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Gerontology and Geriatrics

Gerontology is the study of aging and older adults. Long life is a direct result of public health (What is Gerontology?., 2012). It is the study of physical, mental, and social changes in older people as they age. How it affects our aging population, policies and programs. As a result of the multidisciplinary focus of gerontology, professionals from diverse fields call themselves "gerontologists"(Careers in Aging: Consider the Possibilities ., April 11, 2012). Geriatrics is the study of health and disease in later life. It is the comprehensive health care of older persons and the well-being of their formal caregiver. Geriatricians may work in a hospital, hospice, medical office, nursing home, or in a combination of several of these medical facilities (Careers in Aging: Consider the Possibilities ., April 11, 2012). Gerontology and Geriatrics differ in the sense that Gerontology is a multidisciplinary field that includes the study of the biological, psychological, and social aspects of aging. Geriatrics is focused on how to prevent or manage the diseases of aging. Geriatrics is a specialty in medicine, nursing, and dentistry (What is Gerontology?., 2012). However, they both have the goal of understanding aging so that people can be helped to maximize their functioning and achieve the highest quality of life (Careers in Aging: Consider the Possibilities ., April 11, 2012). When you discuss Gerontology and Geriatrics, you have to discuss some of the stereotypes that surround aging and the old, may it be positive or negative. Some of the stereotypes that exist are the fact that old people are forgetful, have limited or poor abilities, judgment, and behaviors. The biggest problem with these stereotypes is that they are imbedded in our brains at a young age; therefore, we grow up believing them to be true even before we

reach old age, and then when people finally reach old age, they already believe them to be true about themselves even if they are not. Teri Bennett and Jean Gaines did a study on stereotypes and noticed that when it comes to stereotypes, they have significant power, particularly if they are self- relevant. Stereotypes can be operative without awareness and influence physical and cognitive outcomes and can be countered by positive priming (Bennett & Gaines, May, 2010). This has been very self-evident when it comes to old people and our connotations about them. Another issue that affects the fields of Gerontology and Geriatrics is Ageism. In 1960s, Robert Butler coined the phrase and defined it as follows, A process of systematic stereotyping and of discrimination against people because they are old, just as racism and sexism accomplish this with skin color and gender ( Ageism., 2012). What has been taking place is old people are being discriminated just because they are old. Sometimes in nursing homes and in other facilities that take care of old people, you see old people mistreated simply because they are old. You witness them getting honked at on the road because they are driving slow, or the cause of frustration because they are moving slow on the street. It is believed that this type of age discrimination eventually, Impacts elders in tangible ways by contributing to poor health outcomes and also appears to have subtler, though perhaps more pervasive impact, by contributing to social isolation, lower self- esteem and poorer quality of life ( Ageism., 2012). These problems are very disheartening because they are something we are all going to have to deal with since we are all getting older with each day, but the good news is that anyone who is interested in entering this field can make a positive change. Professionals in the field of aging work in a variety of settings that include: community, human services, health care and long

term care institutions, federal, state, and local government agencies, including the aging network, retirement communities, academic and other educational and research settings(Careers in Aging: Consider the Possibilities ., April 11, 2012). There are so many possibilities, which mean that there are many ways to make a change, depending on your particular passion. In order to become a professional in aging, there are several venues open to you. You can pursue it by enrolling in a formal credit program at a college or university. Some students choose aging as a specialty area within one of the traditional disciplines or professions (e.g., anthropology, architecture, biology, political science, psychology, sociology, medicine, nursing, social work, health-related professions) (Careers in Aging: Consider the Possibilities ., April 11, 2012). Finally, others decide to get a degree in Gerontology, which can be pursued at all the educational levels. Once you are qualified, there are many ways to find a job in the field of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Field placements, internships, and clinical affiliations, which are required by many college and university programs in aging, often lead to permanent employment (Careers in Aging: Consider the Possibilities ., April 11, 2012). Volunteering at community agencies provides work experience as well as a network of contacts that is extremely helpful for finding employment in the field (Careers in Aging: Consider the Possibilities ., April 11, 2012). Finally, become familiar with the state and local agencies and organizations that serve older persons. This information can be obtained from your state unit or area agency on aging (What is Gerontology?., 2012).

References Ageism. (2012). Retrieved October 3, 2012, from Careers in Aging: Consider the Possibilities . (April 11, 2012). Retrieved October 3, 2012, from What is Gerontology?. (2012). Retrieved October, 3, 2012, from Bennett, T, & Gaines, J (May, 2010). Believing What You Hear: The Impact of Aging Stereotypes upon the Old. Educational Gerontology, 36(5), p435-445.

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