Parts of Speech

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NOUN-name of person, animal, place or thing

Ex: Annette, Toyota, philosophy, eagle, wallet, stadium

Pronoun-a word used in place of a noun

Ex: I, you, who, this, which, either, both, several

Verb-a word expressing action or condition

Ex: count, slept, driven, became, might, threw, grew

Adverb-modifies a verb, adjective or adverb

Ex: calmly, sideways, crosswise, away, happily

Adjective-modifies noun or pronoun

Ex: dark, happy, noisy, light, bad, juicy, farther

Preposition-relates words in a sentence

Ex: near, at, to, for, like, with, during, across, upon

Conjunction-connects words, phrases, clauses

Ex: and, neither, nor, by, while, yet

Interjection-words expressing sudden emotion

Ex: Ah! , Eh? , Hello! , Bang! , Huh? , Bravo! , Hurrah!

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