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HSC 2010 3U English Compose a piece of original imaginative writing using a setting from one of your prescribed texts

and incorporating these three terms: a wish a message solitude Your response should draw on your knowledge and understanding of the elective you have studied. Avatar It was mid-morning on New Years Day during one of Tokyos coldest winters. The shrine grounds were secluded from the main road; the crimson tori gate the only thing that pronounced its existence. As I walked up the steps to the main courtyard, I noticed various stalls in the process of being packed up from last nights festival. Being a hikikomori, having shut myself in my room for the past few months or so, I didnt much care for large social gatherings, though I had come here today to change that. Various shrine owners, most of their eyes ringed from 10 or more straight hours of flogging their yakisoba, udon, other assorted foods and souvenirs to all the people that came to pray here, stared at my oddly hunched figure as I hurried to the shrine, kicking away plastic cups and bowls as I went. One stall was thankfully still up, and the owner gave me her last pieces of taiyaki and a cup of green tea. The steaming hot custard filled fish shaped cake and tea served as an effective alleviation to the freezing winds and snow. The courtyard led to a narrow path up a smooth slope to the actual shrine, along with the calligraphy ceramic plate stall for wishes run by the shrine maidens. Thankfully, since I had avoided the midnight queue, the place was deserted. For once, I was again alone with my thoughts. I shrugged off my messenger bag and leaned it against the stall, zipping my North Face windcheater against the December chill. I rang the bell at the shrine twice, clapped my hands together, and made my wish. I wish I can get along better with other people. Ah, a latecomer. Shougatsu omedetou!

I whirled around, flustered at the sudden congratulations on the new year. The shrine maiden in front of me wore the traditional vibrant red hakama and white haori. Her hair was tied into a neat ponytail with a red hair ribbon. She did not seem surprised by my appearance, which made me feel slightly f oolish for being shocked. Of course thered be miko here. I realised I was staring without answering, and stuttered out a half responsive greeting. She laughed, her voice tinkling like wind chimes. Have you come here to pay your respects and make a wish then? Guess youll need an ema too She leaned the broomstick she was holding against the stall next to my bag, before selecting one of the wish-giving ceramic plates from the desk. You wanted to become better with people, yes? Her calligraphy brush lightly dipped into the black paint as she prepared to write. Uh, yeah, I guess I hurriedly reached into my wallet and pulled out a 500 yen note to pay for it. The miko gracefully wrote the wish on the plate, before handing me both it and a string to tie it onto one of the many posts around the shrine, and accepted the money in a red cardboard box. As she got up to resume her sweeping of all the shrine grounds, she accidentally knocked my messenger bag. The sketch book fell out and clattered down a few steps before stopping, flipped open to a page drawing of one of my favourite anime character, shamelessly copied. She picked it up as I squeaked out some sort of excuse. These are really good. She flipped through more of sketches, which also were copied from anime. She didnt seem to be put off by the content of the drawings though, which was quite uncommon. So I guess youre quite the anime and manga fan, arent you? She smiled as she put the sketchbook back into my bag. Ahahayeah Once I had fumbled the ema onto a post to the left of the shrine, I retrieved the bag. Well, that was my New Years resolution completed. Why dont you do a drawing of me? I jumped as the miko behind me struck a pose, her geta clacking against the stone. I was confused. Why would this girl want me to do a drawing of her? I couldnt offer her anything, like money or clothes. Why would she be trying to be friends?

Oh whatever. Im probably overthinking it. After all, my New Years resolution was to get along better with people, right? Yeahsure. Im guessing not naked right? I cracked a small joke. Her laughter again tinkled like wind chimes. Preferably, yes, especially in this weather. She smiled as she posed, broom in hand, as the wind blew through the trees. I flipped open the sketchbook, settled down on one of the cobblestone slabs, extracted a pacer from my bag, and began the rough outline. Within 20 minutes I had much of the drawing done, before I realised she was leaning down, looking over my shoulder. I jumped, startled at her presence when I had been absorbed in my work. See? This is really good already! She straightened up again. And its not even in the same style youre normally used to. The miko winked, before slightly bowing to me. My name is Asakura. Its nice to meet you. I shot up from my seat, but she held her palm out in a calming motion. Calm down before you start. Taking a few deep breaths, I began, Uh, Im Takasu. Its, uh, nice to meet you too. I forced myself to do a slow bow, which appeared to look comically mechanical. I heard her tinkling giggle again, and I chuckled a little with her. The confidence will come with time. She returned to her sweeping. Meanwhile, Ill be here every day. Maybe you can visit me at Tokyo University when semester starts? Youre a Toudai student too? I though you wouldve picked something that had more money in it for you than being a shrine maiden. Well, it was either this, or cosplaying as a schoolgirl, and I thought that dressing up as a schoolgirl for pervy businessmen and tourists was not the best way to spiritually expand my horizons. I chuckled. Yeah, true that. I finished off the last few lines of the drawing. Do you want it now, or would you like it digitally? You can digitally do it too? She said incredulously. Yeah! I mean, if you want it for an avatar for something I said, abashed.

Thats great! She beamed. Yeah, can you colour it as well? Ill give you my email address The shrine maiden scribbled it down on another page of the sketchbook, before taking a glance at her watch, hidden underneath her haoris right sleeve. Crap, I gotta finish sweeping everything in an hour and I havent even gotten to the courtyard yet! Uh, well, Takasu, it was nice meeting you and everything. Ill be here every day so you better visit, alright?! She called back as she ran down the stone steps, her geta loudly clapping as she ran. Yeah, sure! I called back. And be careful, you could trip! Although the warning came too late, as I heard a yelp of Kyaa! and a crash in the distance. Im okay! she yelled back, just as I was about to ask. You take care now! You too! I called back. Receiving no reply and assuming she was out of earshot, I started down the slope myself. The year had begun with human interaction, good deeds and reciprocity. This years going to be a good year, I thought to myself.

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