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m D Z phi ha hf Ro Rd Ri \ g_c 0 \ theta_0

module Pitch diameter number of teeth presure angle Addendum Dedendum Radius of addendum circle Radius of dedendum circle Radius of base circle Variable mapping "X" along interval from Ro to Rd Centering the space would require the involute coordinate (R,) to pass through the pitch radius at an angle equal to 2/4Z radians or 360/4Z degrees.

B B2

helical angle for gear 1 helical angle for gear 2

A = (D1+D2)/2

Z=D/M = 14.5 or 20 degrees ha = m hf = 1.16 * m or hf = 1.2 * m Ro = ( D / 2 ) + ha Rd = ( D / 2 ) - hf Ri = ( D / 2 ) * cos ( PHI ) g_c = sqrt(( D ^ 2 ) / 4 - Ri ^ 2) theta_0 = (360 / (4 * Z)) - ((g_c / Ri) * (180 / pi)) + atan(g_c / Ri)

B2 = B * D1 / D2

gamma = sqrt(Ro^2-Ri^2)*t r = sqrt(gamma^2+Ri^2) theta = theta_0+((gamma/Ri)*(360/(2*pi)))-atan(gamma/Ri) z=0

your number 10 300 30 20

0 < B < 30

ALL THAT FOR 20 sec of animation :P

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