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From: CHINA NOW! <chinanow@bellsouth.

net> Sent: Sun, July 15, 2012 4:24:13 PM Subject: Good News from China NOW!! If you want to receive more information on how you can be a part of this mission to spread the Good News in Mainland Chinaor an application to participate, just send a request to us at the email address above. The only educational requirement is a Bachelor's Degree (in any major). ESL Certification is NOT a requirement in the areas of China where China Now recommends Christian teachers! Teaching experience is NOT a requirement! A degree in Education or English is NOT a requirement! CHINA NOW TEACHERS HAVE BEEN TEACHING CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH AND SHARING THEIR FAITH IN MAINLAND CHINA SINCE 1993. BELOW ARE PARTS OF SOME OF THEIR MESSAGES: From J.G.: We had tickets for a bus back home at 7:45 am. Or at least I thought it was 7:45. Our tickets coming had been at 7:45 and I think I just got confused. But, I didnt check the time (like I should have!) and I was carrying everyones tickets. Ugh! Our tickets were actually for 7:10. Gasp! We were at the bus station at about 7:30, and so we tried to just play dumb and see if the bus hadnt left yet. We got out there, and one of the workers found us. She went to town on her walkie-talkie and then took up all of our tickets and started walking us outside. We didnt really know what was going on. She walked us to a taxi and told us to get inside. It ended up that she radioed the bus and told it to pull over and wait for us. The taxi left and went really fast to catch up to the bus. We caught up to it, and were able to board the busand took it home. Isnt that incredible!? That woman definitely did not have to do that. She could have made us get new tickets or just ignored us. We were completely in the wrong (thanks to me, argh!), but she went so far out of her way to help us. Also, the bus didnt have to wait for us. (Granted the driver did laugh at us pretty hard when we finally arrived. I probably wouldve laughed at us too. Stupid foreigners. Cant read times right.) I was so thankful that we ran into those people, who were willing to help us. From S.R.: Recently, I have really been burdened to lift up specific students that the Father has placed in my path. It has been exciting to be able to diligently seek out those students and have intentional conversations with them. Just this week, I ran into one of my old students that I taught last year. As I was walking she came running down the hall and said, "Ms R, wow, it's been such a long time! I miss talking with you and being in your class." We exchanged words with each other and were able to catch up a little bit. I asked her how she was doing, and she said, "Life has been hard recently, I feel like I have no purpose or meaning in my life." It was at that moment, that I realized that this was a divine appointment given to me by the Father." There were many students and other faculty around so I proceeded to schedule an appointment to come to my home and told her I would like to share some thoughts that I have about what she said. She was like, really? I would like to meet and talk with you more." I left thanking the Father for such an encounter with a dear student and the opportunity to be able to share about Him. From J.M.: One of my assignments during the semester involves my students writing their own bucket list and reading it to the class. As the students were taking turns reading their lists, I heard one young lady say I want to visit Jerusalem. I was taken aback by what she said because it was so uncharacteristic of the usual responses. I said, You wanna go where? Jerusalem, she replied. Because of my obvious curiosity I asked why. Her answer was very much to the point, because thats where Jesus lived. Obviously I spoke with her after class. She had been raised in a believing home, but she did not believe. I asked her if she would like to study with me and she was excited to do so. For the last two months she has continued meeting with family members. I asked her on Sunday morning why she wanted to do this. She said, my heart has been too hard and I know I need to do something about that.

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