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Muslim Protests At US Embassies Continue, Media Ignores


41 Million Tea Party Supporters Set to Vote ( /Big-Government/2012/09/28/41Million-Tea-Party-SupportersSet-to-Vote)
435 comments 2 minutes ago

Benghazi-Gate: New Evidence White House Lied About Libya Terror Attack ( /2012/09/28/Benghazi-Gate-NewEvidence-Obama-Lied-About-Libya)
450 comments 2 minutes ago

Obama's Libya Lies Collapse: Senate Democrats Demand Answers ( /2012/09/27/Obama-LibyaLies-Collapse-Sen-Dems-DemandAnswers)

628 comments 10 minutes ago

We know that the mainstream media is in the tank for President Obama. It took them two full weeks to turn their attention to the inconsistencies in the Obama administrations Libya cover story. So its no surprise to find that theyre not covering continuing turmoil in the Muslim world. At all.
Even as the media focuses on whether Mitt Romney wants to roll down windows on airplanes, protests continue outside our embassies around the globe. As Jim Geraghty points out (, hundreds of Thai Muslims are massed around our embassy in Bangkok, Thailand; Bangladeshs police reported that they had picked up a university professor for planning an attack on our embassy in Dhaka; hundreds more Muslims are massing in Calcutta, India, breaking through barricades and trying to break into our embassy; a 200-vehicle convoy of Muslim radicals rabbleroused near the US embassy in Manila, Philippines. The Obama administrations sympathies for Muslims around the globe in their war on anti-Islam YouTube videos hasnt quelled their rage, apparently. Obama can speak over and over again at the UN, and it wont quell their rage. Until he presents moral clarity and a full-throated defense of free speech rather than giving lip service to the prophet of Islam, this nonsense will continue.

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347 comments 35 minutes ago

BREAKING: Democrat Voter Turnout Advantage To Break All-Time Records ( /Big-Journalism/2012/09 /26/BREAKING-Democrat-VotersTurnout-Advantage-Over-RepublicansWill-Break-All-Time-Records)
1386 comments 12 minutes ago



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9/29/2012 7:54 AM

Muslim Protests At US Embassies Continue, Media Ignores


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There is a black Muslim in the White House, to borrow a phrase from Madonna.
A LIKE REPLY 10 minutes ago F


As usual, HC only took more than 2 weeks to warn U.S. citizens abroad to be careful. I'm glad she is on the ball. NOT!
A LIKE REPLY 33 minutes ago F


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" Until he presents moral clarity and a full-throated defense of free speech rather than giving lip service to the prophet of Islam, this nonsense will continue."The ONLY way to stop this nonsense is to put the POS out to pasture in November!
A LIKE REPLY 48 minutes ago F



Dear Leader needs to spike the bin Laden football some more - that'll make them love him. Shrillery can also help by more bragging about killing Qadaffi - "we came, we saw, he died".
A LIKE REPLY 52 minutes ago F


The OBAMA Administration with the AID of the MSM has done MORE PROMOTION of this anti-Islamic SO CALLED MOVIE than the Muslim Brotherhood or any other Islamic Jihadist's could have possibly dreamed of. The attack on the Libyan Embassy on 9/11 WAS a planned TERRORIST ATTACK IMMEDIATELY RECOGNIZED by, and was AS CLEAR to the AMERICAN PUBLIC and the WORLD as the moment the 2nd plane flew into the 2nd TOWER on 9/11/2001~!! OUR PRESIDENT and his ADMINISTRATION are DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for ALL THE VIOLENCE, DEATH, and DESTRUCTION that has ensued since, and continues to THIS DAY for the SOLE PURPOSE of protecting THEIR own political AGENDA. NOBEL PEACE PRIZE???.....How bout International CRIMINAL CHARGES??? Is it any wonder why the death of 4 American's is seen by this President as "a bump in the road" to his desires in the Middle East? Prepare for many more people to die. Obama said HE was digging the car "America" out of the ditch, he never told us he intended to take us on a Rocky Road Trip littered with (what are in his mind, the insignificant) bodies of Americans.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


