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Wisconsin United Residence Hall Association

Proposal Form

Removing NRHH

WHEREAS, NRHH is recognized as WHIL at WURHA

Therefore let it be resolved that, all references to NRHH be stricken from the constitution and By-laws
and be replaced with WHIL

Submitted by: Ashley Sailer

Main Motion # _A____ Yes: ___________ Date: __________________

No: ___________

Amendment # ____________ Abs: ___________ Time: __________________

Wisconsin United Residence Hall Association
Proposal Form


WHEREAS, Article XII Section four is inaccurate;

WHEREAS, Sub-regional organizations are not recognized by the NACURH

Therefore let it be resolved that,


SECTION ONE The WHIL Chair shall facilitate selection of all WURHA OTMs.

SECTION TWO WURHA OTMs shall be selected by a committee of no fewer than three individuals
selected by the WHIL Chair. The selection committee may be made up of members of
the WHIL Chair’s host school, but need not be, though all members of the selection
committee must attend member schools in good standing.

SECTION THREE WURHA OTMs shall be due to the WHIL Chair by 11:59pm on the 10th day of the month
following the month of nomination.

SECTION FOUR WURHA OTMs will be awarded each month in all categories recognized by the
Wisconsin Honorary of Involved Leaders National Office of the National Residence
Hall Honorary. Category requirements will follow all guidelines recognized by the
National Office of the National Residence Hall Honorary Wisconsin Honorary of
Involved Leaders Constitution.

SECTION FIVE WURHA OTM submissions may be made by any member school in good standing,
regardless of whether or not they have established a chapter of WHIL (NRHH).

Submitted by: Ashley Sailer

Main Motion # _B____ Yes: ___________ Date: __________________

No: ___________

Amendment # ____________ Abs: ___________ Time: __________________

Wisconsin United Residence Hall Association
Proposal Form

WURHA Financial Guidelines – Including ADA Provisions

WHEREAS, the current policies regarding WURHA Finances are minimal at best

WHEREAS, WURHA has been facing financial hardship for the past few years

WHEREAS, creating more fiscally responsible policies would be in the best interest of the organization

WHEREAS, Article V, Section One is not referring to any conference in particular and conference
finance policies would be better located with conference hosting responsibilities

Therefore let it be resolved that, Article V be stricken and recreated to read as follows:


SECTION ONE For approval of the WURHA budget, 2/3 majority of those WCCs voting at the
fall semi-annual business meeting shall be required.


A. On May 15, schools having outstanding debts to WURHA shall be notified

by the WURHA Advisor that they are on probation and that the debt must be
paid prior to the start of the fall (BLT) conference to vote at that business
SECTION THREE Any funds that remain in the WURHA budget at the end of the fiscal year shall
revert back to the next year’s budget.


A. $0-$50 At the President’s discretion

B. $50.01-$100 Majority approval of the Directorship
C. $100+ 2/3 approval of the WCCs

SECTION FIVE Yearly dues for the first housing organization (RHO or WHIL) wishing to be
affiliated with WURHA will be forty (40) dollars for all four year degree
institutions, thirty (30) dollars for all two year degree institutions, and fifteen
(15) dollars for all Associate member schools. Yearly dues for the second
housing organization (RHO or WHIL) wishing to be affiliated with WURHA will
be ten (10) dollars. This fee can be paid in conjunction with the WURHA
affiliation fee at time of payment. The Associate membership does not include
voting rights. If a school shows efforts to raise funds, yet experiences difficulty
raising these funds, it is at the discretion of the WURHA Directorship to prorate
the affiliation fees and delegation cap. All guidelines by the Directorship in
deciding whether a school will receive prorated membership fees will be based
on precedence. To apply for prorated fees, members shall apply by December 1st
for the following fiscal year to the WURHA President.

SECTION SIX In the event that WURHA should disband, the balance of the WURHA finances
shall be held in confidence with the last WURHA Advisor and the last conference
advisor. They shall hold the money until the organization is re-established or two
years has passed. In the event that two years passes, the advisors shall distribute
the money evenly among the last group of member schools in good standing with


A. A separate account (line item), titled “ADA Compliance Fund,” must be

included in the WURHA budget for use in ADA Compliance needs during
the WURHA annual conference, French Dip business meeting, and WHIL
1. The fund will be maintained by delegate add-on fees of $8.00 per
delegate at each conference/business meeting until the fund is $15,000 or
over. If the fund falls below $10,000, the delegate add-on fees will be
reinstated under the discretion of the WURHA President and Advisor,
until the fund reaches $15,000 again.
2. Conference staff may obtain money for use in ADA Compliance during
any conference or business meeting by submitting a proposal to the
Directorship. The WURHA Directorship will then consider the request.
A majority vote approval of the Directorship is required for the
conference staff to receive funding from the ADA Compliance Fund.

Submitted by: Ashley Sailer and Hannah Rosenthal

Main Motion # _C____ Yes: ___________ Date: __________________

No: ___________

Amendment # ____________ Abs: ___________ Time: __________________

Wisconsin United Residence Hall Association
Proposal Form

Commitment to Diversity in the By-Laws

WHEREAS, the Commitment to Diversity, is hidden in our By-laws

WHEREAS, the WURHA Constitution is more appropriate place for the Commitment to Diversity

WHEREAS, If WURHA is truly committed to this it should be at the forefront of our constitution

Therefore let it be resolved that, Article XV be stricken from the By-laws and moved to the Constitution
as Article III.



This organization shall act as a central point for information gathering and
sharing to promote, coordinate, and assist residence housing communities on
all member campuses.
WURHA shall integrate ideas and share information of mutual interests through
various communication links such as WCC interaction, annual conferences,
newsletters, and list-serves; in order to create and improve upon individual
residence housing organizations (including, but not limited to, RHA, RHAC,
It shall recruit and provide a starting point for both new and member schools to
become involved in WURHA, the Great Lakes Affiliate of College and
University Residence halls (GLACURH), and the National Association of
College and University Residence Halls (NACURH).

SECTION TWO WURHA shall act as the united voice of residents occupying college and university
housing of member schools, to appropriate bodies, such as state and university

ARTICLE III Commitment to Diversity

SECTION ONE The Wisconsin United Residence Hall Association is a student run organization
whose purpose is to provide communication, education, and leadership
development opportunities in the residence hall systems across the state and
around the country. Students that compromise the membership of our
organization are of different abilities, ages, ethnicity’s, gender, and personal
beliefs, political affiliations, races, religions, and sexual orientations. As such,
WURHA is a truly representative body of a multicultural population and is
committed to promoting an atmosphere conducive to respecting individual
differences and lifestyles. We accept the responsibility to act aggressively and
proactively toward education of our membership. We strongly encourage schools
to build conference delegations that are representative and inclusive of the
diversity of the people of the individual residence halls. Ultimately, we strive for
a respect and understanding of diversity.


Submitted by: Ashley Sailer

Main Motion # _D____ Yes: ___________ Date: __________________

No: ___________

Amendment # ____________ Abs: ___________ Time: __________________

Wisconsin United Residence Hall Association
Proposal Form


WHEREAS, the guidelines for bidding and duties of an elected office position are spread across two
separate articles of the bylaws

WHEREAS, condensing these duplicated references would make the bylaws more clear and concise for
any individual considering bidding for a position

WHEREAS, the duties of some positions are inaccurate and could use updating

Therefore let it be resolved that, Article X be stricken from the bylaws, and Article I read as follows:



A. The President, Vice President, Communications and Technology Chair, Advisor

and Advisor-Elect shall be elected separately by position by the voting members
at the French Dip conference.
B. The WHIL CCs shall elect the WHIL Chair.
C. Upon the selection of the WURHA Annual conference site, the individual(s)
specified as Conference Chairpersons in the chosen school’s bid will become the
Conference Chairperson.
D. The Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President and approved by the
voting members.
E. Any individual bidding for a position on the Directorship shall submit a letter of
intent to the President with a date/postmark at least 14 days prior to the
conference or meeting where the bid will be presented.
F. Any individual bidding for a position on the Directorship shall submit a PDF to
the President seven (7) days prior to the conference or meeting where it will be
G. Bids may not be any longer than six (6) pages not including letters of support
and an appendix. Cover and title pages are not included in the bid page count,
but dividers are included. All bids shall contain page numbers.
H. Any individual bidding for a position on the Directorship shall include the
following: past student government and conference experience, position and
organizational goals, and letters of support.
I. Any individual bidding for a position on the Directorship shall be prepared to
make an oral presentation at the French Dip conference.
J. Any individual bidding for a position on the Directorship must be in attendance
at the conference they are bidding at with exceptions being granted by the
President in circumstances that are beyond the individual’s control.
K. The election procedure for officers shall be the following: five (5) minute
presentation, five (5) minute question and answer period, five (5) minute pro-
con period, and ten (10) minute discussion over all candidates.
L. If the time has exhausted for question and answer and discussion period as
stated above, they are extendable by a simple majority of the voting members.


