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Adalberto Guerra His own war. Times change and methods to divide men.

Some years ago I came across a poor apprentice poet with pretensions of misunder stood genius, sad life in a small town in my country and an active member of the Brigada Hermanos Sainz. Youth and love for the cause he gave me kept me from se eing the rodent who hid behind the guise of a poet. I think that even today is u sed to denigrate and confuse real objectives of the "poet". If I'm honest I think it does not deserve these short letters that I spend, but I make an exception rather than the character, but by the many "Adalbertos Wars" that I have ever met in my more than half a century. They no doubt profoundly damaging to all Cubans. Divide and denigrate, segregate and confused, is one of the main causes that keep our country in the situation where you are. Whether or not members of the D.S.E. is just irrelevant. You can do a dirty job for vanity or for money: the result does not benefit the cause of democracy, nat ional reconciliation and much needed today. Does you bet? War What is your staff? In any case forgive your sins and that God give you peace that we all need to bu ild a better country. Fausto Adolfo Marti

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