"And I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear." -BHO Cairo Speech Excerpt
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


Meanwhile, hundreds of millions of US taxpayer dollars are being earmarked for the Middle East, to the very countries that are rioting against the United States. Let those folks hate us on their own dime. NO MORE "AID." The argument that we need to keep Pakistan and Egypt on friendly terms is ludicrous on its face. They can take with one hand and shoot at us with the other. Enough!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F

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9/29/2012 7:54 AM

Muslim Protests At US Embassies Continue, Media Ignores


Listen, rug-rats, what part of THE UNITED STATES DIDN'T MAKE THE MOVIE don't you understand? Does knocking your head on the ground 5 times a day make it useless for figuring things out?
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F


With OUR President and his henchmen in his administration and his toadies in the MSM PROMOTING this so called MOVIE for TWO WEEKS with a constant drumbeat of a LIE as to what happened in Libya on 911, IS IT ANY SURPRISE that the expansion and intensity of these protests by uneducated Islamic street urchins continues?? Obama's Hollywood 1% friends could NEVER AFFORD the kind of WORLD WIDE PROMOTION for one of their STUDIO FILMS that THIS PRESIDENT has provided for this 15 minute laughably bad "Plan 9 From Outer Space" piece of cr@p. The BLOOD IS ALL OVER HIS NOBEL PEACE PRIZE HANDS.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to mjazz F


They're not rioting because of the movie.... They're rioting because they hate us. How many of them do you honestly believe saw the video? How many of them can afford a cell phone, much less a TV to watch the video. They're rioting because of the video is bogus. They are rioting because they want us to be eliminated. Don't believe for one minute they are rioting because some idiot made a video pissing on their god.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to mjazz F


They want to riot , plunder and murder... the reason is irrelevant.

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to mjazz 3 Likes F


In the not-so-distant past, media influence was called "the power of the press." This power, transmuted now by the new technology, has always been exercised in part by skewing stories. But much more powerful has been the media's ability, liberally exercised, simply to suppress stories that did not fit the master narrative: Obama good, Romney bad. The MSM will ignore any events outside their script.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F


"Muslim Protests At US Embassies Continue, Media Ignores" The media appears to be taking it's que from our government, which doesn't give a damn.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 1 Like F


Breitbart posters should embarass these supposed news outlets by challenging them on facebook and twitter. If they don't report pertinent information, then the public should do their jobs for them. One of the most do-nothing wanna-be 'news sources' is AOL's Huffington Post, whose amateurish journalism is so bad that they view the Jerry Sandusky child-rape matter as sports and entertainment. For months they posted the monstrocities he committed on their 'Sporting News' section and not in 'Crime'. If the media purposefully turns a blind eye to Obama's whack-a-mole presidency, then decent Americans should report matters as they are aired.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago F


Why should the US have 'sympathies' for anyone or anything? Only a deluded intellect could accept that this country is not under attack. We have our beliefs, they have theirs. Fine. When our ships are attacked and Americans are killed, when our embassies are allowed to be attacked and overrun and Americans are killed, with no consequences, where are we? Waiting for the next ass to kiss?
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago 3 Likes F


Ditto, rap. Obama has plenty of kneeling pads stored under his desk.
A LIKE REPLY 6 hours ago in reply to raprice 1 Like F

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9/29/2012 7:54 AM

Muslim Protests At US Embassies Continue, Media Ignores


Just like they treat military deaths in Afghanistan like they aren't a big deal. They were a big deal when Bush was the one "killing: them in his "illegal" war. (Just like 6% unemployment under Bush was HORRIBLE)
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago 3 Likes F


How ironic, the child holding a banner proclaiming to love Mohammed, and peace be upon him. The irony is, if you don't honor Mohammed, they will kill you if you don't conform to their "religion of peace". All I can say is, well, I can't say it on this forum.