A. The President, Vice-President, Parliamentarian, and Advisor may not serve as WCC
and a WURHA Directorship member simultaneously with the exception of the
transitional period between French Dip and NACURH. The WURHA Conference
Chair(s) will have a lengthened transitional period compared to other Directorship
members and will be given from the WURHA annual conference until NACURH to
serve as both roles. The WHIL Chair must be an active member of an NRHH
(WHIL) Chapter at a WURHA member school, and may not serve simultaneously as
B. Shall demonstrate an ability to serve a leadership capacity within their office.
Persons holding a President or Vice-President position cannot serve an executive
position in an individual student housing organization (including, but not limited to;
(excluding NRHH [WHIL]))
C. Shall be an official representative of WURHA at all public occasions and meetings.
D. Shall keep WURHA officers and assembly members informed of any matter that
affects the association.
E. Shall be present at the WURHA annual and semi-annual business meetings, as well
as any other meeting where pertinent information may be gained
F. Shall provide a transition period for their successor.
G. Shall communicate with the conference host school in planning and establishing
assembly meetings.
H. Shall encourage active participation of all members of the assembly.
I. Shall have custody of copies of the Constitution, Bylaws, and meeting minutes.
J. Shall be present during all bid presentations and discussion.
K. Shall work closely with other members of the Directorship.
L. Shall carry a 2.5 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale and must not be subject of any
university/college disciplinary action deemed serious enough to warrant action by
the Advisor in term of office. Each directorship member shall send an authorized
letter of verification of their academic standing each academic session to the
WURHA Advisor(s) (prior to bidding for office and during their term).
M. Shall submit a monthly report to the WURHA Directorship, all WCCs, and all WHIL
CCs by the 1st of every month via the WURHA Forum.


M. Shall preside over all meetings.
N. Shall enforce the Constitution and Bylaws at all times.
O. Shall appoint committee members as needed.
P. Shall serve as the facilitator of the Constitution and Bylaws.
Q. Shall arrange to have an audit of the financial records when requested by the
R. Shall submit, along with the Advisor, the annual budget at the semi-annual
business meeting.
S. Shall appoint a Parliamentarian with the approval of the Directorship.
T. Upon receiving office, the President, along with the Advisor, shall open a two-
signature checking account giving the President and the WURHA Advisor the
power to sign.
U. In the event of a tie, on voting matters, the President must cast the deciding
V. Shall house past bids submitted at the WURHA Conference as well as wrap-up
reports from the conference host schools to be expunged after six (6) years.
W. Shall communicate with WURHA conference chairs(s) and French Dip chair(s).


A. Shall become President upon vacancy of the position, until special elections can
be held.
B. Shall preside over all meetings in the absence of the President.
C. Shall inform all member schools of all business meetings.
D. Shall keep minutes and attendance records at all meetings.
E. Shall deliver one copy of the minutes to each member of the WURHA
Directorship, WCC’s and member schools’ advisor(s) within thirty days
following the annual and semi-annual business meetings.
F. Shall carry out the AAFW
G. Shall maintain member school mailing lists and publish them every other month.
H. Shall inform non-member schools of the opportunities available through
WURHA and actively recruit them.


A. Shall decide which technological methods would facilitate the most effective
means for communication and coordination within WURHA.
B. Shall be responsible for determining developments in technology that can be
used to more effectively facilitate communication and coordination within
WURHA, and for pursuing these developments.
C. Shall be in attendance at all WURHA business meetings.
D. Shall be responsible for all electronic correspondence within WURHA.
E. Shall be responsible for maintaining and updating the WURHA website.
F. Shall be responsible for determining and managing access to the passwords for
all WURHA accounts.
G. Shall work with the Directorship to acquire digital copies of all pertinent
documents to the organization, and back up all files, including new documents
as they become available, and maintain this back-up library in an organized
H. Shall carry out such directives as assigned by the President.
I. Shall provide for oral, and written, and digital forms of transition for the
incoming WURHA Communications and Technology Chair, including transfer
of files and accounts access information, and detailed information regarding the
management of the WURHA website.
J. Shall be responsible for knowing when renewal to subscription services, such as
web hosting or domain name, is necessary, and for making sure that they are
renewed in an appropriate and timely fashion.
K. Shall attend, take minutes, and attendance at all WHIL Meetings.
L. Shall work with the host school of the annual leadership conference to provide
hosting of any conference web sites or e-mail accounts.


A. Shall maintain a regular flow of communication between WHIL CC’s throughout
WURHA and the WURHA Directorship.
B. Shall preside over WHIL meetings at all WURHA conferences.
C. Shall judge all WURHA Of the Month submissions with a selection committee
comprised of three (3) individuals with diverse backgrounds from their respective
host schools.
D. Shall communicate with WHIL conference chairs(s).
E. Shall carry out such directives as assigned by the President.
F. Shall attend the annual WHIL conference.


A. Shall be the official contact from the conference team to the WCC’s, WURHA
schools, and the WURHA Directorship.

B. If co-chairs exist they shall receive only one vote on all Directorship voting
C. Shall participate in all Directorship conference calls, retreats, as well as be a
member of the Directorship listserv.
D. Shall follow the host school responsibilities outlined in Article II Section One of
the WURHA bi-laws.
E. One Conference Chair must be present at all times during all the WURHA
business meetings and during the meetings at the WURHA annual conference.
F. Shall facilitate a Directorship conference site visit at least twice before the
annual WURHA conference.


A. Shall council, assist, and exchange information pertaining to the goals and
operations of WURHA.
B. Shall be responsible to inform the Directorship and members of the assembly in
the case of vacancy in any officer’s position.
C. Shall assure transition for new officers is given.
D. Shall assure that complete and accurate records are kept of WURHA’s history
including, but not limited to, size of conference, bids submitted, winners of
awards, and conference location.
E. Shall be responsible for all monies and credits, to be kept in a bound ledger.
F. Shall be a resource for delegation advisors.
G. Shall be responsible for issuing billing statements to member schools by
December 1.
H. Shall collect dues from each school.
I. Shall submit the bi-annual financial status reports to the Directorship and
assembly, showing all monthly activities.
J. Shall submit a report of accounts receivable and accounts payable, to be
presented to the Directorship and assembly at each regular business meeting.
K. Upon receiving office, the Advisor, along with the President, shall open a two-
signature checking account giving the President and the WURHA Advisor the
power to sign.


A. Shall, during the first year of his/her term, the WURHA Advisor-Elect be in
attendance at all WURHA WHIL business meetings.
B. Shall council, assist, and exchange information pertaining to the goals and operations
of WURHA and WHIL.
C. Shall, when not in WHIL business meetings, be in attendance at all WURHA
business meetings.
D. Shall work directly with the Wisconsin RCC.
E. Shall act as an official liaison between WURHA and its professional counterparts.
F. Shall serve as a resource for all statewide interests and concerns.
G. Shall serve in the absence of the WURHA Advisor.
H. Shall assist the WURHA Advisor in his/her assigned duties when appropriate.
I. Shall be the official liaison between the WURHA conference advisor and the
WURHA directorship.


A. Shall be familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised, and the WURHA
Constitution and Bylaws.
B. Shall be the official advisor to the President and members of the assembly on
Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised and the WURHA constitution and
C. Shall preside in the event that the gavel is passed for discussion by the President.
D. Shall deliver an updated copy of the WURHA constitution and bylaws and the
WHIL constitution and bylaws to each member of the WURHA Directorship,
WCC’s and member schools’ advisor(s) within thirty (30) days following the
annual and semi-annual business meetings.
E. Shall hold constitutional revisions meetings when needed and communicate with
all interested parties through the WURHA Constitution listserv.
F. Shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the WURHA
G. The term for the position of Parliamentarian shall be from the time of
appointment to the close of the French Dip Business Meeting.
1. The Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President following the French
Dip Business meeting and must be done so prior to the BLT Retreat.
2. In the event of a vacancy of the office of Parliamentarian the President shall
make a replacement appointment such that the position is vacant for no greater
than two weeks.
H. The Parliamentarian is a member of the Directorship, yet has no voting rights.

