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1874 American Revolution 1877 American War of Independence (4th of July American National Day).

y). In this period the British Empire had become tyrannical because they believed the colonies were inferior and had to submit to the rules of the Empire. In this respect, they imposed a sugar tax and a stamp tax for alcohol, tee and spices brought from Asia. The Americans had become aware of their commercial and national interests. The parliament of U.S.A. sided with the colonists and during George III (G.B Shaw bitterly criticizes George III in some historical political places) the Americans made a boycott against the U.K. and ceased all export to the mother country. There were fights with the British soldiers in the battlefields. France, by being an opponent to the U.K. decided to export guns to U.S.A. for the War of Independence. The country becomes independent, powerful and stretching on two thirds of the continent. The Civil War / Secession (1860 1866) Along the period of almost 300 years since Columbus set foot on the island in the West, the U.S.A. developed by imitating the organization of institutions back home. Overall, two patterns of civilization and culture sprang from the common root (Anglo-Saxon + influences from the world wide). According to natural conditions one way was going toward industry development in the North; the other way went towards the development of agriculture in the South. The country was somehow unbalanced and the interest differed. The South understood it had become poorer than the North in spite of the slavery system that they applied on their farms by bringing in Negro population. When the land owners in the South needed labor force, the idea capturing free people of different skin color (Africa) must have been great sin and mistake. They forgot the difficult circumstances in which they colonized the free land and massacred the Amer-Indians. When hundreds of ships were crossing the Atlantic with thousands of Negroes abroad traveling in unbearable conditions, the slave masters completely annihilated their rights of free individuals, without mentioning any cultural of civil rights in America. The black skin was considered inferior and from the strange appearance of them farmers associated them with dirt devils. As a result all kind of abuse was administrated on the blocks of slaves, even physical punishment and murder. But the relationship white black did happen as a result of white masters raping Negro women. The mulatto kids were also slaves and their identity as well as position in society was even worse because they had to be hidden by their natural fathers and the white families. The white women felt themselves attracted to the negro-male physical power and sexuality. They had to keep the feeling as a huge secret but the psychological cost was even greater: the white husbands growing more jealous and punishing the slaves with or without reason; the negro-women felt themselves less attractive and became more jealous of their white mistresses.

Unless we understand all the consequences white black interrelationships among the members of the Southern society, we wont grasp difficult matters of race and taboo in the literary works. Former colleague at West Point (famous American Military Academy),(when the idea of Secession became actual) from friendship become enemies on the battlefield siding either with the North or the South depending the place they came from. People in society, especially writers started thinking on the slave / blacks as people and H.B. Stone and the book Uncle Toms Cabin that became best seller and was staged everywhere. With aspects of a plantation life, the slave Eliza crossing the frozen Ohio River with a child in her arms if dying and being helped to go to God the Negro Tom.. to the Emancipation Act that was given by Abraham Lincoln by which negroes from the Southern plantations could enlist in the army in the North and become free. Thousands of Negroes started running north to become free but the North was not prepared to give them rights either. The South organized itself in the Confederation whose headquarters was in Richmond. The North was called Yankees and organized themselves in North Atlanta. The Secession was not fought for matters of slavery abolishment but for national reasons. At one of the theatrical representations, President Abraham Lincoln was shot and the two parts in the conflict were aware of what they lost had the country been divided. In the beginning the South has only a few victories, but while the South had to import guns from France, the North was manufacturing arms themselves. After the bloodshed (600.000 lives lots) and billions of dollars wasted, the war was over. The psychological cost was greater by far everywhere because any individual or group in society in the South somehow felt to be losers even in personal accomplishments if not social and political. The continental rail road was build ad we witness the production of literature of the frontier. In the end, The U.S.A. bought Texas, California and Utah from Mexico.

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