording or a tap e recorder, as physical evidence of the data that researchers are doing. Data we re taken for documentation of research and study subjects in the application of methods of inquiry in the classroom learning process. This is very important bec ause in practice, made more interaction with oral communication directly or use the verbal. 3.6 Analysis of Data In terms of qualitative data analysis, Bogdan stated that data analysis is the p rocess of systematically searching and preparing the data obtained from intervie ws, field notes, and other materials, so it can be easily understood, and its fi ndings can inform others (Sugiyanto, 2007 : 334). results of data analysis was conducted using the principles of a qualitative app roach, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Implementation of the data reduction process includes selecting, sorting, delive ry, and categorical data. Data reduction is intended to facilitate the organizat ion of the data required in the data analysis and the withdrawal kesimpulan.Peny ajian a systematic presentation of data showing the close relationship of data f low, described actually happened, making it easier for researchers drew conclusi ons kesimpulan.Penarikan in this study took place from the beginning to inferenc es, the conclusion was made sementara.Kesimpulanakhirlah the correct information

based on testing data. In order for the data obtained to be valid, it is necessary to use a triangulati on method. There are four types of triangulation, namely, (1) Triangulation of d ata or data source, (2) triangulation method, the data collection is done by var ious methods, (3) triangulation of researchers, the data obtained by many resear chers, (4) theory triangulation, ie discuss the issues that were examined using a lot of theory.

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