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POEMS FOR MY TEACHERS 1, 2, 3.. F - Thank you, for what you taught me Q - and for helping me to grow.

F - You have expanded, so much my learning Q - and taught me, what I know. F - You are someone, I will never forget Q - Nor the lessons, I have learned F - For they will never, be wiped clean Q - Theyre, in my memory burned F - Teacher and advisor Q - Counselor and friend - Imparter subtitle style Click toFedit Master of knowledge Q - Which never has an end. F - All these things, you were to me Q - And Im thankful, to this day. F - I have now succeeded Q - And you, helped show me the way F - A teacher, is a person Q - Who helps you every day. F - Who scolds you, when youre bad Q - And helps you, find your way. 7/2/12 F Thanks, for what you did for me, Q - for teaching me something new.

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