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Evaluate present induction..Suggest change in duration and content.

(These are mostly suggestion, pin present practices from case) I. II. Prepared by hr department lack experience in realistic field selling situation. No formal training in selling in specific situation which affects Declaration knowledge. Productive knowledge If then contingencies. III. IV. Teamwork???- needed as they will be member of cross functional sales team ( coordination, evaluate others, feedback) No learning over external environment- market knowledge just through visits Competitors position/strategy V. VI. VII. Non verbal communicationBusy sales managers( commission overrides/ no release time)--- thus content and quality vary individually Company should use four level of training evaluation (given in book) in parallel with training.

Content Role plays- for if then situation Better team work, coordination, problem solving, feedback Video recording, for critique, self evaluation Training evaluation--- for finding reaction There is no follow-up No content on salesperson development No reward for manager for developing employees. Interactive self study/ customized comp program Share real life experience and sales situation from veterans Exposure to top level management to boost morale External environment- competitor, market

2. Identifying training need of Sales engineer Identifying problem and opportunity Knowledge about product, customer, technology Market and competitors position Customer information and expectation Familiarise with sales process Prepare for if-then contingencies Team work Company orientation supervisors Change in company strategy, product sold, Change in external environment In case of jv and partnership analyze different synergies Changing customer needs and expectation

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