Submitted by: Ashley Sailer and Hannah Rosenthal

Main Motion # _E____ Yes: ___________ Date: __________________

No: ___________

Amendment # ____________ Abs: ___________ Time: __________________

Wisconsin United Residence Hall Association
Proposal Form

Restructuring of Annual Conference Responsibilities, Guidelines and Finances

WHEREAS, the guidelines for bidding/presenting, hosting, and funding the annual WURHA conference
are spread across three separate articles of the bylaws

WHEREAS, condensing these duplicated references would make the bylaws more clear and concise for
any school hosting or considering hosting the conference

WHEREAS, some of the criteria for bidding/presenting, hosting, and funding the annual conference is
vague, unimportant, and/or out of date

Therefore let it be resolved that, Article IV and Article VI be stricken from the bylaws, and a new
Article be added to read as follows:


SECTION ONE WURHA shall hold an Annual Conference during the months of February and


B. Any member school or combination of member schools within a close

proximity and in good standing is eligible to bid for the Annual Conference.
C. Any school(s) bidding for the Annual Conference shall submit a letter of
intent to bid to the President by a date specified by the President.
D. Schools will be encouraged to send a preliminary copy of their bid to the
President as soon as possible prior to presentation of the bid in order for the
President to offer suggestions and critique.
E. Conference bids for the next WURHA conference will be presented to the
WCCs at the annual conference.
F. Any school(s) bidding for the Annual Conference shall include in their bid
that should be no more than twenty (20) pages (not including letters of
support, budget, and appendix) the following: possible conference dates, a
preliminary budget, projected conference costs for delegates with a separate
breakdown of conference staff costs, campus information, conference
specific information (consideration should be given for handicapped
accessibility), available facilities and entertainment, dining menus,
transportation availabilities, theme development, and any required waivers.
Covers and title pages are not included in the bid page count, but dividers are
included. All bids shall contain page numbers. No letters of support are to
be included from WCCs, other than the school’s own WCC, or the WURHA
G. Any school(s) bidding for the Annual Conference shall prepare a ten (10)
minute oral presentation to be given at the business meeting of the Annual
Conference. Presentations will be given in alphabetical order by school
name. WCCs of bidding schools may be present during the bidding process,
but will not be given speaking rights during their respective schools’ question
and answer and pro/con sessions. Members of the presentation teams may
not be present during other schools’ bidding process, including WCCs that
are a part of the presentation team.
H. The selection of the annual conference business meeting site shall be selected
by a simple majority of the voting members of the voting assembly.
I. If a conference site is not determined, bids will be accepted until the time of
the next scheduled business meeting, at which time a site will be selected.


A. The Conference Chair(s) will be determined by the host school upon the
completion of the annual WURHA conference. They will serve on the
WURHA Directorship and follow the listed responsibilities previously
stated in this document.
B. Shall be responsible for selecting and presenting the following
conference awards: Most Spirited Delegation, Top Ten Programs, Best
Large/Small School Display, and Best Large/Small School Banner.
C. Shall present at the Bringing Leaders Together Conference a final
conference bid, including final conference dates. The final WURHA
conference cost will be finalized by the WURHA Conference Staff
subject to approval by the WURHA Board of Directors at a separate
meeting at BLT.
D. The host school(s) shall present conference summary report to each
WCC, WHIL-CC, and WURHA Directorship no later than the French
Dip immediately following the hosted conference.
E. Physically and mentally challenged, hearing impaired and visually
impaired students shall be housed on accessible floors at all WURHA
conferences. If, however, the host school(s) do not have the facilities,
the host school(s) will work together with the student to fully
accommodate his or her needs.
F. Alcohol and illicit drugs are nationally recognized as substances that may
have a substantially negative effect on the lives of college students. As a
leadership organization, which works largely with college students under
the drinking age, it is recognized that alcohol is not needed for a good
time or to promote positive growth. Illicit drugs can be lethal.
Therefore, all events shall be designated “alcohol and drug free.” All
delegates will be subject to alcohol/drug policies set forth by the host
school. The method of enforcement will be at the discretion of the
conference staff, in consultation with the President, Advisor, and the
student’s school advisor. The host school(s) shall enforce a substance
free conference policy as per the recommendations of the Directorship.
Any delegate found using or in possession of alcohol or illegal drugs will
be immediately expelled from the conference without refund. The
delegates in question will be responsible for providing their own
transportation and housing after expulsion. The incident will be reported
to the proper authorities.
G. Each individual attending a WURHA conference will be required to read
and sign an alcohol and drug free disclaimer prior to officially being
recognized as a delegate to any WURHA conference.
H. The host school(s) should make every reasonable effort to ensure the
conference staff, host school, and WURHA have taken effective
precautions to provide for the safety and security of conference
I. If the host school wishes to create a web site and/or e-mail accounts for
use of the conference staff they may do so. Such resources can either be
hosted privately by the host school or along with the WURHA
organization web site. If needed, the host school shall work with the
Communications and Technology Chair to gain access to the WURHA
hosting account.


A. Fees will be established by the host school after consultation with the
B. The proposed budget shall be brought before the assembly for discussion at
the fall semi-annual business meeting, and must be approved by a 2/3 vote.
C. The host school(s), for the purpose of setting a delegate price, shall not
exceed 300 delegates. The host school must have a delegate cost for 300
delegates reflected in the Conference Bid Budget and Finalized Budget. The
300 delegate cost shall be called the “Break Even Point” of the conference.
This is where, if the conference had exactly 300 delegates, then WURHA
would not lose money nor would it make money. In the event that there are
more than 300 delegates at the WURHA conference, the conference staff
must turn the conference excess over to the WURHA Directorship by French
Dip immediately following the conference. This break-even point is based
on ¾ estimate capacity of the WURHA conference.
D. The host school shall monitor the development of and fundraising for the
WURHA philanthropy as described in Article XI of the bylaws.
E. The host school must work into its annual conference budget a minimum of
$8.00 per delegate add-on fee as a line item in the Annual Conference
budget, not to be confused with a conference excess. The $8.00 will be
allotted as follows: $3.00 will be put into the WURHA budget, $1.00 will be
put into an emergency fund to be allocated by the assembly by majority vote
and shall not fall below $100.00, and $4.00 to be put into a fund for ADA
(Americans with Disabilities Act) to be used as necessary. The host school
will pay the add-on fee to WURHA the first day of the Annual Conference.
F. All conference excess money and financial receipts shall be turned over to
the WURHA Advisor within 60 days of the end of the conference. Any bills
that are discovered after this sixty day period must be paid by the host
school. Any host school bidding for a WURHA Conference must be made
aware of this policy during the bidding process.
G. 75% of the conference excess shall be put into the operating budget of the
organization. 25% shall be put into an account approved by and for a use to
be determined by the voting members of the assembly at the time of
H. The conference host school shall waive registration fees for the following
members of the WURHA Directorship: President, Vice President,
Communications Technology Chair, WHIL Chair, Advisor, Advisor-Elect,
Parliamentarian, and one conference staff member of the next French Dip
business meeting. This is not to exceed eight people.
I. The host school shall also absorb in their budget the conference fees for a
maximum of five conference guests as decided upon by the Directorship.
One of the conference guests must be the Wisconsin Regional
Communications Coordinator of the Great Lakes Affiliate of College and
University Residence Halls (GLACURH) or other regional representative if
there is no WI RCC.
J. No more than $5.00 will be added to the conference expenses for each person
from a non-member school.
K. The host school has the option of assessing a registration late fee of no more
than $5.00 per delegate, with a maximum of $25.00 dollars per school.
L. It is up to the discretion of the conference host school to determine a
cancellation policy and inform the Wisconsin Communication Coordinators
when conference registration is distributed.
M. The host school has the option of withholding registration and keys to any
school that has not paid conference registration fees by the close of
registration. Attending schools may write a check (personal or institutional)
to cover the cost of finances. The check will be held 14 days after the close
of the conference. After the 14 day period, if the conference staff has not
received an alternative payment the check issued at the conference will be
N. The host school will be responsible for paying for WURHA conference
Awards such as Roll Call, Spirit, Philanthropy, Banner, Display, Top Ten, and
all other awards chosen by the host school.
O. The WURHA Advisor will be responsible for monitoring the conference
budget and working with the conference staff in budget management and
planning. The President will also be in consultation with the conference
P. The conference finance chair will be required to submit a conference budget
on a monthly basis to the WURHA President and Advisor for review.
1. The conference staff will submit a proposal for any needed funding from
ADA Compliance fund for special delegate accommodations to the
WURHA Directorship before the start of the conference or business
meeting. If approved by a majority of the Directorship, the funding from
the ADA Compliance fund can only be used for purposes that were
submitted in that proposal.
2. The conference staff will consult with the WURHA President and
WURHA Advisor to see if the ADA add-on fee will need to be included
in their budget.

