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The story is set in the late 90s or can be modified to early part of the 21st century, where Internet

was still in its nascent stage in the Indian subcontinent. Two north Karnataka families whose patriarchs were true blood friends are now sworn enemies due to business and financial reasons. Lets assume one family to be X and the other to be Y. the family X has two sons and the family Y has one son and a daughter and in the current scenario all the children are in their teens. The bickering is so much to an extent that the eldest son of family X and the daughter from family Y who had joined the same college in their PU took TC and got admission in other colleges. But due to fate they took the same degree course in the same college and this time due to refusal from the college authorities are not granted TC for this bizarre reason. These two families were financially sound but as of now, their financial position is not so good and this worries these two youngsters minds. Mother and father of these two families scold their children at the slightest error. All these and many more reasons compel these two particular youngsters to look for love outside their homes. And so, with the infancy in its nascent stage, they take a plunge in online dating. They create an account with fictitious names and as fate willed they both start dating each other. The 3 years of academic years passes off and their results are good enough to land themselves a decent job to support their households. At this juncture these two young adults decide to meet in person to know who they actually are. (prior to this they both had actually requested each of them for their photo, and these two had sent someone elses photo who were known to either the boy or the girl but not to each other and they were not from their current college). Cut back to their meeting; the adults get ready for their meeting. (earlier on the dating site they had professed their love for each other, but had vowed not to meet each other till both of them had landed themselves a job) at the meeting both of them are distressed to find who they were dating actually and they curse each other and get back home. In the interim night both of them are overcome by emotions and the next morning the guy asks the girl to meet him one last time. They come face to face to meet each other and then INTERMISSION. On resuming the guy asks the girl if she would like to give their relationship a chance to sustain. The guy also tells the girl as to how close knit their families and how they are now. (at this juncture a flashback of how a close bond existed between two families and how one bad business decision ruined these two families). The guy also tells the girl that it is upon us to mend the broken bonds. (decisions, times come and go but friendship, relationship are for a lifetime). The girl agrees the guys viewpoint and after some period of time they both decide to get married without informing their parents and also continue to be beloved children of their parents maintaining an arms distance between them. (in the outer world they both are husband and wife, but at home their life as they were leading earlier). In the meantime their respective companies send them on a business trip to some location to get clients where some business fair/expo is taking place. To our protagonists good fortune they both were being sent to the same place, and their companies are competitors. The couple is overjoyed and they mix business with pleasure on their honeymoon cum business trip. They successfully get some big clients for their respective companies. The guys company taking note of his stupendous performance is granted an immediate promotion, a hike in salary and a car for his commuting as rewards. With this good news in mind the couple return home and on their return they are astonished to find out that their respective families have found that these two have already got married

despite such differences. (clue: the photographer who took photos at their marriage sends the photos to their homes). These two are severely admonished for their actions and the issue becomes so serious that they are on the verge of being sent out of their homes, but on noting the financial status in their homes, they are retained. The next morning, the lady of family X goes to temple to beg pardon from God and request him to set things right. At this place she meets the man of family Y and both of them are overcome by emotions. Actually these 2 characters are both brother and sister and they discuss about their fates and destiny and all such loose talk. Meanwhile the couple are perplexed at the sudden turn of events in their life; decide to meet at a place where privacy is respected to decide on the next course of action. While they (family Xs mother and family Ys father) are returning they meet with an accident and are injured. The couple who are travelling in the car to meet at a place meet with an accident and they injure an elderly couple. On finding out, it comes out that the injured are the boys mother and the girls father and the boy is at the steering wheel. People who gathered at the place of the accident thrash the boy black and blue and take him to the police station to register a complaint, while some of them take the injured to the hospital. The girl on knowing what to do, informs both the families and rushes to the hospital. The lady is not severely injured but the gentlemans life is critical and he needs blood to perform the operation. The families look here and there for the respective blood group within the available span of time and when they are not able to get those blood group they are severely beaten by the events that would follow. They realize that the gentlemans blood group matches with that of the eldest son on family X (who is currently in police station). They take a certificate from the doctor stating the blood group and its immediate necessity and go to the police station to request the police to let the accused come to the hospital to donate blood. After some war of words and some crying, the station house officer on humanitarian grounds lets the accused go to the hospital under police custody to donate blood. The accused donates blood but it was just not in time to save the victim. The victim in his last words says like this; this life is only for 4 days and what we will do if we pursue hatred and feel jealous of others and requests all the family members to let the couple live together, also the families and also requests the police not to pursue any case against the accused. Meanwhile on hearing about her elder brothers death the boys mother loses consciousness and slips into coma. The police do the necessary formalities by booking a case and he had already been presented before the magistrate earlier. The hit and run case comes up for hearing and the judge asks the court to start the proceedings. At this juncture, the accused overcome by grief and guilt tells the judge that it was entirely his fault and there is no need to do any proceedings wasting precious time and he is ready to undergo any punishment. The judge notes down the statements and also takes a look at the victims last statements. At this juncture the members of both the families make a fervent appeal to show mercy on the accused and if at all the judge needs to give him any punishment, please give him a suitable punishment that would atone for the accused wrongdoings. After a few moments of thinking, the judge orders the accused to do 100 hours of community service. The accused starts and completes his sentence and after all this his mother who was in coma for all this time regains consciousness and on seeing her family members, realizes it was entirely the educated elders fault who tried to fill their children as well as their lives with hate, jealousy and not with love. The family members narrate the events that took place while she was in coma, and though not willing after much coaxing, forgives her son and daughter-in-law, keeping in mind her elder brothers last wish and all of them go to the same temple to solemnize the couples marriage in

front of them. And all of them live happily together ever after till death did them apart.

Life is only for 4 days. Spread, give and receive love instead of hate and jealousy Shubham.

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