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Special Bonus Report Delving into the Power to Change Binaural Collection


Terms and Conditions

The health practices described in this program are for information purposes only, and neither the author nor the publisher shall be held liable or responsible for any harm to anyone from the direct or indirect application of the knowledge or ideas expressed in the program. These practices utilize natural healing systems, and there are no claims for their effectiveness. Please consult a physician and/or a mental health counselor before engaging in any of these practices or before taking any advice from this program.


Welcome to the "Power to Change" Binaural audios. Through these guided audio programs, you will use the power of your subconscious mind to release tension and encourage change and growth. Through your subconscious, you can motivate yourself to make the changes you need to succeed and accomplish your goals. We recommend downloading these audios to your MP3 player, and listening to them while sitting or lying comfortably.

Note: To experience the full effect of this extraordinary technology, stereo headphones are required when listening.

These audio files work in four powerful ways:

1. First the brainwave entrainment binaural beats gently guide your mind into the theta brainwave state (see explanation below).

2. Second, a powerful hypnosis induction script developed by a certified hypno-therapist guides you into a hypnotic state.

3. Third, affirmations developed in conjunction with a master of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) help your mind to anchor suggestions to the relaxed state you are in allowing you to achieve it at anytime.


4. Fourth, subliminal affirmations help to reinforce the suggestions and affirmations. Each MP3 file is approximately 20 minutes long. The first 16-17 minutes guide your brain into the Theta state where learning, relaxation and healing occur. The last few minutes bring you back to the normal waking state (beta) so you feel refreshed but relaxed after this session. Once you are in the hypnotic state, the affirmations repeat for about 7 minutes so your subconscious will absorb them.

Power to Change MP3s

You've received three Power to Change MP3s. They are: Power To Change Theta Deep Hypnotic Warm Ambience Power To Change Theta Deep Hypnotic Ocean Background Power To Change Theta Deep Hypnotic Rain and Birds Background Note: All three of the above audios have identical guided meditations, but different background sounds. Affirmations included on this audio are: I take control of my life. I perceive change positively with a flexible mindset I have the inner strength to change my life I seize opportunities to succeed and grow. I have a passion for the power of change. I set realistic goals and achieve them.

I achieve my goals through positive change. I tap into my creative problem-solving talents. I create personal power to achieve maximum success. I choose to be successful and motivated. I live my life with creativity and flexibility. I am confident of my talents (and ability) to create success. I experience and enjoy success. I have the energy, resources, and time to be successful. I am decisive and creative. I motivate myself for change and growth.

Bonus Audio: Release Tension MP3

You've also received a bonus audio, entitled "Release Tension Theta Hypnotic Deep Relax". The script for this audio includes: Now that you are completely relaxed allow any remaining tension to drain down from the top of your head all the way down to the tip of your toes and down into the earth deep into the earth. As you relax let it bring a smile to your face. You may not realize that when you smile and take a deep breath you relax even more. Give permission for any remaining tension to simply melt away. Your muscles are loose and limpLike a handful of loose rubber bands

You probably already know that a smile is a signal of how peacefully relaxed you are. As you feel the relaxation permeate your body feel yourself smile. Each time you smile let it remind you to lighten up and relax. This peaceful relaxing feeling will carry over into your life every time you smile. The more you practice this meditation the more relaxed you will get and the deeper you will go.

The Powerful Technologies Behind These Sessions

Brainwave Entrainment Technology: Using binaural beat technology, your brainwaves will naturally tune to the embedded frequencies in each recording. Binaural beats are auditory brainstem responses which originate in each hemisphere. They result from the interaction of two different auditory impulses, originating in opposite ears. For example, if a pure tone of 400 Hz is presented to the right ear and a pure tone of 410 Hz is presented simultaneously to the left ear, an amplitude modulated standing wave of 10 Hz, the difference between the two tones, is experienced as the two wave forms mesh in and out of phase within brain. This binaural beat is not heard in the ordinary sense of the word. It is perceived as an auditory beat and can be used to entrain specific neural rhythms through the frequency-following response. Your brain acts like a resonance chamber and synchronizes its brainwaves to match the audio stimuli in the sessions.

Hypnosis: The suggestions on this recording guide the listener into a state of hypnosis where the critical, thinking conscious mind is distracted and relaxed allowing suggestions to directly influence the subconscious mind, thereby changing beliefs and behaviors. The suggestions on this file were developed by a professionally trained Certified Hypnotherapist.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is neurology, language and programming. The neurological system regulates how our bodies function, language determines how we interface and communicate with other people and our programming determines the kinds of models of the world we create. NLP provides tools and skills for the development of states of individual excellence. At another level, NLP is about self-discovery, exploring identity and mission. NLP is not only about competence and excellence; it is about wisdom and vision. The amazing success of NLP over the past few years is based on one significant finding. It produces results. The suggestions on this file were developed in coordination with a professionally trained Certified NLP Practitioner.

Subliminal Messages (below hearing level) are recorded into each session. The human brain is an amazingly powerful tool. By feeding your subconscious mind with positive subliminal messages, you can harness the powers of your subconscious mind to accomplish anything that you desire. Your subconscious mind has the power to change your life for the better.

Thank you again for your support of our work. We hope these audios bring you much happiness and success.


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