Submitted by: Ashley Sailer and Hannah Rosenthal

Main Motion # _F____ Yes: ___________ Date: __________________

No: ___________

Amendment # ____________ Abs: ___________ Time: __________________

Wisconsin United Residence Hall Association
Proposal Form

Submitted by: Jay Hinner – Marquette University WHIL-CC, Nathan Schultz – Marquette University

Break Even Point for Annual WURHA Conference Amendment

WHEREAS, the WURHA constitution currently requires all annual WURHA conference bids to display
a budget in the event of three hundred (300) attending delegates, and

WHEREAS, the three hundred (300) delegate point is referred to as the “Break Even Point,” or the point
in which WURHA does not lose nor gain money as a result of the conference, and

WHEREAS, the economy is fluid and colleges and universities may be finding it more difficult or easy
to send a certain number of delegates over a long period of time, dependent on said economy, and

WHEREAS, the number of delegates that colleges and universities send to the annual WURHA
conference changes from year to year,

WHEREAS, changes in delegation size does not change greatly from one year to the next, and

WHEREAS, the constitution with fixed numbers does not allow for this flexibility, and
WHEREAS, an average of the number of delegates in attendance at the previous three WURHA
conferences would offer a more current “Break Even Point” with the present day, and

WHEREAS, the current bylaws of the Wisconsin United Residence Hall Association do not reflect the
requirement to include the Break Even Point in Article VI: Annual Leadership Conference Bid

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT, Article IV, Section One, J of the bylaws of the
Wisconsin United Residence Hall Association read:

J. The host school(s), for the purpose of setting a delegate price, shall not exceed three hundred
(300) delegates the average number of delegates in attendance at the previous three (3) WURHA
conferences . The host school must have a delegate cost for 300 delegates this average number of
delegates reflected in their Conference Bid Budget and Finalized Budget. The 300 delegate cost The
cost for this average number of delegates shall be called the “Break-Even Point” of the conference.
This is where, if the conference had exactly 300 this average number of delegates, then WURHA would
not lose money nor would it make money. In the event that there are more than 300 this average
number of delegates at the WURHA conference, the conference staff must turn the conference excess
over to the WURHA Directorship by French Dip immediately following the conference. This Break Even
Point is based on a ¾ estimate capacity of the WURHA conference.

THEREFORE LET IT ALSO BE RESOLVED THAT, Article VI, Section Five of the bylaws of the
Wisconsin United Residence Hall Association read:

A. Proposed budget information, broken down into food, housing, registration cost reflecting the
Break Even Point, entertainment, programs, and miscellaneous, as well as any required surcharge and
fee waivers.

Main Motion # ____G_____ Yes: ___________ Date:


No: ___________
Wisconsin United Residence Hall Association
Proposal Form

Restructuring of the WHIL Conference Responsibilities, Guidelines and Finances

WHEREAS, the guidelines for bidding/presenting, hosting, and funding the WHIL conference are spread
across three separate articles of the bylaws

WHEREAS, condensing these duplicated references would make the bylaws more clear and concise for
any school hosting or considering hosting the conference

WHEREAS, some of the criteria for bidding/presenting, hosting, and funding the WHIL conference is
vague, unimportant, and/or out of date

Therefore let it be resolved that, Article VIII be stricken from the bylaws, and a new Article be added to
read as follows:


SECTION ONE WURHA shall hold a Semi-Annual WHIL Conference the months of February or


J. Any WHIL member school or combination of WHIL member schools within
a close proximity and in good standing is eligible to bid for the WHIL
K. Any school(s) bidding for the WHIL Conference shall submit a letter of
intent to bid to the President and WHIL Chair by a date specified by the
L. Conference bids for the next WHIL conference will be presented to the
WHIL-CCs at the fall (BLT) conference.
M. Any school(s) bidding for the WHIL Conference shall include in their bid
that should be no more than fifteen (15) pages (not including letters of
support, budget, and appendix) the following: possible conference dates, a
preliminary budget, projected conference costs for delegates with a separate
breakdown of conference staff costs, campus information, conference
specific information (consideration should be given for handicapped
accessibility), available facilities, dining menus, transportation availabilities,
theme development, and any required waivers. Covers and title pages are not
included in the bid page count, but dividers are included. All bids shall
contain page numbers. No letters of support are to be included from WCCs
and WHIL-CCs, other than the school’s own WCC and WHIL-CC, or the
WURHA Directorship.
N. Any school(s) bidding for the WHIL Conference shall prepare a ten (10)
minute oral presentation to be given at the business meeting of the Fall (BLT)
Conference. Presentations will be given in alphabetical order by school
name. WHIL-CCs and WCCs of bidding schools may be present during the
bidding process, but will not be given speaking rights during their respective
schools’ question and answer and pro/con sessions. Members of the
presentation teams may not be present during other schools’ bidding process,
including WHIL-CCs and WCCs that are a part of the presentation team.
O. The selection of the WHIL conference site shall be selected by a simple
majority of the WHIL voting members of the voting assembly.
P. If a conference site is not determined, bids will be accepted until the time of
the next scheduled business meeting, at which time a site will be selected.


J. Shall present at the WURHA Annual Conference a final conference bid,

including final conference dates. The final WHIL Conference cost will
be finalized by the WHIL Conference Staff subject to approval by the
WURHA Board of Directors at a separate meeting at the annual
K. The host school(s) shall present conference summary report to each
WCC, WHIL-CC, and WURHA Directorship no later than the fall (BLT)
conference immediately following the hosted conference.
L. Physically and mentally challenged, hearing impaired and visually
impaired students shall be housed on accessible floors at all WURHA
conferences. If, however, the host school(s) do not have the facilities,
the host school(s) will work together with the student to fully
accommodate his or her needs.
M. Alcohol and illicit drugs are nationally recognized as substances that may
have a substantially negative effect on the lives of college students. As a
leadership organization, which works largely with college students under
the drinking age, it is recognized that alcohol is not needed for a good
time or to promote positive growth. Illicit drugs can be lethal.
Therefore, all events shall be designated “alcohol and drug free.” All
delegates will be subject to alcohol/drug policies set forth by the host
school. The method of enforcement will be at the discretion of the
conference staff, in consultation with the President, Advisor, and the
student’s school advisor. The host school(s) shall enforce a substance
free conference policy as per the recommendations of the Directorship.
Any delegate found using or in possession of alcohol or illegal drugs will
be immediately expelled from the conference without refund. The
delegates in question will be responsible for providing their own
transportation and housing after expulsion. The incident will be reported
to the proper authorities.
N. Each individual attending the WHIL Conference will be required to read
and sign an alcohol and drug free disclaimer prior to officially being
recognized as a delegate to any WURHA conference.
O. The host school(s) should make every reasonable effort to ensure the
conference staff, host school, and WURHA have taken effective
precautions to provide for the safety and security of conference
P. If the host school wishes to create a web site and/or e-mail accounts for
use of the conference staff they may do so. Such resources can either be
hosted privately by the host school or along with the WURHA
organization web site. If needed, the host school shall work with the
Communications and Technology Chair to gain access to the WURHA
hosting account.


