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Expatriate Teachers recruitment through the lens of Positioning Theory in International School

Positions Self as Administrator Duty to find the most fitting candidate Expands Position of Self - Right to offer a job Right to hire a well qualified and experienced candidate. Positions Self as Teacher Duty to support him or herself. Expands Position of Self - Right to have the job because of his/her qualification and experience Right to find a meaningful employment.

Rights and duties

Rights and duties


Speech Act The Actual Interview Story-line Presenting the organization as the best choice for the candidate. Story-line Presenting him or herself as the most fit for the job/ position

Story line Story line The mutually determined triad of positioning School Hunting or Positioning for the Position

Positioning Theory enables us to understand the nature of interactions, offers a tool for getting inside of situations. Just as the self is relative to others, the same way positions are relative to one another, i.e. doctorpatient, teacher-pupil, etc. In the social episode position and story line mutually define each other.

By: Catherine B. de Levay

Photo Credit: Backpacker Heavy Load Clipartfrom Clker .com

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