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Type of Article: Column Reels Perspective Keziah Lynn S. Bautista Photography Editor Bs Chemical Engineering Keziahbautista07@yahoo.

com Behind the whispered words Sometimes, during a conversation with other people, they unintentionally offended us. They hurt our feelings the way they talk. Some are not hesitant about the outcome of what they are saying. We must admit, some people has an attitude of expressing their feelings confidently. As one of my teachers gives us a piece of advice, Dont leave your friend behind. I relate this on my classmates situation. He enrolled the course late, which caused him to struggle in the last lesson. Knowing about our classmates situation, the teacher just repeated the last lesson instead of having our first quiz. Realizing the scenario, it really touches my heart deeply. I ended up thinking, no matter what happen, whether it is good or bad, you cant leave your friend especially in bad times because he/she will need you to carry on beside his/her family. *** Life is not a series of chances but a series of choices Anonymous I heard this quotation in the radio before I go off to school. My father used to listen to a biblical radio channel every morning. Somehow, it keeps me go forward in everything I will do. In life, you cant just believe in destiny that everything will go as it was planned. My mother used to say that God has the answer to any of our questions. If we dont have money, she just said that we dont pray enough. But if we dont move and just wait for the money to come, good things will not come and besides its a bad idea. You have to make choices in everything that you will do. Because if you dont, some things will not go as you wanted it to be. In other words, youll fail without knowing the reasons why.

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