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100 film biografi yang bermutu, harus ditonton, harus. Ini film2 mencerdaskan ya hhhh 1.

Schindler's List - (1993) (Oskar Schindler, German factory owner) (Liam Neeso n) 2. Gandhi - (1982) (Mahatma Gandhi, Indian non-violent protest leader) (Ben King sley) 3. Lawrence of Arabia - (1963) (Thomas E. Lawrence, British intelligence officer ) (Peter O'Toole) 4. Raging Bull - (1980) (Jake LaMotta, middleweight boxing champ) (Robert De Nir o) 5. Napoleon - (1927, silent) (Napoleon Bonaparte, French leader) (Albert Dieudon n) 6. Amadeus - (1984) (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composer) (Tom Hulce) 7. Patton - (1970) (George S. Patton, US General WWII) (George C. Scott) 8. Braveheart - (1995) (William Wallace, 13th Century Scotsman) (Mel Gibson) 9. Malcom X - (1992) (Born: Malcolm Little, Black Nationalist leader) (Denzel Wa shington) 10. The Ten Commandments - (1956) (Moses) (Charlton Heston) 11. The Passion of Joan of Arc - (1928) (Joan of Arc, French martyr) (Maria Falc onetti) 12. Spartacus - (1960) (Spartacus, slave revolt leader, Rome) (Kirk Douglas) 13. Becket - (1964) (Thomas Becket, English Saint and martyr) (Richard Burton) 14. The Spirit of St. Louis - (1957) (Charles Augustus Lindbergh, aviator) (Jame s Stewart) 15. Lust For Life - (1956) (Vincent Van Gogh, painter) (Kirk Douglas) 16. Mary, Queen of Scots - (1972) (Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland) (Vanessa Redg rave) 17. Andrei Rublev - (1969) (Andrei Rublyov, icon painter) (Anatoli Solonitsyn) 18. Pride Of The Yankees - (1943) (Henry Louis 'Lou' Gehrig, Baseball player) (G ary Cooper) 19. Sergeant York - (1941) (Alvin C. York, War hero, WWI) (Gary Cooper) 20. The Miracle Worker - (1962) (Annie Sullivan, Helen Keller) (Anne Bancroft, P atty Duke) 21. Bonnie and Clyde - (1967) (Bonnie Parker, Clyde Barrow) (Faye Dunaway, Warre n Beatty) 22. The Agony and the Ecstasy - (1965) (Michelangelo, Italian artist) (Charlton Heston) 23. Mommie Dearest - (1981) (Joan Crawford, actress) (Faye Dunaway) 24. The Passion of the Christ - (2004) (Jesus) (James Caviezel) 25. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly - (2007) (Jean-Dominique Bauby, Elle edito r) (Mathieu Amalric) 26. Capote - (2006) (Truman Capote, American writer) (Philip Seymour Hoffman) 27. Immortal Beloved - (1995) (Ludwig van Beethoven, composer) (Gary Oldman) 28. The Last Emperor - (1987) (Pu Yi, Final Emperor of China) (John Lone) 29. Goodfellas - (1990) (Henry Hill, gangster) (Ray Liotta) 30. A Beautiful Mind - (2002) (John Nash, mathemetician) (Russell Crowe) 31. Ivan Grozny II: Boyarsky zagovor - (1958) (Czar Ivan IV) (Nikolai Cherkasov) 32. Ray - (2004) (Ray Charles, popular music pianist) (Jamie Foxx) 33. The Pianist - (2002) (Wladyslaw Szpilman, Jewish musician) (Adrien Brody) 34. The Elephant Man - (1980) (Dr. Frederick Treves, John Merrick) (Anthony Hopk ins, John Hurt) 35. Silkwood - (1983) (Karen Silkwood, employee in nuclear facility) (Meryl Stre ep) 36. Young Mr. Lincoln - (1939) (Abraham Lincoln, US president) (Henry Fonda) 37. The Diary of Anne Frank - (1959) (Anne Frank, Jewish girl hiding from nazis) (Millie Perkins) 38. Gorillas in the Mist - (1988) (Dian Fossey, anthropologist) (Sigourney Weave r) 39. A Man For All Seasons - (1966) (Sir Thomas More, English statesman) (Paul Sc

