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Appreciation Piece- Authentic Beauty Demoralizes Natural Beauty

Dear Men of Society, Women have natural beauty. Why cant men see this beauty beneath? What do most men look for in women nowadays? Womens beauty has been exploited by the media, making us feel like we have to be a size zero. Media does not portray natural beauty; instead media only shows a woman who has been made to perfection. Women arent perfect like gorgeous pictures on magazines, commercials, and advertisements. In magazines such as Sports Illustrated, women are shown off with excellent bodies, a sexy look, stunning hair, and a perfect complexion. Women dressed in vibrant bikinis show off their flat; well shaped body with a tinted soft skin tone (sensory language) Women, unrealistic and perfected, have all these features, but most are fake or manmade.

I believe women have a hard time keeping up with high standards that are nonexistent. But, men dont believe women have a hard time. I realize the womens pain; men dont realize this pain at all. Some women hate the portrayals in the media; while men love the visual the media portrays (Accumulation).

Realistic standards is key, the key is realistic standards (Chiasmus). When I say naturally beautiful, Women getting their hair done to make them pretty, working out constantly to make their bodies well-shaped, or putting on make up to make their eyes and cheeks stand out

more shouldnt have to be a daily routine. Original hair isn't natural beauty. Natural beauty is original hair (Chiasmus).

There are three things a woman has to offer: kindness, loyalty, and love. But the most important of these traits is kindness (climax). In order for a man or woman to be kind, he or she must view each others inner soul. People should look at one anothers skin. A kindhearted person will care forever and always. Dont judge a book simply by the cover. Look behind the outside or skin.

Women rose, experienced, and then sunk into obscurity (anti climax). Women, today, are just not themselves. Their looks dominated into an unrealistic standard. Now all you men out there, it isnt easy to be women. If only women were flawless (Inclusion by Omission)! Women just cant be... (Inclusion by Omission).

Women, sexy and scandalous, rage through the media every day, and men seem to love these unrealistic people. All men in the society need to think about what the media has done to women. Its hard to be women, and keeping up with these expectations just is not possible.

A heavier girl with beautiful big bouncy curls is trudging down the school hallways, thick books in hand, is easily being judged for being overweight, rather than her stunning hair (sensory language). People notice the girls size and not her naturally beautiful hair. Why cant the media reveal that natural beauty is more important than plastic?


Amanda Salamone


Business Letter- The Audacious Voice 21 Farley Street Albany, NY 06238

April 20, 2010

Mrs. Jessica Simpson Celebrity JW Works

389 Crestwood Drive Long Island, NY Dear Jessica Simpson:

This letter is to inform you about how the media degrades women. I want you to notice your input to this degradation. I have noticed that the media portrays women in advertisements, commercials, and T.V. shows as nothing but sex objects. I am writing this letter to you because you are a well-liked actress and singer. You have the strength to change the medias portrayals of women. Your voice, strong and persuasive, will change the world of women positively if you talk to the Model Association and possibly lower the standards set by advertisers. Isnt it hard to be as thin as you are? How do you keep up with this idealistic beauty the media portrays? It must be hard to watch every single thing you eat and drink. This idealistic beauty is even creating eating disorders to celebrities, thereby making celebrities, unhealthy and sick.

Eating a few fruits or vegetables and drinking only water should not be forced to be thin. These unhealthy traits carry over into the minds of young women like a person in deep thought, always pondering over life. Please talk to the people in your business. Lets alter the media perspectives and how it exploits women appearances. If you simply come up with a speech addressing the stereotypical issues portraying women, your voice will be heard. Dont let the media take control of your life. Control is your life, life is your control. Your voice deserves to be heard and if you take the risk to change this high expectation of women appearances than you will make women happier and healthier in the media! Thank you very much for taking the time to read this letter. Contact me at (603) 676-4991 if you have any questions. Sincerely,

Amanda Salamone

Response Letter- A Persuading Infomercial Forces Change

389 Crestwood Dr. Long Island, NY 06238 April 21, 2010 Mrs. Amanda Salamone Female Citizen Kid Association 781 Farley Street Albany, NY 06238

Dear Mrs. Amanda Salamone:

I want to help participate in saving women from unhealthy expectations. Your letter made me notice that the media is exploiting women and this must change. It is hard for me to keep up with this idealistic beauty that the media portrays. Every day I watch what I eat, and I just cant take it anymore. I cant be as perfect as the media pictures me. Often at night, I just suffer stomach aches and migraines. I will present a rhetorical infomercial that persuades the public to take a closer look at advertisements. This speech will make people realize how the media is portraying women negatively and that this idealistic beauty is only hurting women. My voice, loud and fluent, will be like Arnold Sportsanigger, allowing my voice to take charge. Knee joints flexing, biceps expanding, I will get up right now and head to my office and persuade my boss to lower the standard. Women are suffering eating disorders, and I am one of those women. This rhetorical speech, emotional and heart-breaking, will show everyone the need to change. The media is portraying women negatively, thereby setting bad examples to children who watch advertisements and commercials. Children, foolish and convinced, think they have a chance to look like their role models, but often they cannot strive to achieve this goal. I understand that these portrayals need to be changed immediately. I will try my best to make my voice be approved. Thank you for your suggestion. I will be taking it into serious consideration.


