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Final Reflections From the beginning to the final last week of this semester has truly been a challenge.

I have challenged myself through newly learned information about these websites. I have also challenged myself by exploring a new topic I have researched based on popular culture. I feel that I have grown just from the beginning as a writer. I Learned to Lengthen and Shorten without being too extra. I have learned to accept constructive criticism about my paper even though its tough hearing about how sucky something is when you thought it was better. Working with the peer review partners that I had the opportunity to work with was overall awesome. We not only grew closer as classmates we learned about each other writing styles and how to give and receive feedback in a professional manner. Brian and Jacob was awesome partners to have through the semester even if it wasnt me creating something new in writing for my inquiry they taught me tone, and revision. Also with the few readings we had through the semester about how to fix our papers. One thing that really stuck out to me and that I will always remember is the difference between revision and editing they are the same but every paper should have both done before and after turning it in. More so on my writing I need to continue working on drawing my sentences out and creating more of a story instead of giving the information so quickly. I dont know if I felt rush doing to inquiry paper but I feel its not my best work and that I had more time on the other papers due. The annotated bib was actually one of my favorite pieces I turned in for the semester. I feel that in the way I challenged myself just work on it piece by piece that way it wasnt overwhelming. My reflections that I turned in were all of me expressing myself through my work. I even kept extra notes and journals to track everything. The conferences were really helping in keeping me on track and knowing what steps I needed to then take to accomplish my next goal. My goals were to stay on top of things and make sure everything was turning in. I did not want to miss an assignment because even if its not my greatest work ever I have completed a task given to me which means managing my time and balancing out projects. In the end I learned management in order to finish a task. Organization was extremely important for completing this class. I have grown as a writer and as a student. I am really proud that everything was turned in whether it was greatest work or my average work. Reflecting over the semester I have come a long way. Utilizing my class time to get ahead with the time you gave us. Speaking out and helping others in need. Keeping the class upbeat and focused on the task at hand. I learned that for me as a writer I need to give myself lots of time and quiet space in order to complete giving my best work. I enjoyed this class. Although I will not see another general class again I may see you in the hallways! Enjoy the week and some days left of your summer and see you in the fall!

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