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Because youre on T.V., dummy.

Aurthure Jensen has chosen Howard beale to preach his neoliberal evangel because he7s on T.V. and Televangelsim is soon due to emerge as aconsequence of teh d eregulating of broadcasting and a consequent proliferation of cable channels. This efcund early eriod of cable regulation will birth Tv evangelists, the emergence of the WWf and CNN., almost a ll of it directly linked to aspiring broadacsting mogul Ted Turner. Someof teh key moments of cross cultural deregulatory symbiosis will be lookeda t later, the intetwining of the WWF which liek evangalism emerges from being a town halll an d largely local concern to on e of the key componenets of teh eightie s media spectacle and its crosspollination with the freshly deregulated advertising t o children satndards act of 1978 which effectively, u8ncer pressure from teh a dvertising industry allowed fro unerstricted a dvertising to children, helping t o birth both teh child as incerasingly young consumer force an d director of teh familie s leisure pursuits but also created yethe avst ne w world of merchandise and game/toy to film waves of the eightie s that produced s uch fare as masters of teh niverse. In this s ense Tv is teh medium through which children are targeted in teh eighties , through w hich salvation is offered and through which marginal and absurd figure s become stars. in th e enormously expanded and integrated media scape of the nineties, in this sense Tv does become almost an environment of its own, less a discrete box in the corner of teh r oom than a protshtesis, a plug-in, whose ubiquity and mutiform extension as a provider of products begins to both resembel a natural system and also t o slwoly inetgrat e istelf into teh afbric of daily life such taht it is naturalized. a s imilar process is undoubtedly underwaty wit teh internet, 3 na d soon 4g technolgy and smartphone technology seemlessly integrate the websacpe into normal life, + teh aanolgy woyld be moving to a new house at first teh dimensions and decorations have a sharp unfamiar starngenes s an d newness taht intrudes on c onsciousness until familarity s lowly allows consciousness to relegate it to abckground, teh atken for granted. Being theres vison of the Tv and of TV man teh illiterate Cgauncey who through the magic of American life goe s from his room in the old mans hous e to prospective president of teh USA, show us TVa tthe stage at which it si s o fully inetgrated into the lifeworld of te country that it is indistingusihable from the grrenery of the garden around it. from te perspective of 2001 and the waves of nostalgic music that ahrk back to teh 80s and portary it as a world of colir an f d fun, theer is a Lapsarian regret to the loss not jsut of childgood but also to a point in which unprecedentedly a rtform specifically intended to divert a nd engage with children of virtually every a ge were in abundance, this is a kind of cathode pastoralism in which a later generation looks back in longing at the pre-internet age of analogue tv and solid objects in te way early denizens of modernity perhaps idealized teh rural and artisanal past.

Jensens speech is partly just Chayefesky flexing his stylistic muscles be there is a congruence between jensens style an d the emerging business-speak soon to inflate into and the Gnostic professional rhetoric of the MBA is not far behindE, his speech borrows ecological and evironmental metaphors, something which The emrging w ave of Capitalists are abput to oncorporate into their rehetorical strategies cological bias

One film in which both e cology and TV (and indeed TV a s a form of Ecology)is is Hal Asbys Being There

Being There si an adaption of jersey Kosinskis last novel Kosoinski is himself a rather mysterious and mercurial and quixotic character an escapee f rom communism who wrote a serie s of repetatitive , staccato and frequently brilliant novels in te Sixtie s na d se venties. Theer s I s controversy over both w hether Kosinski palgiarized his story from an famoudl pre-War polish w ork an d w hether he deserved full screenwriting credits for the f inal draft that made the film. But theres little doubt tah te vision of a simple minded man who understand s the world only through Tv and whos observations chime in with the naturalist ideas of American capital a kind of niddle-aged holy innocent lost in a semi-senile stupor in which he can not discriminate between fantasy and reality chime s in nicely a s a critique of te Reagen years and the naturalization of capitalist relations