R. Fees will be established by the host school after consultation with the
S. The proposed budget shall be brought before the assembly for discussion at
the fall semi-annual business meeting, and must be approved by a 2/3 vote.
T. The WHIL conference break-even point for the conference budget shall be
determined by averaging the last three (3) conference attendance levels, and
multiplying this average by no more than 80%. The break-even point shall
be used to set the registration cost for the conference.
U. The host school must work into its WHIL conference budget a minimum of
$8.00 per delegate add-on fee as a line item in the WHIL Conference budget,
not to be confused with a conference excess. The $8.00 will be allotted as
follows: $3.00 will be put into the WURHA budget, $1.00 will be put into an
emergency fund to be allocated by the assembly by majority vote and shall
not fall below $100.00, and $4.00 to be put into a fund for ADA (Americans
with Disabilities Act) to be used as necessary. The host school will pay the
add-on fee to WURHA the first day of the WHIL Conference.
V. All conference excess money and financial receipts shall be turned over to
the WURHA Advisor within 60 days of the end of the conference. Any bills
that are discovered after this sixty day period must be paid by the host
school. Any host school bidding for the WHIL Conference must be made
aware of this policy during the bidding process.
W. 75% of the conference excess shall be put into the operating budget of the
organization. 25% shall be put into an account approved by and for a use to
be determined by the voting members of the assembly at the time of
X. The conference host school shall waive registration fees for the following
member of the WURHA Directorship: WHIL Chair. This is not to exceed
one person.
Y. No more than $5.00 will be added to the conference expenses for each person
from a non-member school.
Z. The host school has the option of assessing a registration late fee of no more
than $5.00 per delegate, with a maximum of $25.00 dollars per school.
AA.It is up to the discretion of the conference host school to determine a
cancellation policy and inform the WHIL-CCs when conference registration
is distributed.
BB.The host school has the option of withholding registration and keys to any
school that has not paid conference registration fees by the close of
registration. Attending schools may write a check (personal or institutional)
to cover the cost of finances. The check will be held 14 days after the close
of the conference. After the 14 day period, if the conference staff has not
received an alternative payment the check issued at the conference will be
CC.The WURHA Advisor will be responsible for monitoring the conference
budget and working with the conference staff in budget management and
planning. The President and WHIL Chair will also be in consultation with
the conference staff.
DD.The conference finance chair will be required to submit a conference budget
on a monthly basis to the WURHA President, WHIL Chair, and Advisor for
3. The conference staff will submit a proposal for any needed funding from
ADA Compliance fund for special delegate accommodations to the
WURHA Directorship before the start of the conference or business
meeting. If approved by a majority of the Directorship, the funding from
the ADA Compliance fund can only be used for purposes that were
submitted in that proposal.
4. The conference staff will consult with the WURHA President and
WURHA Advisor to see if the ADA add-on fee will need to be included
in their budget.

Submitted by: Ashley Sailer and Hannah Rosenthal

Main Motion # _H____ Yes: ___________ Date: __________________

No: ___________

Amendment # ____________ Abs: ___________ Time: __________________

Wisconsin United Residence Hall Association
Proposal Form

Restructuring of the Spring Conference (French Dip) Responsibilities, Guidelines and


WHEREAS, the guidelines for bidding/presenting, hosting, and funding the spring WURHA conference
(French Dip) are spread across three separate articles of the bylaws

WHEREAS, condensing these duplicated references would make the bylaws more clear and concise for
any school hosting or considering hosting the conference

WHEREAS, some of the criteria for bidding/presenting, hosting, and funding the spring conference is
vague, unimportant, and/or out of date

Therefore let it be resolved that, Article VII be stricken from the bylaws, and a new Article be added to
read as follows:


SECTION ONE WURHA shall hold a Semi-Annual Business Meeting, to be named French Dip,
after the annual conference but during the months of March or April.


Q. Any member school or combination of member schools within a close
proximity and in good standing is eligible to bid for the Spring Conference.
R. Any school(s) bidding for the Spring Conference shall submit a letter of
intent to bid to the President by a date specified by the President.
S. Conference bids for the next French Dip conference will be presented to the
WCCs at the fall (BLT) conference.
T. Any school(s) bidding for the Spring Conference shall include in their bid
that should be no more than fifteen (15) pages (not including letters of
support, budget, and appendix) the following: possible conference dates, a
preliminary budget, projected conference costs for delegates with a separate
breakdown of conference staff costs, campus information, conference
specific information (consideration should be given for handicapped
accessibility), available facilities, dining menus, transportation availabilities,
theme development, and any required waivers. Covers and title pages are not
included in the bid page count, but dividers are included. All bids shall
contain page numbers. No letters of support are to be included from WCCs,
other than the school’s own WCC, or the WURHA Directorship.
U. Any school(s) bidding for the Spring Conference shall prepare a ten (10)
minute oral presentation to be given at the business meeting of the Fall (BLT)
Conference. Presentations will be given in alphabetical order by school
name. WCCs of bidding schools may be present during the bidding process,
but will not be given speaking rights during their respective schools’ question
and answer and pro/con sessions. Members of the presentation teams may
not be present during other schools’ bidding process, including WCCs that
are a part of the presentation team.
V. The selection of the spring conference business meeting site shall be selected
by a simple majority of the voting members of the voting assembly.
W. If a conference site is not determined, bids will be accepted until the time of
the next scheduled business meeting, at which time a site will be selected.


Q. Shall present at the WURHA Annual Conference a final conference bid,

including final conference dates. The final Spring Conference cost will
be finalized by the French Dip Conference Staff subject to approval by
the WURHA Board of Directors at a separate meeting at the annual
R. The host school(s) shall present conference summary report to each
WCC, WHIL-CC, and WURHA Directorship no later than the fall (BLT)
conference immediately following the hosted conference.
S. Physically and mentally challenged, hearing impaired and visually
impaired students shall be housed on accessible floors at all WURHA
conferences. If, however, the host school(s) do not have the facilities,
the host school(s) will work together with the student to fully
accommodate his or her needs.
T. Alcohol and illicit drugs are nationally recognized as substances that may
have a substantially negative effect on the lives of college students. As a
leadership organization, which works largely with college students under
the drinking age, it is recognized that alcohol is not needed for a good
time or to promote positive growth. Illicit drugs can be lethal.
Therefore, all events shall be designated “alcohol and drug free.” All
delegates will be subject to alcohol/drug policies set forth by the host
school. The method of enforcement will be at the discretion of the
conference staff, in consultation with the President, Advisor, and the
student’s school advisor. The host school(s) shall enforce a substance
free conference policy as per the recommendations of the Directorship.
Any delegate found using or in possession of alcohol or illegal drugs will
be immediately expelled from the conference without refund. The
delegates in question will be responsible for providing their own
transportation and housing after expulsion. The incident will be reported
to the proper authorities.
U. Each individual attending the Spring Conference will be required to read
and sign an alcohol and drug free disclaimer prior to officially being
recognized as a delegate to any WURHA conference.
V. The host school(s) should make every reasonable effort to ensure the
conference staff, host school, and WURHA have taken effective
precautions to provide for the safety and security of conference
W. If the host school wishes to create a web site and/or e-mail accounts for
use of the conference staff they may do so. Such resources can either be
hosted privately by the host school or along with the WURHA
organization web site. If needed, the host school shall work with the
Communications and Technology Chair to gain access to the WURHA
hosting account.


FF. Fees will be established by the host school after consultation with the
GG.The proposed budget shall be brought before the assembly for discussion at
the fall semi-annual business meeting, and must be approved by a 2/3 vote.
HH.The spring conference break-even point for the conference budget shall be
determined by averaging the last three (3) conference attendance levels, and
multiplying this average by no more than 80%. The break-even point shall
be used to set the registration cost for the conference.
II. The host school must work into its spring conference budget a minimum of
$8.00 per delegate add-on fee as a line item in the Spring Conference budget,
not to be confused with a conference excess. The $8.00 will be allotted as
follows: $3.00 will be put into the WURHA budget, $1.00 will be put into an
emergency fund to be allocated by the assembly by majority vote and shall
not fall below $100.00, and $4.00 to be put into a fund for ADA (Americans
with Disabilities Act) to be used as necessary. The host school will pay the
add-on fee to WURHA the first day of the Spring Conference.
JJ. All conference excess money and financial receipts shall be turned over to
the WURHA Advisor within 60 days of the end of the conference. Any bills
that are discovered after this sixty day period must be paid by the host
school. Any host school bidding for the Spring Conference must be made
aware of this policy during the bidding process.
KK.75% of the conference excess shall be put into the operating budget of the
organization. 25% shall be put into an account approved by and for a use to
be determined by the voting members of the assembly at the time of
LL. The conference host school shall waive registration fees for the following
members of the WURHA Directorship: President, Vice President,
Communications Technology Chair, WHIL Chair, Advisor, Advisor-Elect,
Parliamentarian, and one conference staff member of the next WURHA
annual conference. This is not to exceed eight people.
MM.No more than $5.00 will be added to the conference expenses for each
person from a non-member school.
NN.The host school has the option of assessing a registration late fee of no more
than $5.00 per delegate, with a maximum of $25.00 dollars per school.
OO.It is up to the discretion of the conference host school to determine a
cancellation policy and inform the Wisconsin Communication Coordinators
when conference registration is distributed.
PP. The host school has the option of withholding registration and keys to any
school that has not paid conference registration fees by the close of
registration. Attending schools may write a check (personal or institutional)
to cover the cost of finances. The check will be held 14 days after the close
of the conference. After the 14 day period, if the conference staff has not
received an alternative payment the check issued at the conference will be
QQ.The WURHA Advisor will be responsible for monitoring the conference
budget and working with the conference staff in budget management and
planning. The President will also be in consultation with the conference
RR.The conference finance chair will be required to submit a conference budget
on a monthly basis to the WURHA President and Advisor for review.
5. The conference staff will submit a proposal for any needed funding from
ADA Compliance fund for special delegate accommodations to the
WURHA Directorship before the start of the conference or business
meeting. If approved by a majority of the Directorship, the funding from
the ADA Compliance fund can only be used for purposes that were
submitted in that proposal.
6. The conference staff will consult with the WURHA President and
WURHA Advisor to see if the ADA add-on fee will need to be included
in their budget.