11 hours ago



Look at that face on that kid; thats not the face of a child; that's the face of an angry fanatic; a fanatical kid who will earn his first merif badge as a suicide bomber in the muslim Boy Scouts of islum.
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago in reply to eagle80 3 Likes F


Somebody needs to tell the protesters that the problem isn't America, isn't our ambassadors, it's the press that gives them the bad coverage and they need to attack the press. Then just stand back and let the fun begin.
A LIKE REPLY 13 hours ago 3 Likes F


Have you seen the reports that say the rebels in Syria, subsidized by the Saudis and us, are using snipers to pick off reporters from the Iranian news service? As much as I dislike Assad and his ilk, this may not be a good thing. Most of our journalists are physical cowards, and an all-out war against reporters will diminish our intelligence capabilities.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to liberty76 F


CLOSE all the Embassies across the world......and take our MONEY with us......All they want are suckers
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago in reply to liberty76 5 Likes F


of course it continues. having full freedom of speech especially when it comes to criticizing Muhammad or Islam is so foreign to these people, they simple can't get their minds around something like this so they will throw tantrums until they get their way. So what is the difference between flatly calling Muhammad a liar or deluded person and simply saying I don't believe in Islam? Nothing! What needs to be done is more and more of what makes them angry just to show that we will not be intimidated. However, it should not be done by hacks, but honest experts and scholars. In fact, it is being done by some, but there has also been a lot of "scholarly" work done by people who are white washing history who are apologists for Islam even if they are not Muslims. The latter's aim was/is to brainwash university students to believe that Islam is no threat to the West's way of life. Like hell it isn't. Any type of Islam that is not is not really true Islam. Any real Muslim will tell you this if he or she is being honest. http://stockbreakouts.blogspot...



13 hours ago

1 Like


It's the academics in the universities who promote the moral equivalence view in the Israeli and Palestinian conflict. They take this view largely because they're atheists who just don't give a damn about anyone's religion. They think it's all the same, just ignorance and superstition, and we'd be better off without it. Naturally, this dovetails quite nicely with the idiotic views of Jimmy Carter, who held that since "all people are basically the same," all people are (equally) rational, and all people (therefore) want peace. We, the U.S., should just try to be neutral in this conflict even if it means the demise of

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Muslim Protests At US Embassies Continue, Media Ignores

Israel, and even if it means we have to trash or destroy our own constitutional rights in whole or in part here at home. These are the same nitwit leftists who don't believe in American exceptionalism or that the U.S. has ever stood for any values or principles. After all, they think we're just the latest neo-colonialists, no different at all from Belgium in the late 19th century in the Congo. America, for the "historians" like Howard Zinn and the "political scientists, in academia" is just another place to live.
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago in reply to KennytheGreat F


Napalm their motherf*cking @sses.

A LIKE REPLY 13 hours ago 3 Likes F


They have been protesting at the US embassy in Bangkok.

A LIKE REPLY 14 hours ago 2 Likes F


Let's napalm their asses.

A LIKE REPLY 14 hours ago 1 Like F


It may be time to revive the crusades starting here in the USA. Dearborn, MI comes to mind.
A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago 1 Like F


Dearborn Mi. is a muslim cancer that will spread outwards until it eats enough of 'America to cause its death.
A LIKE REPLY 7 hours ago in reply to sdindy47 1 Like F


That's why they need to be rode out of town on a rail. They need to ride that stanky camel back to where they came from.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to woodsman1st F


O bl mm r, "Tr @ der n Ch ief"..... if this were President Bush oh my the cries of "im peach ment"....etc...but, Lame Brain gets away with "M ur der".....literally....
A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago 4 Likes F


It's true - do an internet search, there are no MSM articles on these stories. Who lies to ya, Baby?
A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago 5 Likes F


A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago 2 Likes F


Wait.... Napalm is expensive! Just send Obama over to Libya to protect the counsulate office. They will not harm a brother with a different mother. Lamestreet media needs to cut the Obama cords instead of their throats.
A LIKE REPLY 13 hours ago in reply to mpisi 2 Likes F

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9/29/2012 7:54 AM

Muslim Protests At US Embassies Continue, Media Ignores


They're not cutting their throats, they're cutting ours.

