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The real Ruan Van Der Sande (RVDS Photography), from you son Brandon (age 14) Sorry

Dad, you left me no choice.. Facebook Messages

Blocked Hi Dad, Its your son Brandon again. Thanks for finally getting back to me although Im not sure I feel any better. I am sorry that I have had to send this message to all your contacts, but I desperately need to get your attention, Im not important enough to accept as a Face Book friend. I just wanted you to know that I miss you and I need to know if you are going to play a role in my life again. The last time I saw you I was three. I suppose I am at that age where I need to connect with my father. Mom is struggling like mad and we get through every month with the help of god and generous donations from the church, if it doesnt kill me it will make me stronger, and of course there are other people suffering worse than I do. Mom has tried everything to get hold of you to contribute, but it seems you dont care and that hurts like hell. I have cried a lot over the last few years because I dont know what I did to deserve this. I have looked at your various internet things and it looks like you are doing pretty well. I am very proud that you have done so well, and I like to tell my friends that my father is a very successful international photographer, and that I would like to be just like him one day. Anyway, mom is talking about sending me to a childrens home because she cannot afford to raise me anymore and wants me to have a better life. I love my mom and feel very sorry for her, she cries almost every night. I am also very scared of going to a childrens home. I read on your twitter account how you were involved in raising money for other children, lucky them unlucky me.

No, the blood tests were conclusive that I am your son; you have known this all along. I have

put an extract of the test results and a link to actual document at the bottom of this message. Why did you lie about this in the last message you sent to me? Your dad was informed of the results shortly after the tests were done, and therefore you would have known the results as well. I was at the court when your dad was summons on your behalf, and I heard how he tried to convince the judge that I couldn't be your son, he even went as far as saying my mother slept around during those days so it was possible that I was another man's son. This hurt my mother a tremendous amount and if she could have afforded the costly legal fees, she would have sued your dad for deformation of character. This terrible accusation from your dad prompted the blood tests. It was a very painful day for me and has led to many painful days since, but I guess you dont really care about that.

I am old enough and wise enough to understand the actual reason you rejected me as your son, MONEY. I remember your dad coming to visit us in Witbank on a couple of occasions (2009 to 2011), funny how he felt the need to visit someone he believed wasn't his grandson. He told my mother during one of those visits that you were living in London as a poor student, with hardly enough money to house and feed yourself. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you see things, your ego and the need to display yourself all over the internet have revealed the utter lie and nonsense of this claim. You have money; youre just not prepared to share any of it, whether right or wrong. Please stop looking for other excuses as to why you never accepted the responsibility of being my dad; its a clear case of not wanting to accept the responsibility, and avoiding the financial burden.

That is that, further negative comments towards my mother are not welcome. In fact, you need to thank and praise her for raising me without a cent or a second of your money and time. Sorry, but the things I have said are exactly how I feel, and if I cannot share my feelings with my own father, than who else is there. Sorry again, but I have been taught differently, life does not work like that; you cannot just walk away from your responsibilities and forget. Only the coldest most inhumane people are capable of that, and if a person is capable of doing what you have done, then as far as I am concerned, they are capable of anything. Not a very comforting way to think of your own father. Everything aside, I still love you. It is now up to you. I really hope that this will result in a bit of support from your side so I dont have to be sent to a childrens home. Its the right thing to do.


PS: Youre probably going to come up with another reason for doing what you did, but I think we both agree your attempt at using the blood test results as reason was a blatant lie. Your credibility is not so good right now, so if I were you, I would come clean and be honest for a change.

Extract from blood test results done on 28th June 2010 (*)

MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES (PTY) LTO 6 Ribston Place, Westville, 3629, Pvt. Bag X20, Westville, 3630, South Africa Tel; +27312677000. Fax: +27 31 2677005, Email: mds@mdsafriwnet VA! Reg. No. 4270210554 97/10 Putative Child Grandfather HPAT015417 First Name: FJ Surname: van der Sande 10 No. ID.O.B 4805245026081 9712296316087 Ethnic Caucasian Group Haplotype profile for Brandon matches haplotype profile for FJ van der Sande. * Chance of random match to haplotype, 0 Matches in 11393 haplotypes in database. Therefore MDS concludes that Brandon is of the same paternal line as FJ van de, Sande. Frequencies based on Published frequency tables from Applied Bio system$, PR omega, the SAPS and internal MDS frequency tables. Whilst we take as much care as possible from our side to provide you with a reliable resort we have been advised to add !tIe following notice to an the results Ihi3t we give out

DlseJaimer: In the event that MDS (Pty) Ltd returns a verifiable erroneous result for a particular sample, MDS (Ply) Ltd will rl5imbur$e The submiUer only the amount paid to MDS (Ply) Ltd to perform the test. In no event shall MDS (P'ly) Ltd be liable for Incidental. consel'juential. special or other damages of any nature even if MDS (pty) Ltd has been advised of the possibility of such damage. We realize the importill1ce of confidentiality in the service we provide and undertake to abide by ovr code of strictest confidentiality at all times. Should any details on this form bt;! incorrect then they must be brought to thti1altention of MDS (Ply) Ltd. Any alteration or modification of the information on this mrm is not authorised and legi31 action will be taken against any person found guilty of such action

Please click on the below link to access the actual medical report, i could not upload onto this post.

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