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Contention 1.

Alternative energy hurts

-Alternative energy refinement is inefficient

Contention 2. Alternative energy hurts

One of the problems facing the resolution is the fact that in the
US, our infrastructure is not set up to produce, transport, distribute, or
use alternative energies _______________.
According to The Economist, in order to solve this problem, we
would have to spend 3 trillion dollars within a single year to begin the
process of building the needed material: pipelines, factories, and
fueling stations. Then we have to switch over all of our vehicles. That
would cost__________ dollars, and would drive automakers out of
business, as they are almost there already.

Additionally, our working class is shrinking at an alarming rate.

-Vehicle switch is costly

-lack of workers
-Research & Development can’t increase by needed 40%

Contention 3. Alternative energy will

exponentially increase food prices.
-Shortages 25% of corn supply, 1.1 billion people can’t afford food.

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