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Social Media: The Golden Key to an Artists Career

Learn how social media helped two local immigrated artists transition into the Toronto society.
By: Rebecca Raveendran

For immigrated artists, the transition into Toronto society can be a challenging hurdle to overcome. As years have passed, artists have had better experiences with the integration. The key to an efficient process, artists have learned is to promote with social media and utilize the facilities provided for immigrated artists.There are many hindranc es faced by artists during their progression in a new city. Language barriers and stereotypes are difficulties that immigrants cannot avoid at first. Oriana Barbato, a Chilean musi cian and bassist has been in the busi ness for the past 20 years. Her oldest Latin rumberos band named Santerias is working on their third album. I find in Toronto there is a lot of hunger for fusion music, she said. Anywhere you go there are bands that range from folk to jazz to African to Indian music. I have found that throughout the years, at least my bands have established a little niche in Toronto. However, it was not always like that for Barbato. As a newbie artst beginning her career in Toronto, she had to deal with many ste reotypes that come with being a Latin Amer ican musician. I know its laughable but people have this weird notion of Latin music which is sup posed to be sexy and roman tic, she said. But its not only that. There is so much Latin music. There are so many sub genres that have nothing to do with Salsa or Merengue. Oriana Barbato, Chilean Musician and Bassist You have this background where peo
PAGINA 12 doce (doh.say) Did You Know? The Amazon covers nearly half of Peru and maybe home to Indian tribes.

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