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Foresta 1 Matt Foresta Professor Joneja Psychology 26 24 January 2012 LAMDA Presentation Reaction I thought the LAMDA presentation

was very enlightening. I was especially interested to hear that despite being so open with our class, some of the presenters were yet to come out to their families. I felt very sorry for them, but was encouraged to hear that they were in the process of coming out. I thought the kid who cross dresses was interesting as well. I found his story a little strange at first, but it was interesting to hear his story. For me, the most enlightening part of the presentation was the discussion. It made me feel that some people will never come to accept LGBTQ students, but it made me happy to see many people in class defending the gay community. I hope more students will be able to have an open mind, hear this presentation, and become more tolerant as a result.

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