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This case study is about ABC Pharma ltd .is a mid sized pharmaceutical company in india. Initially starting off as an entrepreneurial venture, the company had been put in the hands of a professional management group. The marketing team had to sell a product which was banned in the western countries due to its ill effects and by changing the name of the raw material . A new recruit from a B company joins the company and becomes the whistle blower who brings this up and also some serious ethical lapses in the company .

A new recruit from a B company joins the company and becomes the whistle blower who brings this up and also some serious ethical lapses in the company . shortly after joining as area manager in the countrys north eastern region , the person found that the team including the seniors was adopting unethical/illegal means to meet the high sales targets faced with the dilemma the later now founder had made suren that every one in the company shold follow the code of ethics and the law of land of whether to conform to the team or comply with law later , he chose the later new founder of thje company had made sure that evry one in the company shoul;d follow the code of ethics And the law of land.

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