Submitted by: Ashley Sailer and Hannah Rosenthal

Main Motion # _I____ Yes: ___________ Date: __________________

No: ___________

Amendment # ____________ Abs: ___________ Time: __________________

Wisconsin United Residence Hall Association
Proposal Form

WURHA Awards

WHEREAS, the current guidelines for bidding/presenting for WURHA awards are minimal at best

WHEREAS, adding more structure and criteria would help to improve the quality of bids submitted

WHEREAS, WHIL bids are not even specified within the bylaws

Therefore let it be resolved that, Article XI be stricken and recreated to read as follows:



A. All awards are optional and shall be given at the President’s/WURHA
Directorships’ discretion.
B. These and other awards may be presented by the President and the
President’s designee.
C. All currently serving Directorship members are not eligible for the
Student of the Year Award, Distinguished Service Award, and WCC of
the Year Award. In the case where a vacancy of a normally elected
officer is appointed, that person shall also be ineligible.
D. Directorship members cannot write award bids at/for their host schools.
E. Individuals bidding for awards must be from a member school in good
F. Schools bidding for awards must be member schools in good standing.
G. Each member school is allowed to submit one bid per award.
H. All award recipients selected at the Annual Conference will receive their
plaques at the closing banquet of the Annual Conference at which they
were selected.
I. Bids will not be submitted in paper form.
J. Bids will be sent in electronic PDF form to no no later
than fourteen days before the opening of the conference where it will be
presented. The President will confirm any received bids immediately
upon receiving it. Bids must still follow the guidelines later mentioned in
Article XVI.
K. Bids must be posted or sent in a manner that all appropriate people can
access it at least one week prior to the conference/meeting at which it
will be decided.
L. Bidding schools must bring one hard copy to the conference/meeting at
which the bid is being presented.
M. Bids must be no larger than 30MB in file size in PDF format


A. This award shall be given yearly at the WURHA annual conference.

B. The School of the Year Award is the highest honor a WURHA member
school can attain. The award recognizes outstanding achievements on
the campus level by a residence hall organization and associated groups.
C. Any member school in good standing is eligible to bid for the WURHA
School of the Year award.
D. The WURHA School of the Year award shall be split into small school of
the year and large school of the year. Schools with residence hall
populations of less than 2500 will be considered small schools, and
schools with residence hall populations over 2501 will be considered
large schools. This criteria is for this award only.
E. Any school bidding for the School of the Year shall include in its bid the
following: Institutional Description, Governmental Description, Program
Description, Policies Description, Facilities Description, Campus
Involvement, Annual Involvement, National Involvement, and
F. The School of the Year will be awarded based on contributions,
activities, and all other pertinent information occurring within the past
annual year. Only year specific information will be considered; in other
words, bid content should reflect accomplishments from 12 p.m. of the
Saturday of the previous year’s WURHA Annual Conference to 12 p.m.
of the Saturday of the current year’s WURHA Annual Conference.
G. The school of the year bid may not be more than 25 pages (10-12 point
type required). A page is defined as a side with print; covers and title
page is not included in the page count, dividers and appendices are
included in the page count. Appendices are limited to twenty (20) pages
and may be added at the bidding school’s discretion. All bids shall
contain page numbers.
H. The selection process shall consist of a five (5) minute question/answer
session per school, a five (5) minute pro/con session per school and a ten
(10) minute discussion period and shall be conducted at the Annual
Conference business meeting. Recipients of the School of the Year
award shall be determined by a majority of voting member schools in
attendance at the business meeting at which the bids are presented. All
votes will be by secret ballot.
I. If no bids are submitted for School of the Year, there will not be a
recipient of the School of the Year award for that year.
J. The award consists of a plaque to be retained by the winning schools.
K. Criteria for Selection:
1. Campus Level (75%)
a. Structure and organization of residence hall government
b. Goals and programs accomplished (emphasis on new programs
and organizational growth)
c. Perceived student benefits from the residence hall government
d. Community service
e. Addressing challenging issues
f. Other residence hall groups
g. Communication of annual and national information to the RHA,
residence life staff and administration budget.
2. State Level (20%)
a. Representation at annual conferences
b. Communication with WURHA member schools
c. Involvement in WURHA projects
d. Bids for annual awards
e. WHIL Chapter
f. Number of WHIL OTMs submitted/winners
g. Communication with WURHA officers
h. Representation at annual business meetings
i. Regional involvement
j. Hosting a state officer or conference
k. Payment of dues
l. Intangibles; spirit and involvement of students
3. Miscellaneous (5%)
a. Letters of support
b. Adherence to format
c. Appearance/neatness
d. Conciseness


A. The RHO Building Block of the Year Award is created to recognize those
RHOs that have made significant steps in the development of their RHO.
The award is designed to honor the RHO, which displays tremendous
effort and improvement in their residence hall environment from 12pm
of the Saturday of the previous year’s WURHA Conference to 12pm of
the Saturday of the current year’s WURHA Conference.
B. Bids will be no longer than twenty (20) pages (10-12 point type)
C. The WCCs shall vote on one recipient at the annual WURHA
D. Criteria for Selection:
1. Campus Level
a. How has involvement on a campus level grown from a previous
year? (Please show comparison between previous year and
current year for each item below.)
b. Goals and Objectives
1. What were your goals and objectives?
2. How were these goals achieved, and what else was
3. How did these differ from the previous year?
c. Structure of RHO
1. How has your structure grown from previous years?
2. What are the benefits of your current RHO structure?
d. Miscellaneous
1. How have you addressed challenging issues?
2. How has your level of state involvement benefited you
3. Growth from previous year (programs, membership,
organization development, and positive trends.)
2. State Involvement
a. How has your involvement on a state level grown from the
previous year?
1. Conferences attended
i. How many delegates did you send
ii. What programs were presented
iii. Were you able to bring back valuable information to
benefit of your RHO? (i.e. Any programs brought back
and used on campus)
2. Use of services
i. Communication with WURHA member schools
ii. Communication with WURHA officers
iii. Did your RHO host a WURHA officer/conference
iv. Did your RHO bid for any awards
b. Does your school have an affiliated WHIL Chapter?
c. How have you utilized the services/resources of WHIL? (OTMs,
manuals, etc.)
3. Letters of Support


E. The President oversees a time line for the WCC of the Year selection
F. The President shall inform member school RHO presidents and/or
advisors of the WCC of the Year selection process.
G. The purpose of the WCC of the Year Award is to recognize outstanding
service to WURHA by an individual who has been directly affiliated with
the organization in the role of WCC.
H. The nominee must have been a WCC during the past year.
I. Any WCC who has served a minimum six month term at a member
school in good standing during the past annual year may be considered
for the WCC of the Year award.
J. All nominations must be submitted to the President in writing.
K. Each school shall formulate a written bid on their nominee in accordance
to established criteria.
L. Bids may not be more than eight pages (10-12 point type), with a page
defined as a side with print (this includes appendices, letters of
recommendation, text, etc.); covers and title page are not included in the
page count, dividers are included. All pages must be numbered.
M. The WCC of the Year will be awarded based on contributions, activities,
and all other pertinent information occurring within the past annual year.
N. The President, Vice President, WHIL Chair, and Communications and
Technology Chair shall choose the WCC of the Year from those
O. A maximum of one award per year may be given.
P. Suggested Criteria:
4. Terms of office for award purposes shall be from 12 p.m. of the
Saturday of the previous year’s WURHA Annual Conference to 12
p.m. of the Saturday of the current year’s WURHA Annual
5. State, regional, and national correspondence.
6. Recognition through awards: campus, state, regional, and national
7. Participation in campus, state, regional, and national services.
8. Participation in conferences: delegation building, spirit, attendance
and participation in meetings and programs.


