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November 11, 2012

Volume 12, Number 46

Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Yesterday Gone? (2)

John 4:23But the hour is coming, and now is, Some of you will remember the old radio and then television program, The Lone Ranger. Each episode was introduced by the announcer as follows: In the early days of the western United States, a masked man and an Indian rode the plains, searching for truth and justice. Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear, when from out of the past come the thundering hoof-beats of the great horse Silver! The Lone Ranger rides again! Maybe that evokes some memories of a different time, and maybe what seems to be a better time. Maybe, you say to yourself, If we could just go back to those good old days. We are where we are. We can complain about how things are not as they used to be, but the fact is that we are not going back to yesterday. It is always a delicate balance when it comes to applying the fixed doctrine of scripture to the ever fluid appreciations of any society. While there are religious groups who have tried to maintain a fixed point in time for their culture, they still are not at the original point of societal development in reference to the revelation of doctrine. At the other end of the spectrum, there are always groups that simply allow the present culture or values to determine how we will live. There is a saying, He who is married to culture will soon find himself a widower. The men of Issachar were stated to have an understanding of their times (1 Chronicles 12:32). They knew what needed to be done for the kingdom. Now, such a quality is of great value. Too often we just want the times to understand and adapt to us. Wisdom reminds us that the world does not revolve around us, nor do we revolve around the world. Still, we have to live in it. We will not return to what seems now to be a simpler time. What we have is the opportunity to advance the message within the parameters of our present time using methods of the day. It is a marvelous time! Russ

The Sentinel November 11, 2012

Keep These In Prayer

Donna Schumann had foot surgery last week. Bill Spaulding is in Norman Regional Hospital undergoing therapy. Hazel Ruminer is getting some relief from the treatment. Hubert Nelson has finished treatments and is waiting for a status report. Tami Burwells grandmother, Ruby Austin is in very serious condition with lung cancer. Don and Jo Hutton have several health difficulties. Riley Baldwin continues to have throat surgeries about every six weeks. Don Fleming - has had some improvement in his tumor and had a port put in on Saturday. He is thankful for all the prayers. See note. Handyman Corner If you are able to do the job, you can volunteer to take it.
Mary Cordrey is needing to have

some grab bars installed in the bathroom in her house. Remember: Any small job that you need help doing can be listed here. We will run them for a couple of weeks.

Happy Birthday to ...

Ani Berry - Bryan Ausmus Terri Scott - Jennifer Parker Sam Greenroyd Roger Scott - Sang Chung Michael Berry Clyde Christian 11/15 11/20 11/22 11/22 11/25 11/25 11/27 11/28 11/30

Homebound or Limited:
Jean Christian Lorella Wilson Aline McDaniel

- God Is - Good - Always! -

Happy Anniversary to ...

Gordon & Ruth Veitenheimer - - - - - - 11/12

Announcements to Notice
Elders and Deacons Meeting, today at 3 PM. Holiday Dinner Friday evening, November 16, 6:30 PM -Darrell

has posted a list on the bulletin board. This is always one of the top fellowship events of the year. Check with your Brothers Keeper leader about your groups role in the dinner. ++ Entertainment ++ Do you have a talent, or a Not so talent. Maybe you can tell a joke, sing a song, or even juggle chainsaws while riding a unicycle. Let your talent show, whatever it is. Its all in fun. We are looking for volunteers.
Mens Breakfast: There will be no Mens Breakfast in November or

December, because of the holidays.

Brothers Keeper Groups2013 Darrell is in the process of de-

veloping our groups for next year. If you desire to be a part of one of these fellowship groups, but did not get your name on the list, just see Darrel. He will make sure you are added. Groups will developed from dividing the names (families) on the list.

Visitation Update Randy has put a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. If you are willing to be a part of one of our visitation teams, put your name on the list and the teams will be divided from that list.

Holiday Gift Bags: The Christian Service Center is asking for

help with the holiday gift bags. Gifts should be valued from $10 $15, and be appropriately aged for children from infants to eighteen years. If you prefer, you can donate money and gifts will be purchased for you. See Kim or Ruth Veitenheimer. You may also consider volunteering to package and prepare the gifts, once they are purchased.
Dear Southern Ridge, Just wanted to say a huge Thank You for

the continued prayers and sweet cards. We really do appreciate each and every one! Dad has done remarkably well with his treatments and we know its the power of prayer. Please tell the congregation how much it means to Daddy and us. Sincerely, Kaylyn Clark for Don Fleming and Family.
Looking Ahead to 2013 Make some plans today.

1. Read from your Bible every day. 2. Commit yourself to active involvement in activities of the church, beginning with attending all services and Bible classes. 3. Find a way to put your talents to service for the Lord and others. 4. Teach the gospel to someone, and win a soul.

The Sentinel November 11, 2012

Scheduled to Serve Next Week (11/18/12)

Order of Service
Announcements & Scripture: 1 John 1:5-10 Song 599 Stepping in the Light Song 492 O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee Prayer Song 950 Lamb of God Comments Lord's Supper Collection Song 604 Sunlight Sermon: Forward Thinking, Logic, and Conclusion Song 261 I Am Thine, O Lord Song 714 Trust and Obey Prayer

Darrell MacDonald

Larry & Glyn Baldwin J.C. & Stacy Glidewell Keith & Becky McDougal

Lord's Table (am) Prayers: Michael Berry

Alex Suarez Dwain Thacker Keith McDougal Mark Hamm Bill Fleming Horace Phillips Michael Berry Sunday Arless Murray Jim Skaggs Layne Adams Kevin Keenan Sam Greenroyd

Lord's Table (pm) Prayers (am)

Jerry Doyle Dewayne Ross

Prayers (pm) Schedule of Services Bible study Worship Worship

Wednesday 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM
Deacons Michael Berry Joe Downs Bill Fleming Walter McFadden

Bible Study
Elders Kevin Keenan Horace Phillips Roger Scott Bill Sherman

Ministers George King Dwain Thacker Darrell MacDonald Randy Vance Keith McDougal Russell Dyer Caleb Eggleston

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