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Ovide Lamontagne will limit their access to

Birth Control

reast Exams B

Cancer Screenings

ote V
This advertisement has been paid for by Planned Parenthood Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) corporation,, and has not been authorized by any candidate or candidates committee. Gina Glantz, Chair.

And Michael Tierney on the Executive Council will be the rubber stamp that Ovide Lamontagne needs to limit womens access to Planned Parenthood cervical cancer screenings, breast exams and birth control.1

Lamontagne: wants to ban safe and legal abortion even in cases of rape or incest.2
Tierney: Running on a platform that opposes Planned Parenthood.3 As a lawyer, he challenged Planned Parenthood over dispensing birth control.4
Check the facts!
1. New Hampshire Public Television Voter Guide, accessed 9/14/12; 2. Associated Press, 9/10/10; 3. Concord Monitor, 6/2/12,; 4. Concord Monitor, 4/21/12

Lamontagne and Tierney: Two guys who are too dangerous for womens health.

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