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Sharon Nam Ms. Nulf Alternate Ending 4/4/12 Please, Papa Please, Liesel begged.

Kind silver eyes considered the words. He pretended to contemplate. *** A Fact about Hans Hubermann*** He would do anything to make Liesel happy.

Hmmmm, Papa remarked jokingly. I dont know Liesel. The basement is awfully cold tonight. Papa! Liesel beseeched. Papa laughed his deep, spirit warming laugh. His eyes twinkled of love and humor. Of course Ill go, Liesel, he replied.

***A Glimpse of What Happened in the Basement *** There was a struggle between words and man, then a smaller struggle between words and Liesel. There were words haphazardly painted on walls and then carefully written down in Liesels book. Metal paint cans were littered all over the ground, all except for one side of the wall. They left Maxs side alone. They didnt disturb the picture of the sky the Jew stared at for hours on end. For to Liesel and Hans, the wall where Max had fought the Fuhrer was sacred. Its dark, damp, cold depths haunting the minds of the book thief and her Papa.

Two figures lay on the ground. A teenage girl and an accordionist. Tangled by pillows and paint sheets, they imitated caterpillars on their way to transform to a more graceful beautiful creature. There were at peace, calm and serene in their dreams, completely oblivious to the footsteps of a furious Rosa.

I watched, anticipating on what was to come. I hoped and I nearly prayed that time would be lenient to Rosa. You see, I know what is going to happen to Himmel Street and three other streets of Molching, Germany. I stood and watched, wanting to save myself the burden of carrying one more souls. Rosa gripped the bucket with her left hand. She angrily stomped down steps to the basement, preparing to hurl the bucket on her husband and daughter. With a curse, You lazy Arschlcher, Rosa flung the water at the figures on the ground. She then finally came down all the way down the steps, to give Hans and Liesel a tongue lashing. Thats when I let out a breath I did not realize was holding. Right when Rosa opened her mouth, death was unleashed. To be more specific I was forced to leave the Hubermanns and haunt the grounds searching for bodies to be carried away and souls to be at peace. In case your confused, let me inform you. Time was kind to Rosa. The minute she came down to the basement , bombs were just being thrown from air crafts to land on the quiet and unalarmed streets of Molching. *** The Arrival of the LSE*** There faces would have been most comical had not been for the devastating tragedy surrounding them. All the occupants of Himmel Street were dead, except the Hubermanns, of course. With praises to God for the gift of life, and curses for the death around them. They weapt. For hours, minutes, for days. I too busy to keep track of time. The bombing was surreal to them. The LSE, after confirming that they were not injured, continued to put out fires and search for remaining survivors. There weret any. I would know.

Epilogue Papa, could you please? Liesel begged. Max seconded the notion. When the Hubermanns relocated to another part of town, Max was searching for them. After asking around Max finally found them. Papa with a twinkle in his eye answered with a resounding,Of Course! He started to pump the accordian and his fingers danced across the keys. With each mistake followed a low rumbling laugh. Mama was cooking dinner and for once didnt complain about the music. All was now well in the Hubermann house, and it was here I took my leave.

I changed the ending very drastically. Here Hans, Rosa, and Liesel survive but the bombs still destroys the street. The message to me was that words are powerful and shape lives. Even with this ending the message stays the same because of the writing of the Book Thief in the basement, Liesels family is alive. I actually liked the ending for it had a nice sense of closure to it. Though I wish it never happened, it does improve the story. I was really distraught when Hans died. I wish I could bring back Rudy too, but the story doesnt let it happen. So I wanted to find a way for at least the family to survive the bombings.

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