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knows better than our doctors.

Ovide Lamontagne thinks he

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This advertisement has been paid for by Planned Parenthood Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) corporation,, and has not been authorized by any candidate or candidates committee. Gina Glantz, Chair.

Ovide Lamontagne wants to limit womens access to Planned Parenthood cervical cancer screenings, breast exams and birth control.1

tive Council obert Burns on the Execuontagne. And R ill be a rubber stamp for Lam w
Ovide Lamontagne: incest2 Wants to ban safe and legal abortion even in cases of rape or

Robert Burns: Wants to limit womens access to birth control, breast exams and cervical cancer screenings by defunding Planned Parenthood3 Opposes a womans right to have a safe, legal abortion4

Check the facts!

1. New Hampshire Public Television Voter Guide, accessed 9/14/12; 2. Associated Press, 9/10/10; 3. NH Journal, 1/22/12; 4.

oVide LamoNtagNe aNd RobeRt buRNs

Vote No oN

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