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NAME OF DRUG Penicillin G Zalpen

CLASSIFICATION Anti-infectives

ACTION Interferes with bacterial cell wall synthesis during active multiplication, causing cell wall deathand resultant bactericidal activity against susceptible bacteria.

INDICATION Streptococcal infection, mild to moderately severe infections of the upper respiratory tract, scarlet fever, erysipelas and pyoderma,pnemo nia,otitis media. Syphilis, diphtheria, rheumatic fever,pharyngitis, and spleen disorders.

CONTRAINDICATION Hypersensitivity to penicillin

ADVERSE EFFECTS Skin rashes, anaphylaxis, urticaria, laryngeal edema, angioedema, hemolytic anemia, acute interstitial nephritis, serum sickness-like reactions, fever, and eosinophilia.

DRUG INTERACTION Tetracycline, Probenecid

NURSING CONSIDERATION Assessfor infection at beginning of and during therapy. Obtain patient history to determineprevio us use and reaction to penicillin and cephalosporins. Obtain specimen for culture and sensitivity before initiating therapy Observe patient for signs and symptomss of anaphylaxis such as rash, pruritus, laryngeal edema,wheezing. Assess cardiorespiratory function: B/P, Heart rate, and rhythm and breath sounds

Salbutamol Activent

Stimulates beta-2 receptors of bronchioles by increasing levels of cAMP which relaxes smooth muscles to

Relief of bronchospasm in bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and other reversible, obstructive,

Hypersensitivity to salbutamol also to atropine ans its derivatives. Threatened abortion during 1st or 2nd trimester. Cardiac

Fine skeletal muscle tremors, leg cramps, palpitation, tachycardia, hypertension, headache, N/V,

Betaadrenergic blockers.Conc omitant use of theophylline and other xanthinederiv

produces bronchodilation. Also cause CNS stimulation, cardiac stimulation, increased diuresis, skeletal muscle tremors, and increased gastric acid secretion.

pulmonary diseases.

arrythmia associated w/ tachycardia caused by digitalis intoxication. Lactation. Thyrotoxicosis. Usew/ non-selective beta blockers.

Ampicillin Ampicin, Amplivacil


Interferes with cell wall synthesis of susceptible organisms, preventing bacterial multiplication, it also renders the cell wall osmotically unstable and burst due to osmotic pressure. Deactivated by beta-lactamase,

Treatment of respiratory tract and soft tissue infections, bacterial meningitis, septicemia and gonococcal infections caused by susceptible microorganisms; prophylaxis in rape victims and for bacterial endocarditis

Hypersensitivity to penicillins, cephalosporins, or imipenem. Oral form not use to treat severe pneumonia, emphysema, bacteremia, pericarditis, and purulent or septic arthritis during acute stage

hyperactivity, insomnia, hypotension, peripheral vasodilation, flushing, feeling of tension. Mouth and throat irritation. Serious hypokalemia. Bronchospasm, cough, GI discomfort, epistaxis, heartburn,dyspe psia, rash. Thrombophlebit is at injection site, dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, reversible hyperactivity, neurotoxicity, urticaria, maculopapular to expoliative dermatitis, vesicular eruptions. Increased BUN and creatinine, vaginitis,

atives, steroids and diureticsmay potentiates salbutamolinduced hypokalemia in acute sever asthma. Corticosteroid s, digitalis. Sedtives, MAOIs and hypoglycemic drug

Determine history of previous medication and ability to self medicate to prevent additive Monitor for evidence of allergic reactions and paeadoxical bronchospasm.

Probenecid impairs drug excretion. Decrease eficacy of oral contraceptive s and atenolol. Allopurinol increases risk of skin rashes. Choloroquine; The absorption of ampicillin has been reduced in healthy

Obtain patient history of infection before and during therapy to assess reponse Assess patient for signs and symptoms of infection Monitor renal function Monitor blood studies

an enzyme produced by resistant bacteria.

Amikacin Amikacide, Amikin, Cidacid,Nic a


Binds to bacterial ribosomal subunit to cause misreading of the genetic code which leads to inaccurate peptide sequence of protein synthesis and bacteria death

Treatment of infection caused by susceptible strains of microorganisms, especially gram negative bacteria

Hypersensitivity to amikacin. History of hypersensitivity or serious toxic reactions to aminoglycosides

decreased Hgb, Hct, RBC, WBC neutrophils, eosinophils, and platelets, reduced serum albumin and total proteins, pain in injection site, hyperthermia Hearing loss, deafness, loss of balance, oliguria, proteinuria, increased serum creatinine, urinary casts, red and white blood in the urine, azotemia, decreased serum magnesium

subjects by choloroquine taken concomitantly

Assess for overgrowth of infectiom

Paracetam ol Acetamino phen

Analgesic, anti pyretic

Decreases fever by inhibiting the efeects of pyrogens on the hypothalamic heat regulating center and by a

Relief of mild to moderate pain; Treatment of fever

Hypersensitivity: Intolerance to tartazine(yello dye#5), alcohol, table sugar, saccharin.

Stimulation, drowsiness, N/V, abdominal pain, hepatotoxicity, hepatic seizure, renal failure,

Drugs with nephrotoxic potential may increase risk of nephrotoxicity . Loop diuretics; may increased risk for auditory toxicity. Do not mix with beta-lactamm antibiotics(e.g . carbenicillin, ticarcillin) Toxicity may be increased in patients receiving other potentially hepatoxic

Assess patient for signs and symptoms of infection Assess patient for previous sensitivity reaction Assess for allergic reaction Monitor signs of nephrotoxicity Assess patients fever or pain Assess allergic reaction

hypothalamic action leading to sweating and vasodilation. Relieves pain by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis at the CNS but does not have anti inflammatory action brcause of its minimal effect on peripheral prostaglandin synthesis

leukopenia, neutropenia, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytope nia, pancytopenia, rash, urticaria, cyanosis, anemia, convulsion, coma, death

drugs or drugs that induce liver microsomal enzymes. The absorption on paracetamol may be accelerated by drugs as as metocloprami de.

Assess heaptotoxicity Monitor liver and renal functions Check I&O Assess chronic poisoning

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