A. Any program sponsored by a WURHA member school within the time

frame from 12 p.m. of the Saturday of the previous year’s WURHA
Annual Conference to 12 p.m. of the Saturday of the current year’s
WURHA Annual Conference may be considered for the Program of the
Year Award.
B. Any school bidding for Program of the Year shall submit a written intent
to the President 30 days prior to the Annual Conference.
C. Any school bidding for Program of the Year shall include in their bid the
following: schedule of events, basic organization, goals, positive effects,
evaluation, and addendum(s).
D. Any school bidding for Program of the Year shall prepare an oral
presentation to be given at a meeting of the Annual Board during the
Annual Conference.
E. The WURHA Program of the Year shall be determined by majority of the
voting members present, by a secret ballot vote.
F. If no bids are submitted for Program of the Year, there will not be a
recipient of the Program of the Year award for that year.
G. Bids may not be more than 20 pages (10-12 point type), double sided,
with a page defined as a side with print (this includes appendices, letters
of recommendation, text, etc.); covers and title page are not included in
the page count, dividers are included. All bids must contain page
H. The award consists of a plaque to be retained by the winning school.
I. Criteria for Selection (Categories of the Report):
The following areas of consideration and questions should be addressed
when submitting an application for the award:

1. Relatedness to Residence Hall Students:

a. For who is the program designed?
b. How does it relate to residence hall settings?
c. Is it practical and applicable to other residence hall settings?
d. What were the goals of the program?
2. Proven Effectiveness:
a. How successful was the implemented program?
b. How was the evaluation of the program or concept carried out?
c. How was the program marketed?
3. Creativity and Uniqueness:
a. How new is the concept of the program in dealing with general
residence hall programming?
b. How unique is the program in presentation style--new twists to
old concerns (not to be judged on the uniqueness of the program
to a particular campus or residence hall system)?
c. How were program costs met?
d. What methods were used in developing the program (research,
questionnaires, interviews, etc.)?
4. Level of Student Input and Involvement:
a. Was the program conceived by students?
b. How many students were involved in the actual planning and
implementation of the program?
c. Who benefited from the program?
5. Presentation of the Information:
a. Correct grammar and spelling, neat, concise, clear and readable?
J. Program Presentation at WURHA Conference
Suggested Criteria:

1. What were the goals of the program? And how were these met?
2. Did students plan the program? Are students presenting the
3. Why was this program important to the campus? Did it solve any
problems on the campus level?
4. How did this program relate to the campus population? Other
campus populations?
5. How many students did this program impact?
6. What was the cost of the program?
7. How can this program be adapted to other campuses?
8. How chronological is the information being presented?
9. Is there audience participation/interaction in the presentation?
10. Was the program presented in a professional manner?
11. Creativity of presentation: costumes, design of presentation,


A. The Thomas Harris Advisor of the Year Award recognizes outstanding

service by an individual advisor above and beyond their job description
while serving in an advising role to their university community and
their residence life community.
B. This award is open part time or graduate students in advising roles for
student leadership groups and who have contributed above and beyond
to their university and residence life communities.
C. The bid must include: current job description, current and past
involvement on all levels - school, state, region, nation, and letters of
D. Bids will be no longer than 16 pages (10-12 point type), with a page
defined as a side with print (this includes appendices, letters of
recommendation, text, etc.); covers and title page are not included in
the page count, dividers are included. All bids shall include page
E. Other suggested criteria for the bid include, but are not limited to:
1. Campus, state, regional and national involvement (i.e. Annual Board,
conference staff, etc.)
2. Recognition received through awards
3. Participation in conferences: attendance, presenting programs, etc.


A. Recognizes outstanding service to WURHA by an individual who has

been directly affiliated with the organization.
B. Nominations must be submitted to the President in writing. The
nominee may not have been an WCC in the past year. Nominations are
limited to one per school.
C. Bids must be no longer than eight pages (10-12 point type); with a page
defined as a side with print (this includes appendices, letters of
recommendation, text, etc.). Covers and title page are not included in
the page count, dividers are included.
D. Recipients will be selected by the Directorship.
E. The recipient shall receive a plaque. A maximum of one annual award
per year may be given.
F. Suggested Criteria:
1. Award shall be judged based on the time period from 12 p.m. of the
Saturday of the previous year’s WURHA Annual Conference to 12
p.m. of the Saturday of the current year’s WURHA Annual
2. Service to RHO, campus, state, region, and nation. There is no
weight to any of these criteria.
3. Recognition through awards: campus, state, regional, and national
4. Participation in campus, state, regional and national services.
5. Participation in conferences: spirit and attendance and participation
in meetings and programs.


A. The WHIL Outstanding Chapter of the Year is the highest honor a WHIL
Chapter can obtain from WURHA. This award recognizes outstanding
achievements of a chapter and their efforts to recognize contributions
made by residence hall leaders.
B. One nomination per school is allowed. The chapter must be in good
C. Only year specific information will be considered; in other words, bid
content must reflect accomplishments from 12 p.m. of the Saturday of
the previous year’s WURHA Annual Conference to 12 p.m. of the
Saturday of the current year’s WURHA Annual Conference.
D. Bids will be no longer than 20 pages (10-12 point type), with a page
defined as a side with print (this includes appendices, text, and dividers);
front cover and four letters of support are not included. All bids shall
contain page numbers. Bids over the page limit will not be considered.
E. Recipient will be selected during the Annual Conference by the voting
assembly of WHIL-CCs present in WHIL business. There will be a
pro/con session on each bid and then discussion on all bids together.
F. The recipient will receive an engraved plaque at the annual WURHA
Banquet during the annual conference.
G. The WHIL Chair will announce the deadlines for letters of intent and/or
bids along with numbers of copies to be made. Questions about this
award should be directed to the WHIL Chair.
H. Suggested Criteria:
1. Communication on two levels: campus and state
2. Support to the campus and state levels.
3. Participation in reinforcing the purpose of WHIL and WURHA
4. Goals and objectives of the chapter and how these were
5. Letters of support from the Chapter President, Chapter Advisor,
RHO President, and Director of Housing.


A. This award is designed to honor the WHIL Chapter displaying

tremendous effort and improvement from 12 p.m. of the Saturday of the
previous year’s WURHA Conference to 12 p.m. of the Saturday of the
current year’s WURHA Conference.
B. One nomination per school is allowed. The chapter must be in good
C. Bids will be no longer than 20 pages (10-12 point type), with a page
defined as a side with print (this includes appendices, text, and dividers);
front cover and four letters of support are not included. All bids shall
contain page numbers. Bids over the page limit will not be considered.
D. The WHIL-CC from each chapter in good standing will select the
recipient during the WURHA Annual Conference. There will be a
pro/con session on each bid and then discussion on all bids together.
E. The recipient will receive an engraved plaque at the annual WURHA
Banquet during the annual conference.
F. The WHIL Chair will announce the deadlines for letters of intent and/or
bids along with numbers of copies to be made. Questions about this
award should be directed to the WHIL Chair.
G. Suggested Criteria:
1. Communication:
a. How were lines of communication further developed and strengthened
on the campus and state levels?
b. What new ways of communicating were implemented?
2. Support:
a. What new ways have you supported WHIL on the campus and state
b. Were the ideas originally from your chapter?
c. How has membership support grown?
3. Goals and Objectives
a. What were your goals and objectives?
b. How were those goals achieved, and what else was accomplished?
c. How did these goals differ from previous years?
4. RHO interaction
a. Fundraising.
b. Programming.
c. Process of communication.
5. Conference attendance
a. List conferences WHIL members have attended.
b. List any programs presented by WHIL members at conferences.
c. Is this an improvement from last year?
6. Recognition
a. What types of recognition does your chapter engage in?
b. What new ways have you implemented to recognize people?
7. OTMs
a. List all state and national OTM winners.
b. Please state months you have submitted OTMs.
c. Is this an improvement from the previous year?
8. Programming and Leadership Experience
a. What annual opportunities are there for empowering leadership?
b. What new opportunities have become available for advancing
9. Letters of Support
a. Chapter President
b. Chapter Advisor
c. RHO President
d. Director of Housing
10. Misc. Information
a. Other new events the chapter undertook.
b. Is the bid printed on recyclable paper utilizing both sides?


