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Katy Porter, DTM

Lt. Governor Marketing District 33 email:

Hello District 33 Toastmasters!! It is Fall 2012 a time of thinking about back to school, falling leaves and TOASTMASTERS! Current Activities

Add five members between August 1 and September 30 to earn the Smedley Award Ribbon. Dues are due - $36 to Toastmasters International, plus club dues, paid BEFORE September 30.

Marketing Teams Working for You! In the Marketing area, we have filled our two teams with leaders from every corner of our wonderful District. The first team is headed by District Club Coach Chair, Jamuna Ramnath, DTM. Each Division has representation, with a Division Club Coach Chair or two. This Chair works with the Division and Area Governors, as well as club officers, to identify clubs that could use a coach. The Chair then recruits, or asks the Governors to recruit volunteer coaches. These coaches are more experienced members, who are ready to use what they have learned PLUS on-line and web training, to work with a smaller club. By June 30, with help from the coach, these clubs should be Distinguished (5 DCP points, plus 5 or more net member growth). How can YOU help? If you are an ACB and ALB, OR have at least 3 years as an active Toastmaster, PLEASE let your Area Governor know that you are picking up an oar to help. Your Division Club Coach Chair will match you with a club, and if the chemistry is right, you will be assigned as a coach. This is Unity in the Community in action. We have already placed several coaches, but MANY MORE clubs are eligible for a coach. Do not hold back we need everyones help to be a Presidents Distinguished District.

The second team is headed by District Club Rebuilding And Finding Team (C.R.A.F.T.). Chair, Emma Santa, DTM.

The C.R.A.F.T. function has two parts: Coordinate new clubs, and provide support for clubs whose membership is between 13 and 19. Each Division has representation, with a Division C.R.A.F.T. Chair or two. This Chair works with the Division and Area Governors, as well as club officers, to identify opportunities for new clubs. Leads may come from the Division team leaders, or members, or Toastmasters International, or YOU. Emma is working with Brian Rice, our District Webmaster, to provide a source for club tips and enhancement that members can access to refresh their club experience, and attract new members.
District 33 Unity in the Community

Katy Porter, DTM

Lt. Governor Marketing District 33 email:

We are looking for volunteers who are ready to help build new clubs. New or advanced, every Toastmaster can volunteer to help with Kick-Off meetings for new clubs throughout the year. Let your Area Governor or Club President know that you want to help, and they will pass your name to your C.R.A.F.T. Chair.

Important CLUB WEBSITE information to help your Club and Area The first version of FreeToastHost is GONE. FreeToastHost V2 is ready to go. About half of our clubs are set up, linked up and working. About half are not. All District 33 Clubs need to set up the new website. Is your clubs new website up and running? Congratulations! Keep reading we are looking for volunteers to assist other clubs. It only takes an hour or two to be up and running. You can let your Area Governor know that you can help. Sharing the load, we hope to shine a light on our clubs with branded websites by December 31. With sincerity and APPRECIATION, Katy Porter, DTM Your Lieutenant Governor Marketing, District 33 Unity in the Community. Begins with U!

District 33 Unity in the Community

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