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You took my heart Deceived me right from the start. He was indubitably divine.

Leaning against the trunk of a Cherry Blossom tree in full bloom was the epitome of perfection. Those glazed orbs of his reflected the citrus-rose color of the setting sun. Long golden locks silently fluttered with the twilight zephyr along with the gold-rimmed white robes that he was clad in. But the most distinct feature that separated him from any normal being was the two striking white wings that were folded on his side. A young child around the age of seven stared in awe at the image in front of her. It was so exquisite, ethereal and untainted, like the image was just a figment of her young imagination. And so, clutching the storybooks tighter against her chest, her boot-clad feet noiselessly toddled towards the said quintessence of all things divine and gently touched a couple of its feathers. Angel Angel. The said angels golden eyes slightly widened in response. There, standing before him, was the exact embodiment of pure innocence. Dressed in a pallid blue full-body fur coat with books tightly held against her chest, a child with bulliontinted hair was quietly caressing the said angels soft white feathers; admiration and awe painted on her visage, an expression that actually brought a shadow of a smile to his lips. Yes, she was exactly the one he needed. Someone pure, chaste, untainted Do you believe in us? Huh? You mean, in angels? Yes, I do. So will you believe in me from now on? Alright. and someone so easy to deceive.

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