A. This award is designed to recognize outstanding service to WHIL by an
individual who has been directly affiliated with WHIL.
B. One nominee per school is allowed. Only year specific information will be
considered; in other words, bid content must reflect accomplishments from 12
p.m. of the Saturday of the previous year’s WURHA Annual Conference to 12
p.m. of the Saturday of the current year’s WURHA Annual Conference.
Nominee must be a student and live in an on-campus housing unit and may not
be a member of the WURHA Directorship.
C. Bids will be no longer than eight pages (10-12 point type), with a page defined
as a side with print (this includes appendices, text, and dividers); front cover
and four letters of support are not included. All bids shall contain page numbers.
Bids over the page limit will not be considered.
D. Recipient will be selected during the Annual Conference by the WHIL-CC from
each chapter in good standing. There will be a pro/con session on each bid and
then discussion on all bids together.
E. The recipient will receive an engraved plaque at the annual WURHA Banquet
during the annual conference.
F. The WHIL Chair will announce the deadlines for letters of intent and/or bids
along with numbers of copies to be made. Questions about this award should be
directed to the WHIL Chair.
G. Suggested Criteria:
1. Outstanding WHIL Specific involvement only.
2. Service on a campus, state, regional, and national level.


A. This award was designed to recognize distinguished student leadership

while serving WURHA and member schools over a several year period.
B. This award does not require annual distribution.
C. This award shall be selected by the WURHA President. If the President
chooses to distribute the DSA, only one award per year shall be awarded.
D. The award recipient must be a past or present member of the WURHA
organization and should display support for WURHA.
E. Recipient should show commitment above and beyond all positions
outlined within this governing document.



A. The STAR Pin Award is considered the highest individual honor in

WURHA and is given at the President’s discretion.
B. The pin shall be awarded to individuals who have provided Service,
Tenacity, Attitude, and Reliability to WURHA.
C. A maximum of eight (10) pins may be given in one year.

A. The WURHA Two Year Service Award is an award given to those

students who have spent four (2) years of their collegiate careers living in
university owned and operated housing and/or housing deemed as part of
the institution’s housing association, constantly striving to enhance their
residential living environments and WURHA.
B. Recipients will receive a pin at the WURHA annual conference.
C. Nominations must be submitted to the WURHA President by a specified
date, to be set by the WURHA President.
D. Award Criteria:
1. Recipient must be a student at a WURHA member school in good
standing to be eligible.
2. Recipient must have been active in the individual’s campus residence
life for at least two (2) years. This need not be consecutive years, but
two (2) years total. They may also be at different institutions if all
other criteria are met.
3. Recipient must have had at least two (2) years involvement with the
individual’s campus residence hall government. The other two (2)
may be in other residential life capacities (resident assistant, desk
attendant, program assistant, etc.)
4. Recipient must have attended at least two (2) WURHA related
conferences. These need not be consecutive, just total conferences
attended. At least one of these has to be a WURHA annual
5. An application to be sent out by the WURHA President must have
the signature from the campus residence hall government advisor
attesting that all qualifications have been met by the recipient. Also,
signatures from the WCC and the recipient must be on the
6. A representative from the recipient’s school may receive the award
for the recipient if the recipient is unable to attend the WURHA
annual conference.
7. The recipient may have graduated within sixty (60) days of the


A. The WURHA Four Year Service Award is an award given to those
students who have spent four (4) years of their collegiate careers living
in university owned and operated housing and/or housing deemed as part
of the institution’s housing association, constantly striving to enhance
their residential living environments and WURHA.
B. Recipients will receive a pin at the WURHA annual conference.
C. Nominations must be submitted to the WURHA President by a specified
date, to be set by the WURHA President.
D. Award Criteria:
1. Recipient must be a student at a WURHA member school in good
standing to be eligible.
2. Recipient must have been active in the individual’s campus residence
life for at least four (4) years. This need not be consecutive years,
but four (4) years total. They may also be at different institutions if
all other criteria are met.
3. Recipient must have had at least two (2) years involvement with the
individual’s campus residence hall government. The other two (2)
may be in other residential life capacities (resident assistant, desk
attendant, program assistant, etc.)
4. Recipient must have attended at least two (2) WURHA related
conferences. These need not be consecutive, just total conferences
attended. At least one of these has to be a WURHA annual
conference. WURHA related conferences include the WURHA
conference, the NACURH conference, and the French Dip
5. An application to be sent out by the WURHA President must have
the signature from the campus residence hall government advisor
attesting that all qualifications have been met by the recipient. Also,
signatures from the WCC and the recipient must be on the
6. A representative from the recipient’s school may receive the award
for the recipient if the recipient is unable to attend the WURHA
annual conference.
7. The recipient may have graduated within sixty (60) days of the


A. To be selected by the voting assembly at the annual French Dip
B. Applicant must be a past or present student or faculty member at a
WURHA member school.
C. The award will be given to individuals who have dedicated themselves in
service to a WURHA member institution or to the organization of
WURHA itself.
D. Applicant must be nominated by a current or former WURHA member
school or by the WURHA organization.
1. A complete nomination form shall be with the nomination. The Vice
President will provide the form.
2. A typed, 100 word or less, document should be provided by the
nominating school, stating the nominees contributions to their host
school(s) and/or to the WURHA organization.
3. The Vice President will set the due date for the completed
E. A representative of the recipient’s host school may receive the award if
the recipient is not at the conference.
F. This award will be given out at the annual WURHA conference.
G. The WURHA Vice President will keep a running record of award
Submitted by: Ashley Sailer, and Hannah Rosenthal

Main Motion # _J____ Yes: ___________ Date: __________________

No: ___________

Amendment # ____________ Abs: ___________ Time: __________________

Wisconsin United Residence Hall Association
Proposal Form

Article IX

WHEREAS, Article IX is stated in further detail in the Constitution

Therefore let it be resolved that, Article IX be stricken from the By-laws

Submitted by: Ashley Sailer

Main Motion # _K____ Yes: ___________ Date: __________________

No: ___________

Amendment # ____________ Abs: ___________ Time: __________________

Wisconsin United Residence Hall Association
Proposal Form

Wisconsin Honorary of Involved Leaders Of The Month Award

WHEREAS, WURHA/WHIL currently does not state the criteria needed for Of The Month (OTM)

WHEREAS, a large part of the recognition coming from the sub-regional organization that is WHIL is
through OTMs

WHEREAS, adding an award for OTMs would be beneficial continuation of the recognition WURHA
currently utilizes

Therefore let it be resolved that, an article be added to the WHIL constitution stating as follows:

Article VII – Of The Month Awards

Section One WHIL OTM Categories

C.Community Assistant
D.Community Service Program
F.Desk Attendant
G.Diversity Program
H.Educational Program
I.Executive Board Member
K.First Year Student
M.Resident Advisor
O.Social Program

Section Two Eligibility

A.Each nomination submitted for sub-regional must have been a campus winner.
B.Nominations must be submitted on the OTM database
C.All currently serving sub-regional elected officers including those on the WURHA
Directorship are ineligible for these awards. In the case where a vacancy of a
normally elected officer is appointed, that person shall also be ineligible, unless the
nomination is for service prior to their election or appointment to one of the above
D.OTMs cannot be authored by any member of the WURHA Directorship.
E.Nominations must be month specific.

Section Three Time Line

A. Sub-regional Deadlines
All OTM submissions to the sub-regional level must occur by the 10th of the
month by 11:59 p.m. following nomination on the WHIL OTM database.
Descriptions of said categories are in the OTM manual.

B. Extensions
An extension can be granted with approval from the WHIL Chair or their
designee if there are problems with submissions. The WHIL Chair will notify
the WHIL CCs of any such decision within 24 hours.

C. Judging
1. Like months will be considered together.
2. Sub-regional OTMs will be judged by the WHIL OTM Judging
Committee coordinated by the WHIL Chair.
3. All awards are to be given based on preset criteria established by the
WHIL Assembly.
4. Members of the sub-regional OTM committee may not vote in any
category they submitted an OTM.
D. Recognition
All winners will be recognized by a certificate at the WURHA conference.

E. Sub-regional Recommendations
It is recommended that the sub-region adopts a structure and time line that
reflects that of the descriptions of said categories in the OTM manual.

Submitted by: Ashley Sailer and Hannah Rosenthal

Main Motion # _AA____ Yes: ___________ Date: __________________

No: ___________

Amendment # ____________ Abs: ___________ Time: __________________

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