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08/11/97 9:28 PM Just now while playing imaginary (telepathic that is) duet solitaire with my Electric Version

and Bills Hand Job Version it came to me when you live close to another person like sharing a house, sharing a table. sharing a TV and spending a lot of time together you re inevitably drawn into a consciousness of the other persons wants and needs a consequence of this is that your own wants and needs are concealled or at least less visible especially for someone like me so well trained in the skill of being sensitive to the needs of other people close to me in the last or week so I came to the realization that there is stage in personal evolution of consciousness when we realize that intuition guides us with both external signs in the earlier stages of evolution of intuitive guidance and then later with internal signs which only we ourselves know about if we keep them too ourselves and dont divulge to them others by way of words or other signs I realized that the internal signs of intuitively intelligent guidance come to us in the form of feelings of attraction and repulsion like a few moments ago I felt like playing the card game that I have named Electric Solitaire and that I am now renaming Electronic Solitaire then I began to feel weary of it and decided I would turn off the device and go toast a slice of bread and spread it with butter and jam (mind you, if I did what I want I would have Country Morning Butter/Marg Blend - but because of the close proximation of the parasitic invader I must compromize what I want and be content with what the invader chooses) then as I turned off the computer it came to me how the presence of another person makes it very difficult for us to tune in to our own feelings of attraction and repulsion because they get all mixed up and confused and interwoven with the other persons attarctions and repulsions. In this particular c ase for example the other person who is here in my home not here by my free invitation and consent but by force coercion and threat I prefer to live alone and have communicated this clearly to this

invader for a period of more than five years since the invader first began speaking about living in the same house with me however the invader is here despite my expressed preference which the invader has ignored for reasons not clearly known to me and the only contribution that the invader makes to his own living expenses is to bring home groceries in order to go get the groceries the invader requires my vehicle and gasoline or cash from me to purchase gasoline when the invader goes to get groceries is about the only time that he leaves the house and so about the only time that I have the house to myself and am alone as I prefer and very much want to be I think that the invader knows this and that it is part of the strategy of forceful occupation of my private living space he justifies his parasitic way of life by providing groceries and then claiming that the value of the groceries is greatere than half the total costs of maintaining the household and that I am in his debt this give the invader justification to steal and appropriate items of my personal property that he feels drawn to freedom is not a game to me deprivation of another persons freedom requires a strategy that can be called a game since it consists of a set of principles in the case of this invader the grocery supply con is one of the principles of his strategy of enslavement so too is the stay at home all the time con the idea being that the victim will gladly provide gasoline and a vehicle in order to have the small and rare opportunity for time alone another one of the principles was the rum principle demand rum in return for the debt incurred by the alleged surplas of groceries over rent, electric, phone, water, cable TV, furniture use etc the rum keeps the victim from being aware of the gross unpleasantness of the parasitic growth that has invaded his private living space and also provides ebough confusion to justify the use of violence and abuse to coerve the victim into

compliance sufficiently well to continue the parasitic dependence of the invader fortunately for me the rum principle has almost been terminated now the parasitic invader growth thrives on rum and requires it to maintain its dependency without rum it cannot survive long without a vehicle and gasoline and groceries it is on the verge of collapse it is likely to become unpredictable when it envisions the need to establish a connection to another host the vehicle might be stolen the parasite may make a dash for it after a well planned final vulture attack to pick the bones and fly away the strangest part is that for most of the time I was actually providing a home and a livlihood out of my own generosity while the the invader apparently was giving himself credit for his own livlihood by constructing a fairy tale world of illusory justifications for his parasitic dependence on my generosity in so doing the invader apparently built up an elaborate illusion based upon the silly and childish idea that it was he who was worthy of credit for his livlihood because it was he who had woven the web of deception that had made it possible for him to manipulate me into being generous in effect the invader stole from me even my generosity and any gratitude that might have been forthcoming from him it wasnt until after the seventh or eighth act of physical assault by the invader parasite that I finally realized that the invader had constructed this elaborate illusion and that my freedom required

of me the exposure of this illusion we are now involved in the process of exposing the illusion My guess is we are more than half way but it may be much less its a delicate process and it is my freedom that is at stake and my freedom is what I value most It is remotely possible that the invader has set up this situation for the purpose of assisting me in the process of fighting for and seizing my freedom that this whole situation has been carefully assembled by the invader to benefit me in my evolving consciousness I am confident that either the invader was involved in setting up a hoax centered around the illusion that Hunter had a tumor on his optic nerve or alternatively that the invader simply took advantage of the opportunity provided by the optic nerve tumor illusion in either case it was the optic nerve tumor illusion that was the basis upon which the invader gained a foothold in my home and private living space when I look at the whole of the experiences of the last twenty years it appears to me more likely that the invader was indeed involved in the setting up of the optic nerve illusion or at least had fore-knowledge of it that is consistent with the conduct of the other people involved in the optic nerve tumor illusion Dave Coates turned up for Christmas Dinner at Mickys after a stint in San Diego it never occured to me before that as an EMT and paramedic he would have something to contribute to such a hoax I recall a visit to Tucson at Thanksgiving when Micky was away Dave took Hunter to his locker and gave him a few things like atennis raquet I think that was before the

operation Hunter was in Lyman for the Xmas of 93/94 and was in Lyman for a week or two in July of 1993 when Dave Coates was there for a week with a chance to go through all my things while we were camping so perhaps it was Thanksgiving of 1993 and Christmas 1992/93 when Coates came along with a cockatoo for Christy Strange isnt it that Coates turns up after a lengthy absence just prior to the medical drama

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