Being There turned giives Peter Sellers his last role as Chauncey Grderner a simpleton eleveated to the position of president whose total misunderstanding of the world he is in and his continuous references to hortivculture are treated as profound uterrances by his advisors Kosinski is nt just parodying reagen but a whole tendency toward teh idea of the Roussoean natural man, it si precisley his unluttered, uninflected aprrehension of direct truths taht teh more sophisticated can never attain dogged a s tehy are by psychologica and existential problems ( this lioniztion of te homespun, the good plain s ens e of a true American spirit uncorrupted by doubt and fancy European booklearning will recah its peak/nadir with 199? Forest Gump). Importantly chauncey is a kind of witch doctor, he is an optimist and optimism is teh necessary corollory of any effort t change, Chauncey repreents of optimistmism of teh non-intellect and aprt of hsi beinga natural man is how fully he has incorporated Tv, TV is teh soul f America and Chauncey is its word made flesh. This si wh y in te final s equence as teh Elders discus s his caditure for president we see him w alk on w ater, he is superhuman, a redeemer, has a direct unmediated access to teh Oversoul, incarnates it. Diana in Netweorrk may be TV incarnate for Chayefsky (indifferent to suffering and

love alike, the phallic witch of the coldest of all cold mediums) but Chauncey incarnate s Tv a sa redeemre arther tahn d estroyer, and what he will redeem is Capitalism. as Jensens vast system here capital is te new form of sublimity sits abouv ethe natural w orld an d is higher order of being, in this w ay the rhetoric of capital teall s soemthing f rom te Romantics capital is that s ystem of systems, this is both a more agrssive asserton of @ capitalist realism@ and also a more benign vision, capital itself is the sheltering mother, the pathetic fallacy gone free market.. Its the positing of a misty capitalist teleology that then gain s immense traction through fukuyama among others after the collapse of te Soviet Union in 1989 Th efilm ends with cancey walking on water acrsst eh ale.he is both the messiah the s aving figure ewho will rescue americanc apital whos every simplicity and unworlidness allow s hin to acess to the truth of American spirit, ( this later will role taken by Forrest gumps revisionism of Recent Americna history especially in the ways it shifts focus not simply eliding the sixties but vengefull returning to it in order to correct it with digital manipulation) Theres an overlap heer w ith Bob rafelsons stay hungry, which well turn to alittl elater, but capital must pass over form one dying generatio to anew more modern group, in Stay hungary its hipsterish post sixties youth, in being there a political clas s that sepaks the universal language of tV.
Two different visions of capitalism s circadian and as directional maybe heremention Von mises..lead on tp shwazenneger Find out more about von mises von mises institute is still along with th ecato institute the home of Austrian enconomics Both Rand and Mises posit themselves a supermen ubermensh na din his own gushing and gawky panegyric to Rand Mises disciple Murray Rothbard references Nietsche asking what if Zarathustra wree to return an d ask whatthey had done to surpass man he would reply,Atlas Shrugged Where is the superman, unsurprisingly, he turns out to be Austrian too.

Maybe get this up to 5, 000 then start to oncentrat e on Shwazeneggers movies start with s tay hungry /punping iron route s of hippy and macho capalso being there as vision of naturalistic tv man Rocky horro picture show Quick aside on conan hit terminator view of city and fordism post fordism car cras movies

The r oad ot serfdom milius big Wednesday.

