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Raanan Katz: The EUROHOLD Balkan League is doing good

28-11-2011 | 15:15 | Raanan Katz has been part of Miami Heats management for over 20 years. One of the richest people in Israel is a shareholder in the team from South Florida and rarely misses a home game of the Heat in American Arena in Miami. Katz is a former basketball player as the logo of his company has a basketball and a hoop. He als helps Galil Gilboa, one of the Israeli participants in the EUROHOLD Balkan League, so after the teams win against Rilski Sportist he talked to Lubomir Neshev of Q: How did you see the game tonight? Raanan Katz: Of course I know the team of Galil Gilboa and I know that they are doing a good job in the Israeli championship. There is always room for improvement, but for now they are looking good and I hope they can get as far as possible in the competition.

Raanan Katz and Shay Shtriks (

Q: What is your opinion of the Bulgarian team - Rilski Sportst and do you know anything about the basketball in Bulgaria? RK: I know some things. A couple of years ago I was in So a with Maccabi Tel Aviv, and I remember we achieved a tough win against Lukoil Academic. It was a friendly game, but now Im sure that the Bulgarian basketball is improving. Q: You are one of the owners of the Miami Heat, do you think that the lockout will soon be over? (note: the interview was taken before the agreement between players and owners) RK: You know very well, that Im not allowed to talk about this. If I say anything I can be penalized by $1 million. Im sorry but I cant answer. Q: You talked with the Sports Director of the EUROHOLD Balkan League - Shay Shtriks - is there a possibility that you may invest in Bulgaria and the Balkans, and what is your opinion of the competition? RK: I think thats a great idea. The League is doing good, there is a good person on top and things are alright. Im prepared to listen to any o er for the future.

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