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1 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email: chanlin.chort@gmail.


2 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:


Process Management:
Display all device that connect to USB port

Display device that connected to SCSI port

Display all device that installed on computer

Location that store software of device (drivers)

Report file system disk space

3 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

View size and format of hard disk specific

View partition and to create partition

List all hard disk and all partition

4 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

List contains the CPU information

List contains the memory information

5 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

View processor of CPU

List all rpm packages installed

Find rpm package installed

6 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

Is the location that stored information on the running system and kernel process

Report command that used

Dsplay linux tasks or process are running

7 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

Move the last stopped job to background

Resumes a stopped job ( call command that stopped to turn back)

List open files in system

List opening file start with latter n

8 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

Process Management on Ubuntu Information of CPU

List partition of hard disk

9 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

List memory information

View running task process on system by command top

10 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

View hard drive

+ Some command on linux: soft link

Put work into file

11 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin II. Email:

SAMBA file sharing by samba

Install service samba samba-doc

Configuration samba database by yastnetwork servicessamba server

Next step and then alt+d to assign netbios

12 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

Next step assign password of samba server

After finish configuration we must create users on system with assign password

13 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

Create group on system

Add users into their group

Create directory/folder/file to sharing all user in their group can access

Assign the permission on each folder for folder group

14 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

Assign the permission on each folder of users

Permission in group1

Permission in gorup2

Add all users from system to samba server

15 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

Configuration file on samba database like below:

NOTE: for services on samba after configure we have to

restart all services like below: - Insserve smb - insserve nmb - Rcsmb restart - rcSuSEfirewall stop - chkconfig | less - chkconfig smb - chkconfig nmb

16 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

Take one user from each department to test

- User on group1

- Result

- Result on each file

17 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin User in group2 Email:

- Result

-Result on each user

18 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:


Printing Cups

Install service cups by command yast -i like below:

After install service cups lets go to yast to add printer

Select printer configurations

19 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

Select port of prinshare

Assign IP of printer

20 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

Select printer driver

Configure file of cups by

like below:

and then configure

21 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

Restart service cups

Test result on local print server

It is my result

22 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

Take one client to access

23 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:


Configuration Network

Assign IP address by command Ifconfig

Restart network service by /etc/init.d/network restart

24 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

Add gateway by command route

Modify file to configure network by vim /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth1

25 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

Restart network like command abov Result configuraton

26 Prepare by CHORT Chanlin Email:

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