22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 22 Stay Hungry Bob Rafelsons 1976 Stay Hungry completes his great trilogy of Seventies movies and anticipates the Eighties. It si precede by The King of Marvin Gardens and the most famous of the three, Five Easy Pieces, both of which star Jack Nicholson. Stay hungry and Five eay pieces mirror each other. In the altter jack Nicholson is the scion of a wealthy family who hja s rejected his family background and is working on an oilr irg and routinely unfaithful to his unsophisticated country and western loving waitres s girlfriend, finding outtaht his father is dying he returns home woityh his g irlfriend and finally rejects his membership of both c lasses disappearing of f over the horizon into an uncertain future, Nicholson id America itself its restless energies, its desire for te new blocked, perhaps permamantly, driven f orward but twith o real s etination ( this road to nowhere motid will veb examine d more f ully when w e comej to looka t bruce springsteen) stay hungry a lso focus on te scion of a ealthy family, this time palyed ny Jeff Brodhges,a clean cut, blandly handsome actor, mor ein keeping withteh films c= gentle screwball comedy and optimism than ey wild and 60s related Nicholson. At the s tart of te film w e see bridge s leadinghis horse througa sylvan glade that is alter revealed to be his family estate, while a sterna n d fatherly voice over informs him of his dutya s a NAME. The opening s cenes couild be atken from Rasselas with the young prince in the happy valley or Candide and the film is abildungsroman of sorts, if Bobby can n ot find a social world to live in then Bridges in rejecting his background embraces a new counterculoture , he move s away from the old way s of doing thing san d into new markets, the hippy c apitalist e thos, surrounded by his retinue of colourful characters in order to s et uo a gym The term Stay hungry si now most closely associated withs teve Jobs for hus speech Stay Hungry Stay Foolish. The phrase wa slifted f rom the final The bible of the whole earth news .a magazine aime d at rescuing what wa s @ beets @ of te hippy movement and largely under the sway of the Economist and environmental; c ampaigner E.F Shumacher. Teher is an overlap between the ethos of the whooe erat news a nd stay hungrys vision of the future of capitalism , playful, dressed down ludic, fraternal arther than paternal. Tolerant of eccentricity. In this sense body building is still c harged with soemthing of te freakpower of te hippies, but a s s ub culture based around narcissim and discipline it offers new vistas for Bridges business ven tures. Shazennegers playful, emotionally wise and sympathetic bodybuilder offers a positive vison of a new masculinity, nyper masculine om on level but also childlike in a way, the new amn and the hippy enterpremeur are finding a new expressionhere, Thsis ia comopact between old money and the less nihilistic more disciplined elements of te hippy/freak revolution.

In s aty hungry bridges character manage sto s uccesfully find a route out of his father d emands and claim himself Shifty from Nicholson associated with 60s to te youthful bridges clean c ut also in Bogdanaovichs nostalgia fest whatever its called Rememeber stah hungry and p iron a s two forward trajectories for the e ighties hippy c ap and cigar cheing c apitalists Pumping Iron. Pumping iron the doucumentary that really amd e shwazenner famous, in a sens e its possible to tarce two emergent trajectorie through stay hungry and pumping iron, on e which leads to the soft capital of the boomers through Microsoft and google and hipster entrepreneurs. Pumping iron presenst Shwazenneger a s ruthless neitshean unbermensh who will stop a t nothing to win and whos e confidemce borders I on te pathological, he is not afraid of throwing up or passing out in te gym, he will psyche out his rivals mercilessly and is so remorselessly focused that he ahs no time for any distractions. @ quote@ In te documentary on the Making of pumping iron te film amkers try to get Shwazenneger to appear warmer on camera to talk about his doubts and feras, but they fial: he simply doesnt have any. Hde is machinic and ultrafocused, te only thing that matters is being number one. While much of te genuine camaraderie a nd mutuial support between the body builders is edited o out in te final flilm version, Shwazenneger si one of te mass monsters who cam e to dominate bodybuilding I the seventies an d this si where the fantasy that a superhuman power or capacity for transformation kicks in, the secret is of course s teroid use, but this is still unacknowledged in te e early s eventies an d becomes a s ecret that must be hidden trhough all te sporting s ucesses and world ercord smashing of te eighties. Tehere si another revealing ereies of out take s form pumping iron, in order to generate more contsrat and anrrativ e tension te filmamkers recruited the Actor Bud Cort who coems to te gym to work out. Corts heyday wa sin te early seventies with Robert Altamans mash and Brewster Mcloud and te cult black comedy Harold and Maude. Ina sens e Cort is the archetypal early s eventie s outsider geek, a smart but onworldly, overidealistc man child with s ticks for arms and a pigeon c hest. In the sequences in Pumping Iron he lalkys up his physsucal debility and bugeyed amazement at the body-builders strength and size. The message is clear, Cort is pathetic and Shwazenneger the films central concern, a titan. This is partly the secret success of body building its masculinity yet also its deeply unmasculine focus on te body and concern a bout the look, exespecially te appreciation of othert ens bodies. There si afrisson of the gay amle gaze, turning a way from te chicken Cort to te beefcacke, s hwazenegerr. (expand) Jeff literally bridges the two worlds.. Bud cort and the c onflict between the hippy/rebel and the new masculinity is rehearsed.. ont agy thing in stay hungry nd the rockyhorror picture show

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