ofield) 40. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - (1969) (Butch Cassidy, Sundance) (Paul Newman, R. Redford) 41. Lenny - (1974) (Lenny Bruce, 1960s comic) (Dustin Hoffman) 42. Finding Neverland - (2004) (James Barrie, author of Peter Pan) (Johnny Depp) 43. Good Night and Good Luck - (2005) (Edward R. Murrow, broadcast journalist) ( David Strathairn) 44. Shine - (1996) (David Helfgott, pianist) (Geoffrey Rush) 45. Yankee Doodle Dandy - (1942) (George M. Cohan, composer, playwright, actor) (James Cagney) 46. Mask - (1985) (Rocky Dennis, 16-year-old with facial skull deformity) (Eric Stoltz) 47. The Hurricane - (1999) (Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, wrongly imprisoned boxer) (Denzel Washington) 48. Madame Curie - (1944) (Marie Curie, discovers radium) (Greer Garson) 49. Monster - (2004) (Aileen Wuornos, prostitute/serial killer) (Charlize Theron ) 50. Ed Wood - (1994) (Ed Wood, Film director) (Johnny Depp) 51. Chaplin - (1993) (Charles Chaplin, silent movie comic) (Robert Downey Jr.) 52. Bird - (1988) (Charlie 'Bird' Parker, jazz musician) (Forest Whitaker) 53. What's Love Got To Do With It - (1993) (Tina Turner, American singer) (Angel a Bassett) 54. Cinderella Man - (2005) (James Braddock, 1930s boxer) (Russell Crowe) 55. Walk The Line - (2005) (Johnny Cash, Country music singer) (Joaquin Phoenix) 56. The Aviator - (2004) (Howard Hughes, director and aviator) (Leonardo DiCapri o) 57. Pollock - (2000) (Jackson Pollock, American painter) (Ed Harris) 58. The Buddy Holly Story - (1978) (Buddy Holly, rock 'n' roll star) (Gary Busey ) 59. Viva Zapata! - (1952) (Emiliano Zapata, Mexican revolutionary) (Marlon Brand o) 60. Joan of Arc - (1948) (Joan of Arc, French martyr) (Ingrid Bergman) 61. Kundun - (1997) (Dalai Lama) (Tenzin Thuthob Tsarong) 62. The Doors - (1991) (Jim Morrison, lead singer of The Doors) (Val Kilmer) 63. Jim Thorpe: All American - (1951) (Jim Thorpe, football player) (Burt Lancas ter) 64. The Life of Emile Zola - (1937) (Emile Zola, French writer) (Paul Muni) 65. Frida - (2002) (Frida Kahlo, Mexican artist) (Salma Hayek) 66. Brian's Song - (1971) (Brian Piccolo, football player) (James Caan) 67. Cleopatra - (1963) (Cleopatra VII, Egyptian queen) (Elizabeth Taylor) 68. Sid & Nancy - (1986) (Sid Vicious, Nancy Spungen) (Gary Oldman, Chloe Webb) 69. Ali - (2001) (Muhammad Ali, boxer) (Will Smith) 70. Papillon - (1972) (Henri 'Papillon' Charriere) (Steve McQueen) 71. La Bamba - (1987) (Ritchie Valens, rock 'n' roll star) (Lou Diamond Phillips ) 72. Basquiat - (1996) (Jean Michel Basquia, street artist) (Jeffrey Wright) 73. Man on the Moon - (1999) (Andy Kaufman, avant-garde comedian) (Jim Carrey) 74. Nixon - (1995) (Richard Milhous Nixon, US president) (Anthony Hopkins) 75. Nicholas and Alexandra - (1971) (Tsar Nicholas II, Emp. Alexandra) (Michael Jayston, Janet Suzman) 76. Quills - (2000) (The Marquis de Sade) (Geoffrey Rush) 77. Erin Brockovich - (2000) (Erin Brockovich, legal assistant) (Julia Roberts) 78. Lean On Me - (1989) (Joe Clark, dedicated high school disciplinarian) (Morga n Freeman) 79. Elizabeth - (1998) (Elizabeth I of England)(Cate Blanchett) 80. Reds - (1981) (John Reed, American journalist) (Warren Beatty) 81. Surviving Picasso - (1996) (Pablo Picasso, Spanish painter) (Anthony Hopkins ) 82. Alexander - (2004) (Alexander the Great, King of Macedonia) (Connor Paolo) 83. People vs. Larry Flynt - (1996) (Larry Flynt, publisher) (Woody Harrelson)

84. Hoffa - (1992) (James R. 'Jimmy' Hoffa, union leader) (Jack Nicholson) 85. I Accuse - (1958) (Alfred Dreyfus, French army captain) (Jos Ferrer) 86. Kinsey - (2004) (Alfred Kinsey) (Liam Neeson) 87. Anastasia - (1956) (Anna Koreff, Anastasia imposter) (Ingrid Bergman) 88. Birdman of Alcatraz - (1962) (Robert Stroud, convicted murderer) (Burt Lanca ster) 89. King of Kings - (1961) (Jesus) (Jeffrey Hunter) 90. Bugsy - (1991) (Ben 'Bugsy' Siegel, gangster) (Warren Beatty) 91. The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex - (1939) (Elizabeth I, Earl of Esse x) (Bette Davis, Errol Flynn) 92. Before Night Falls - (2001) (Reinaldo Arenas, Cuban poet) (Javier Bardem) 93. Lady Sings the Blues - (1972) (Billie Holiday, Jazz singer) (Diana Ross) 94. Sybil - (1976) (Shirley Ardell Mason, multiple personality disorder patient) (Sally Field) 95. Boys Don't Cry - (1999) (Teena Brandon, transgendered teen) (Hilary Swank) 96. Henry & June - (1990) (Henry Miller, June Miller) (Fred Ward, Uma Thurman) 97. Casanova - (2005) (Giacomo Casanova, Venetian writer, womanizer) (Heath Ledg er) 98. Bound for Glory - (1976) (Woody Guthrie, folk singer) (David Carradine) 99. El Cid - (1961) ("El Cid", Rodrigo Daz de Vivar, Spanish hero) (Charlton Hest on) 100. Disraeli - (1929) (Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of Great Britain) (Geo rge Arliss)

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