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JavaScript (Regular Expressions)

Erick Kurniawan, S.Kom

Regular Expressions
Diperkenalkan pada javascript versi 1.2 Menggunakan RegExp object Digunakan untuk mengecek inputan user (argumen yang diinputkan user) Syntax dari regular expressions biasanya diapit / dan / Contoh
var pattern = /http/;

var patternIgnoringCase = /http/i;

Flags dalam Regular Expressions

Character I G Meaning Case-insensitive. Global match. Finds all matches in the string, rather than just the first. Multiline matching.

Regular Expressions
Dapat dibuat dengan menggunakan RegExp() konstruktor Contoh 1:
var pattern = new RegExp("http"); var patternIgnoringCase = new RegExp("http", "i");

Method yang biasa digunakan adalah test() Contoh 2:

var pattern = new RegExp("http"); pattern.test("HTTP://WWW.W3C.ORG/"); //return false regex1.html

Regular Expressions Contoh 3:

var patternIgnoringCase = new RegExp("http", "i"); patternIgnoringCase.test("HTTP://WWW.W3C.ORG /"); //return true regex2.html

Contoh 3:
var pattern = /^http$/; pattern.test("HTTP://WWW.W3C.ORG/"); //return false

Regular Expression Escape Codes

Code \f \n Newline \r Carriage return \t Tab \v Vertical tab \/ Foreslash / \\ Backslash \ \. Period . Matches Form feed Newline Carriage return Tab Vertical tab Foreslash / Backslash \ Period .

Regular Expression Escape Codes

\* Asterisk * \+ Plus sign + \? Question mark ? \| Horizontal bar, aka Pipe | \( Left parenthesis ( \) Right parenthesis ) \[ Left bracket [ \] Right bracket ] Asterisk * Plus sign + Question mark ? Horizontal bar, aka Pipe | Left parenthesis ( Right parenthesis ) Left bracket [ Right bracket ]

Regular Expressions Contoh (untuk alamat website):

var pattern = /http:\/\/www\.w3c\.org\//;

Repetition Quantifiers
var pattern = /ab?c/; var pattern = /ab{5}c/; var pattern = /abbbbbc/; var pattern = /ab{5,7}c/; var pattern = /ab{3,}c/;

Repetition Quantifiers
Character * + ? {m, n} {m, } {m} Meaning Match previous item zero or more times. Match previous item one time or more. Match previous item zero or one times. Match previous item at minimum m times, but no more than n times. Match previous item m or more times. Match previous item exactly m times.

Regular Expressions Grouping

var pattern = /a(bc)+/; var pattern = /(very){3,5} hot/;

Character Classes
var pattern var pattern var pattern var pattern var pattern var pattern no telp? = = = = = = /[pbm]ill/; /[1234567890]+/; /[0-9]+/; /[a-z]/; /[a-zA-Z0-9]/; /^[a-z][a-z0-9_-]*/i; //untuk

Regular Expressions Grouping (Not)

var pattern = /[^a-zA-Z]+/;

Common Character Classes

var pattern = /abc..d/; var pattern = /^\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}$/;

var pattern = /^(http|ftp|https)/; var pattern = /(James|Jim|Charlie) Brown/;

Character Classes
Character [chars] [^chars] . \w \W \s \S \d \D \b \B [\b] Meaning Any one character indicated either explicitly or as a range between the brackets. Any one character not between the brackets represented explicitly or as a range. Any character except newline. Any word character. Same as [a-zA-Z0-9_]. Any non-word character. Same as [^a-zA-Z0-9_]. Any whitespace character. Same as [ \t\n\r\f\v]. Any non-whitespace character. Same as [^ \t\n\r\f\v]. Any digit. Same as [0-9]. Any non-digit. Same as [^0-9]. A word boundary. The empty space between a \w and \W. A word non-boundary. The empty space between word characters. A backspace character.

Regular Expression /\Wten\W/ /\wten\w/ /\bten\b/ /\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\ d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/ Matches ten aten1 ten Does Not Match ten, tents ten, 1ten attention, tensile, often abc.44.55.42 128.22.45.

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