A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago in reply to Ron Morningstar F


They can just post a picture of Janet Incompetano on the embassy entrance gate. That'll keep 'em away in DROVES.
A LIKE REPLY 12 hours ago in reply to Ron Morningstar 1 Like F


A LIKE REPLY 13 hours ago in reply to Ron Morningstar F


Obama got fried. People died. Obama lied. I saw Obama on tv today, after it became documented that he lied about the rape and murder of good men and then blamed the riots on an American. All after missing briefings in which he was likely shooming instead. Before, I used to mute Obama. Now, I can't even look at the man.



16 hours ago



I too have found it difficult to even look at him when I see him on TV. The man is evil--he's dripping with arrogance and malignant narcissism. I also now clearly see that the rumors that he's gay are true. Go to Hillbuzz for more info on this. You HAVE to see the picture of Obama and his alleged sugar daddy, the Pakistani, Chandoo, to come to this realization. I guarantee that the pics there will change your mind if you doubt it. It might have been different had Obama admitted this aspect of his personality, but he never has. Michelle Obama knows it's true too, but don't take my word for it. Go and see for yourself.
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago in reply to ObamasLipsKilledTeamSix F


People Died, Obama Lied

A LIKE REPLY 16 hours ago 2 Likes F


Sounds like a campaign slogan.

A LIKE REPLY 15 hours ago in reply to 8644 2 Likes F


Sounds like a true campaign slogan.

A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago in reply to sdindy47 F


Do Americans really want European Socialism? You will have no Constitutional Protections: StGB (German Criminal Code) 130 - Incitement to hatred, Section 3:(3) Whosoever publicly or in a meeting approves of, denies or downplays an act committed under the rule of National Socialism of the kind indicated in section 6 (1) of the Code of International Criminal Law, in a manner capable of disturbing the public peace shall be liable to imprisonment of not more than five years or a fine.
A LIKE REPLY 17 hours ago 1 Like F

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9/29/2012 7:54 AM

Muslim Protests At US Embassies Continue, Media Ignores


First of all, Germany is probably the least "socialistic" country in Europe. Secondly, it IS, after all, a different country from the U.S. Germany's post war Constitution is not and cannot be merely a clone of our American Constitution. It's true that Germans don't have a constitutional right to freedom of speech on par with our own, but in general, they do have free speech rights. You have to understand that depth of feeling in Germany on this matter of the Third Reich and those who would revive some government even remotely close to a dictatorship of that nature. I don't criticize Germans for denying the free speech right to those who would advocate a Nazi type government. It really cannot be any other way at least for the immediate future. The day may come when Germans can deal with these groups in a way more consistent with American ideas of fundamental rights, but now, no ... no way. In any case, I don't see what that particular German law has to do with socialism or how you conclude that Germany is a "socialist" country on that basis alone.
A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago in reply to Megatron F


even if they do - European socialism is imploding before our very eyes. What's next - they will have to resort to tyranny .
A LIKE REPLY 17 hours ago in reply to Megatron 2 Likes F


A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago in reply to Itold F


They truly believe that One World Order will solve it all. Put us all on a level playfield. Hmmmmm Working really well in EU. I want to earn as much as I can like the next guy working! Deadbeats will always be just that!
A LIKE REPLY 13 hours ago in reply to Itold 2 Likes F


Yep, it is guaranteed downward spiral. as soon as gov-t equalizes the outcomes (results, pay), it immediately kills any desire or incentive to do any more then the next guy. Pretty soon noone is working.
A LIKE REPLY 13 hours ago in reply to Ron Morningstar 1 Like F


Obama, The Failure-in-chief and his spin machine, we laughingly call reporters/media are in full shrieking misdirect mode! How about we redirect them into the real unemployment at 11%-15%. The debt bomb about to blow up in our faces$16Trillion & Counting. Muslim Brotherhood cover up in Libya. The same Muslim Brotherhood who Obama put into the U.S. Government and have been in on more top secret intel briefings than Obama, as well as, coordinating all these embassy riots all over the muslim world! Update for those following, Taking on the Obama Enemy media: God Bless America!
A LIKE REPLY 18 hours ago 6 Likes F


Hey little kid with the sign...We hate Muhammad! , piss be upon him.
A LIKE REPLY 18 hours ago 6 Likes F


People Died, Obama Lied

A LIKE REPLY 18 hours ago 7 Likes F


Hillary hired, Huma fired.

