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Play Day 9 - 01/09/2012

Date: Toilday, 30th Gozran.

The party begin this session in the large rooms of the Hobgoblin Warchief, having previously dispatched the former inhabitants and secured the room with a portcullis.

Having prepared for the a rest stop, the party broke out their bedrolls and put away their gear and armour; sleeping safe in the knowledge that the area was secured and each party member would take turn to stand watch. The last member to stand watch was Favion, the Gnome Bard that had only just recently joined the party. Little was really known about this Gnome or why he had chosen this party to travel with. Krondor, having taken the rst watch, slept long and soundly. The Dwarf rolled over in his sleep and awoke, feeling refreshed. He looked around the room. The Monk Of Irori slept within his bedroll, on top of a simple single bed and Elamros slept in his bedroll a top another single bed, in the two opposite corners of the room. As Krondor listened he heard foot steps, from more than one person, walking in the room outside and he heard a low, quiet voice. The voice was slurred and though Krondor did not understand the words, he recognised them as being related to the Goblin tongue. Krondor quietly got out of bed and moved over to the sleeping form of the Monk. The Dwarf approached, reaching out with a hand towards the Monk but before he could touch the sleeping gure the Monks' hand shot out and covered the Dwarfs' mouth. The Monks' eyes snapped opened, focused on Krondor and in whisper the Monk spoke, "Trouble?"

The tall gure of a Hobgoblin appeared at the door.

"What do you think?" replied Krondor as he moved quickly back to his own bed, towards his battleaxe that was leaning against it. As the Dwarf reached for this battleaxe he bellowed loudly, "To arms you lazy dogs!" The Monk of Irori, in one quick uid movement, sprung out of bed and moved towards the hesitating Hobgoblin, who appeared to be swaying slightly. A strong smell of liquor lled the room. The rest of the party quickly rose. Isabella and Delina awoke in the room to the south, having shared a larger double bed to lay out their bedrolls. Elamros quickly sat up in his bed, seeing the Monk moving out of his bedroll and moving towards the door where a large Hobgoblin was raising a longsword and shield. As the Monk was moving forward, part of the bed sheet wrapped around his leg, and as the Monk moved in front of the Hobgoblin he tripped over as his feet locked up.

Krondor, seeing the Monk in danger, hastily grabbed his battleaxe, and whilst still wearing only his under garments ran up to the Hobgoblin and swung.

The Monk quickly recovered and got back onto his feet. Krondor, the Monk and Elamros who now stand next to his bed dressed only in pants and with his long bow, engaged the Hobgoblin and quickly killed the smelly creature. Immediately another Hobgoblin, this one much larger and wearing scale armour strode forward and took its place. Isabella and Delina, still only dressed in light under garments, arrived at the rear of the creature. Isabella armed with her repeating crossbow and Delina armed only with her arcane talents. The creature quickly found itself in a dire situation, being attacked on two sides, receiving wound after wound. Krondors' battleaxe accidentally lodged itself into the wooden frame of the door after a mis-placed blow by the Dwarf. The Hobgoblin, realising it was about to die tried to turn and run away but as he did so, the Monk of Irori kicked out and broke the creatures' spine with a sickening crunch.

The party stood victorious. ********* Krondor roared, "Where is that useless Bard? He should have been here standing watch!" Isabella spoke, "The portcullis is raised up. Monk did you hear anything?"
The Monk, trying hard not to look directly at the half naked gures of Isabella and Delina, spoke, "He .... he is gone. So too is all his gear and bedroll."

Elamros shouted, "My gems are gone!"

Krondor spoke, "So too are my gems AND THE BLOODY AECRIS SWORD! THAT THIEVING SCUM!" Shouts from the rest of the party then erupted as each member of the group discovered that they had been robbed too. Quickly the party readied themselves and followed an easy trail back towards the entrance of the Shadowfell Keep. Gold coins were visible scattered randomly on the stone oor from where they must have spilt from an open bag. At the stone stairs that lead to the outside, the party stopped. The faint light from the stars in the night sky illuminated the entrance. A small bloody body was visible laying at the top of the stairs. As the party cautiously approached they could see it was indeed Favion, the Gnome Bard, but he was obviously dead. His body was torn apart with large claw marks.

All the loot he had stolen lay on the ground, scattered about.

Elamros knelt down and examined the body, "He bears the same injuries as did my fallen comrades when they were attacked and killed by a grizzly bear, within this area. It would not be a good way to die."

