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Town Get Together Weather

Tomorrow night at the White Horse Tavern Sunday- 22 degrees, snow flurries. by Schatzberg Church, Fritz along with the Monday- 11 degrees, heavy snow. owners of the White Horse Tavern, invite Tuesday- 15 degrees, snow flurries. the entier town to come and talk. We will Wednesday- 9 degrees, heavy snow. be discussing the clockwork within the town Thursday- 5 degrees, heavy snow. and whether of not to elect a new mayor. Friday- 10 degrees, heavy snow. There will be refreshments provided by the Saturday-Strong chance of blizzard. White Horse Tavern and Fritz will introduce one of his newest stories. This one will scare you out of your seat! So please, we need your input to start working on the towns future!

Schatzberg University
Have you ever thought of having a job that is highly needed and workers are highly

respected. Do you like mechanisms and clockwork? If so, please look into the clockmaking buisness! There are many oppurtunity's in this buisness. You could be a clock mercheant, a clock inspector, a metal cleaner, or even a burgomaster. But whether you want to be the merchaent or the burgomaster, you must start with an understanding! Schatzberg University will give you all of the material and knowledge needed to make your dreams come true. Now we are even sending out star students to serve and apprentiship and later compete to see who is the towns burgomaster! Come!

Burgomaster Choosing!
On December 19th, Schatzberg will hold the honorary burgomaster Choosing at the royal GlockenHeim Tower. Other top-burgomasters from around Germany will be there to judge the apprentices's pieces and decide which mecanisms will be added on to the Great Clock of GlockenHeim forever! This event only takes place every 100 years! This is the biggest event in all of Germany and is a once in a lifetime chance! A burgomaster choosing is very

inportant to the main sections of Germany. Burgomasters work together and have the job to keep all clockwork in Germany running and on time. 10 apprentices will be chosen as Full time Burgomasters, 20 apprentices will be chosen to work for the burgomasters and fill their position when neccasary, and 1 apprentice will be chosen as the 15th person to be added as a burgomaster ruler, they will work with the other 14 burgomasters,rule all the clocks of Germany, help make all decisions, and decide where the Great Clock of GlockenHeim will be held for 100 years! Don't miss this.

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