A LIKE REPLY 11 hours ago in reply to 8644 F

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9/29/2012 7:54 AM

Muslim Protests At US Embassies Continue, Media Ignores


As The Marxist continues to betray the trust of the American people, the media continues it's downward spiral into propaganda and obfuscation.
A LIKE REPLY 18 hours ago 10 Likes F


Disgusting, but that has been him all his miserable life. Thankfully, just 39 days til America elects Mitt Romney as President of the United States of America. Alleluia!
A LIKE REPLY 18 hours ago 12 Likes F


If Obama had a son, he would look like the protester.

A LIKE REPLY 19 hours ago 9 Likes F


Yes, yes we get it. Breitbart HATES Muslims. They have NO RIGHT to protest ANYTHING. Yet, you stand up for the rights for the insidious freak who made the video that sparked these protests.
A LIKE REPLY 19 hours ago F


You really like to show everybody that you're ignornant. The muslim liberal who tried to vandalize a NY subway ad got what she wanted--to ban ads that might be offensive. You want to blame some guy who made an obscure video, but you won't blame the muslims who raped and murdered a US Ambassador. Meanwhile, muslim protests are being held in Dearborn. Kansas City imans are petitioning for blasphemy laws. Keep your head in the sand. These muslims want their free speech, so they can stop other people's free speech. Like Ann Coulter said, liberals--like you--always side with the barbarians.
A LIKE REPLY 9 hours ago in reply to Mister_Holland 1 Like F


Insidious freak? That would be a perfect description of your demi-god, Obama. Anyway, that insideous freak had a constitutional right to do what he did. Obama had him arrested (by pretext) for exercising his consitutional right of freedom of speech and press. Secondly, the insideous freak, as you describe him, did NOT spark these protests. Thirdly, they weren't protests, this was a pre-planned military assault by an organization at war with the United States. It resulted in the murder on American soil of several of our diplomats and four Americans total, an act of war and against international law. Foreigners, that is citizens of countries other than the United States, have no right to protest on American soil, and an American consulate IS American soil. This means that had they been there, U.S. military personnel would have had a duty and a right to kill every single one of those "protesters" who breached the embassy walls. Had there been Marines there, they would have done exactly that, and their return of fire would have been perfectly legal under international law.
A LIKE REPLY 10 hours ago in reply to Mister_Holland 2 Likes F


While, Opus are so terrified of muslims that you are willing to call a fellow countryman an "insidious freak" in the hopes to be seen as a friend to those who do not want your friendship. And actually why do you think people in other countries have a right to burn embassies and murder people over events that occurred legally outside their borders?
A LIKE REPLY 17 hours ago in reply to Mister_Holland 1 Like F


Mr. Holland, have you not read your own newspapers that have imams who call for gays to be killed?

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9/29/2012 7:54 AM

Muslim Protests At US Embassies Continue, Media Ignores

Nobody has ever said Muslims have no right to protest, but they do so in the hopes that they will enact blasphemy laws against other people who have the right to say what they want about any religion.
A LIKE REPLY 18 hours ago in reply to Mister_Holland 4 Likes F


also stand up for right to spew retarded nonsense here.

A LIKE REPLY 18 hours ago in reply to Mister_Holland 2 Likes F


Once again...the video had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ATTACKS. Wake the frak up, you moron.
A LIKE REPLY 18 hours ago in reply to Mister_Holland 6 Likes F


What's wrong with that, someone has to.

