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Sandra Rosa is very beautiful, young, and successful. She's a famous actress. She's also very rich.

Her house near the beach is big and beautiful, and her car is very expensive. Her fans love her. But is she happy? Sandra says, "yeah, I'm young, rich, beautiful, and famous. People think rich people are happy. That's not always true!" Sandra's brother, Mike, is her manager. He says, "Sandra is only 18. She enjoys acting and entertaining people. But she's not happy. She doesn't like being famous." "It's true," Sandra says. "I'm never alone. Reporters are everywhere. Wherever I go, they're there. They're outside my house all the time!" Gostou dessa dica!? Ento leia muito mais em Texto de Ingls: Alunos de Nvel Bsico | Denilso :: Dicas de Ingls
1. Leiam o texto a seguir - Read the following text Its ten in the morning and Michael is sleeping. He is sleeping in a big bedroom in a hotel. His secretary is talking to his fans and answering emails. The manager is making the arrangements for Michaels show. Outside the hotel there are people waiting to see Michael. The police is helping to control the situation. His fans are saying, I love you Michael. Everyone wants to go to his concert because he is the best. He is a great singer and a wonderful dancer too.The show is tonight and I won't miss it. Vocabulary: Sleep: dormir Manager: gerente, empresrio Bedroom: quarto Talk: conversar Answer: responder Make arrangements: fazer preparativos Say: dizer Outside: do lado de fora Wait to see: esperar para ver Miss: perder 2. Respondam as perguntas Answer the questions a. Where is Michael sleeping? b. What is his secretary doing? c. What is the manager doing? d.What are his fans saying? 3. Mark True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso a. Michael sings and dances. (.....) b. His fans are violent. (.....) c. Michael doesn't have a secretary. (.....) d. The show is tomorrow. (.....)

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My name is (vosso nome) I am twenty years old (ou vossa idade correcta) In the last few days, I have been seeking for help in order to be succesful in this test and I have been reading a lot about the English language. I am still learning it and I will practice as much as I can because I believe that speaking another language is an important step in my life. My teachers are very helpful and answer my questions very quickly and efficiently and because of this I think I will be a very good English speaker very soon. My favourite past-times are reading, listening to good quality music and meeting nice people. I dislike stubborn people and I do not tolerate this kind of thing. I hope I will find a good way of living, with good people who are honest and hard-working.

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