"Lad," spoke Krondor, "Dieing never is." Delina walked up to the body and kicked it, "Nothing more than this one deserved."

The stolen gear and treasure was recovered and party made its way back to the Warchiefs' room, to break camp, dress and prepare for the rest of the "days" exploration. On the way back, the party stopped at the hidden armoury they had previously discovered to now store the enchanted armour that they had recovered off the dead body of Favion. *********

Moving to explore the area north of the Warchiefs' room, the party come across a series of connected rooms that hold much supplies and alcohol. Voices can be heard coming from two separate doors. Elamros sneaks up to one set of doors and carefully opens it slightly. Within he can see two Hobgoblins, standing unarmed and looking and smelling drunk. One appears to be standing next to a bow and the other, in robes, next to a staff. Elamros quickly aims his bow at the gure next to the staff through the gap in the door. Isabella, looking from behind points at the same gure and utters forth a prayer of Silence. As the arrow is released it hits the robbed gure who spins around and collapses onto the oor, knocking over the staff as it does so. No sound comes from the gure though, even as it hits the ground, as the effects of the Silence Spell take effect. The other Hobgoblin looks confused over at the fallen body. As the creature is still trying to work out what has happened, another arrow from Elamros hits its and causes it to stumble back with a yell.

Rushing into the room, the Monk moves up to the the injured Hobgoblin and attacks it. The Monk can now see more Hobgoblins are standing in the room, just around a corner. More Hobgoblins come out from the other set of doors but have to stop and duck as bolts and arrows from Isabellas' cross bow and Elamross' bow y out towards them. After a short battle, the party eventually kill a total of seven Hobgoblins. *********

Searching the room, only 20 gold pieces, 34 silver pieces and 3 large beer kegs of good value are found.

Making their way south the party come across a large but empty chamber, with two doors the only visible way onwards. One door lies on the west wall and the other to the south. The party make their way through the west ward door, following the corridor as it bends round to the south, before it eventually ends at a set of double doors that have been boarded over with a large blank of wood. Written on the wood board, in messy Common, is "Closed" Krondor and the Monk use their weapons to pry open the door and the party continue through. Arriving at a t-junction the party turn west and proceed. Elamros stops momentarily and looks back to the eastern passage.

Isabella looks at the Half-elf, "Elamros is there a problem?" The Half-elven rogue turns back, "No ... just my imagination I guess."

Continuing, they arrive at a larger chamber that has a single door along the eastern wall and four stone sarcophagi stand against the western wall. Elamros moves cautiously up to the door and examines it for traps. After a moment he speaks, "Yeah ... there is a thin metal wire that runs between the door and door frame. Give me a moment or two to disarm it." A faint sliding sound comes from behind the party from the northern passage. Turning to look, a transparent cube, almost invisible in the dim light is slowly moving towards the party. The party ready their weapons. Isabella speaks out, "Do not let that thing touch your exposed skin or you'll be held fast. Everyone attack that thing fast!" The party attack the slowly moving thing. Chunks of clear goo fall off and splatter onto the ground. The cube tries to move onto Krondor and Isabella and the pair have to jump out the way before they are engulfed. As the cube reaches the large chamber it is nally reduced to nothing but a scattered pile of clear goo. The party are victorious again. *********

Elamros returns to the door to attempt to disarm the trap. Kneeling down he takes out a leather bag and unrolls it, revealing various small metal tools. He begins to work the tools in and out of the small door gap. Krondor and the Monk stand near the stone sarcophagi. Krondor speaks up, "Hurry up, I've got a bad feeling about this place." Elamros mumbles, "Ok .... I think I got it ..."

A loud click comes from the door. Elamros whispers, "... or maybe not."

Two loud bangs comes from the west as two of the stone sarcophagis' doors swing open. Immediately two humanoid creatures, with tight grey pallid skin, long sharp teeth, pointed ears and red eyes jump out of the open doors.

Krondor and the Monk attack the wild creatures, who in turn, claw and bite back. Krondors' armour and shield defend him well but the Monk gets bitten on the arm.

Elamros' bow sends arrow after arrow at the foul creatures. Eventually the two creatures are slain.

Isabella holds forth her holy symbol and bathes the area in positive energy, causing the foul creatures' skin to burn and fry badly.

The Monk of Irori holds his arm and inspects the bite wound. It burns with an unnatural heat. *********

And that is where the play session ended.

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