A LIKE REPLY 18 hours ago in reply to Mister_Holland 2 Likes F


They can protest all they like. Mobs have assaulted our embassies, killed Americans. That's no longer "protesting." What's disgusting is that you AREN'T standing up for the rights of the "insidious freak who made the video." You'd give up your rights to anyone who threatened you. What's idiotic is that you think that the video actually sparked these protests.
A LIKE REPLY 18 hours ago in reply to Mister_Holland 13 Likes F


Where is your link that Breitbart HATES muslims?? You post this stupid azz garbage, and don't have a link you idiot??? Come back when you have some proof, or STFU!
A LIKE REPLY 19 hours ago in reply to Mister_Holland 8 Likes F


Piss on the 8th Century Cult called Islam. Let Allah feed them when they are hungry.
A LIKE REPLY 19 hours ago in reply to Mister_Holland 11 Likes F


I'd send them chess or backgammon. Muhammad said: "He who plays backgammon has disobeyed Allah Taala and His Messenger" Ibn al-Qayyim said: The evil consequences of chess are greater than the evil consequences of dice." (i.e., dice are evil too) Chess: Entertaining pastime, or game of the devil? And for what it's worth, they'll have fun as well.



18 hours ago

in reply to Mike



The muslims are idiots for what they consider offensive. Some muslim group said that tomatoes should be forbidden because the interior shows the Cross.
A LIKE REPLY 9 hours ago in reply to Jacob B. Good F


Bomb them with bacon. Oh wait! There might be a bacon shortage.

A LIKE REPLY 18 hours ago in reply to Mike 9 Likes F

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9/29/2012 7:54 AM

Muslim Protests At US Embassies Continue, Media Ignores


But a greater shortage because we porked them (and not in the good way) would be well worth it.
A LIKE REPLY 13 hours ago in reply to hawgrider 1 Like F


Well, I guess Obama has taken over global media as well, wow, how does he do it? Check the major media sources in Europe and you will find nothing about ongoing protests. Heck, even pay a visit to Aljazeera, nothing. Hmmmmm.
A LIKE REPLY 19 hours ago 3 Likes F


You also don't see much about Odumbo's homosexuality, but Reggie Love and Larry Sinclair know.
A LIKE REPLY 19 hours ago in reply to rickdrake58 7 Likes F


The thugs/mobs that Obama supported to overthrow Egypt and Libya, have turned and bit him on the ass. And Hilda-Beast still want to give rebels in Syria tens of millions of U.S, tax dollars.
A LIKE REPLY 19 hours ago 4 Likes F


A full-throated defense of free speech from President Obama at the UN: " The answer is enshrined in our laws: our Constitution protects the right to practice free speech. Here in the United States, countless publications provoke offense. Like me, the majority of Americans are Christian, and yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs. Moreover, as President of our country, and Commander-in-Chief of our military, I accept that people are going to call me awful things every day, and I will always defend their right to do so. Americans have fought and died around the globe to protect the right of all people to express their views - even views that we disagree with." "We do so not because we support hateful speech, but because our Founders understood that without such protections, the capacity of each individual to express their own views, and practice their own faith, may be threatened. We do so because in a diverse society, efforts to restrict speech can become a tool to silence critics, or oppress minorities. We do so because given the power of faith in our lives, and the passion that religious differences can inflame, the strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression, it is more speech - the voices of tolerance that rally against bigotry and blasphemy, and lift up the values of understanding and mutual respect. I know that not all countries in this body share this understanding of the protection of free speech. Yet in 2012, at a time when anyone with a cell phone can spread offensive views around the world with the click of a button, the notion that we can control the flow of information is obsolete. The question, then, is how we respond. And on this we must agree: there is no speech that justifies mindless violence."
A LIKE REPLY 19 hours ago 2 Likes F


Full-throated or Deep-throated?
A LIKE REPLY 19 hours ago in reply to rickdrake58 1 Like F


To be fair, when aren't the Muslims in the Middle East not crying about something?
A LIKE REPLY 19 hours ago 7 Likes F


Thanks Ben - have heard nothing about this. Especially on Fox. Why???
A LIKE REPLY 19 hours ago 5 Likes F


Fox is not our friend.

A LIKE REPLY 18 hours ago in reply to wwbdinct 3 Likes F

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Muslim Protests At US Embassies Continue, Media Ignores


I'm beginning to think so.....

A LIKE REPLY 16 hours ago in reply to Goo Gwaba 1 Like F


Obama for president: One time: Shame on him. Re-elected: Shame on USA
A LIKE REPLY 19 hours ago 11 Likes F

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9/29/2012 7:54 AM

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