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Milestone 1 - Alysson Milanez Definio do tema e Reviso sistemtica

Tema: Verificao baseada em contratos Reviso Sistemtica: Artigo: EIKHENBAUM, B. M. The theory of the Formal Method. 1926.

Livro: DAHL, O. -J.; DIJKSTRA, E. W. and HOARE, C. A. R. Seo 5 - An Example of a Correctness Proof e Seo 6 - On the Validity of Proofs Versus the Validity of Implementations - do livro: Structured Programming. 1972. Livro: DIJKSTRA, E. W. A discipline of programming. Cap. 8: The Formal Treatment of some small examples. 1976. Artigo: GIBBINS, P. F. What are formal methods. Information and Software Technology, 30(3), 1988. Artigo: HALL, J. A.Seven Myths of Formal Methods.IEEE Software, 1990.

Livro: DIX, A. J. Formal Methods for Interactive Systems. Cap. 1: Introduction. Academic Press, 1991. Artigo: MEYER, B. . Applying Design by Contract. IEEE Computer Society Press. 1992. Artigo: HOLZMANN, G. J.. The Theory and Practice of A Formal Method: NewCoRe. IFIP World Congress, 1994. Artigo: BOWEN, J. P. and HINCHEY, M. G. . Seven More Myths of Formal Methods. IEEE Software. 1995. Artigo: CLARKE, E. M.; WING. J. M.; et al. Formal Methods: State of the Art and Future Directions. ACM Computing Surveys. 1996. Livro: WOODCOCK, J. and DAVIES, J. Using Z - Specification, refinement and proof. Cap. 1. Prentice Hall. 1996. Artigo: WORDSWORTH, J. B. . Getting the best from formal methods. Information and Software Technology, 1999. Artigo: LEAVENS, G. T.; BAKER, A. L. and RUBY, C. Jml: A notation for detailed design. Behavioral Specifications of Businesses and Systems. 1999. Livro: MEYER, B. Object-Oriented Software Construction. Cap. 11: Design by Contract: building reliable software. Prentice Hall. 2 edio - 2000. Livro: SPIVEY, J. M. The Z Notation: A Reference Manual. Cap. 1. Second Edition. Prentice Hall. 2001. Artigo: CHEON, Y.; LEAVENS, G. T. . A simple and practical approach to unit testing: The jml and junit way. European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming. 2002.

Artigo: GARION, C. and TORRE L. v. d. . Design By Contract - Deontic Design Language for Component-Based Systems. 15th Belgium-Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2003. Artigo: LEAVENS, G. T. and CHEON, Y. Design by contract with jml. Draft avaliable from 2006. Artigo: CHEON, Y. and RUBIO-MEDRANO, C. E. . Random test data generation for java classes annotated with jml specifications. International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice. 2007. Artigo: WOODCOCK, J.; LARSEN, P. G.; BICARREGUI, J. and FITZGERALD, J. Formal Methods: Practice and Experience. ACM Computing Surveys. 2009. Artigo: LIU, S.; TAKAHASHI, K.; HAYASHI, T. and NAKAYAMA, T. Teaching formal methods in the context of software engineering. SIGCSE Bull. p. 17--23, 2009. Artigo: HIERONS, R. M.; BOGDANOV, K.; BOWEN, J. P.; CLEAVELAND, R.;DERRICK, J.; DICK, J.; GHEORGHE, M.; HARMAN, M.; KAPOOR, K.; KRAUSE, P.; LTTGEN, G.; SIMONS, A. J. H.; VILKOMIR, S.; WOODWARD, M. R. and ZEDAN, H. Using formal specifications to support testing. ACM Comput. Surv. 2009. Artigo: NUNES, D. J.; MOREIRA, A. and RIBEIRO, L. Formal Methods at SBES: Evolution and Perspectives. IEEE Computer Society. 2011. Artigo: VARJO, C.; GHEYI, R.; MASSONI, T. and SOARES, G. . Jmlok: Uma ferramenta para verificar conformidade em programas java/jml. CBSoft' 11: 2nd Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (Tools session). 2011. Artigo: ZIMMERMAN, D. M. and NAGMOTI, R. Jmlunit: the next generation. International Conference on Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Software. 2011.

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