Jessica Simpson

Community Event- For a Beautiful Women Concert

My campaign is about getting a free concert to those who donate to anorexic people. The concert will feature Lady Gaga and Lil Wayne. Lady Gaga, exciting and entertaining will sing many hit songs. Lil Wayne, thug and amazing, will also sing many hit songs while dances to the groove. Feet moving and hands swinging, his groove will amaze all. The event will raise awareness of thin females and anorexia, People will love a free concert in Boston, Massachusetts where crowds will be riled up. People will notice that the high expectation of the ideal beauty is making some women very sick. The concert will provide all donators free beverages and food, rewarding them for their kindness. Agenda Outline 7:15 am- Set up music and equipment- 18 volunteers, donation to crate for money and donation trashcan for food 8:15 am- Make free lemonade 8:45 am- Adjust speakers, set up lemonade cups 9:50 am- Having Lady Gaga and Lil Wayne rehearse songs 10:30 am- Let people inside the concert 11:15 am- Play music in five minutes 11:45 am-1:45 pm- Lil Wayne will play his songs and sing, while managers organize food 2:30 pm- Break time for food for thirty minutes 3:00 pm- 5:00pm- Lady Gaga will sing and play her songs 5:00 pm0 Lady Gaga and Lil Wayne will sign autographs 6:00pm- The concert will end 7:00 pm-8:30 pm- Eighteen volunteers will clean up areas and throw away trash

The Glorious Basket X100 Three techniques used: Hyperbole Mumble Music How many of you ladies out there want to show off your natural beauty? All you need is a package full of luxuries and accessories! The package is called Glorious Basket X100. Let me tell you, after using these products you will look dazzling, I can guarantee it. In the basket includes Coconut shampoo and conditioner, Dove soap, Gleem tooth paste, a nylon bristled tooth brush and a bristle wired hairbrush. Make up, a hair straightener, and dietary pills are not acceptable! Come on now ladies, you dont need to spend trillions of hours straightening your hair and applying make up to your face to be pretty (Hyperbole).Why not show your natural hair and face? With these products you can do that! Also, dietary pills include side effects such as drowsiness. I will follow you through the important accessories that will make you naturally beautiful. You will have stunning teeth, shiny hair, and a freshly smelling body. These luxuries are considered natural products that will provide you all that you need! A handy dandy tooth brush is an amazing product and will make your teeth look as white as newly fallen snow (Simile)! This tooth brush, effective and colored, with great nylon bristles, will get rid of all that food that was left in your teeth. But lets be serious here, why buy an electric toothbrush, heavy and expensive, paying triple the money? Lets choose the best bargain here ladies. Another luxury in this mysterious package is shampoo! A delicious smell in your hair will call out boys all day long. Hands moving, head shaking, all you have to do is scrub a dub dub in the shower, then wrap your hair in a towel, and boom; your hair drapes down, nice, shiny, and silky. You can smell your delicious hair from miles away within seconds. Your hair blows the boys away.

Products such as mascara, sticky and super black, not only destroy your eyes, but exploits womens natural beauty. There are three things that mascara does to women: smudges, itches, and flakes off (Climax). Have you ever gone through the day and you cant itch your eye because you applied make up to your eye lashes in the morning? Dont put up with that hassle! When you do itch your eye, you have to squint all day and your eyeballs kill. Mascara is unhealthy; unhealthy is mascara (Chiasmus).This is therefore, not a necessity like the mystery package full of important products. You can bring the Glorious Basket X100 everywhere! In your car, in your suitcase, to your friends, and to the beach! Just grab the handle of the basket and off you go! But wait, if you call now the Glorious Basket X100 will come with a bonus product! A glow n the dark hairbrush! If you want to take a shower in the dark and brush your hair, YOU CAN! Other people who dont take a shower in the dark are missing out. If you miss place your hairbrush, wait until dark and YOU CAN find the glow n the dark hairbrush! If you lost power during an extreme hurricane YOU CAN find your glow n the dark hairbrush (Accumulation). Music Having the Time of your Life You can now party and feel outrageously beautiful! You will no longer be plastic like Barbie. Barbies arent pretty! Ken do you love me? Asks Barbie. Not anymore. After Glorious Basket X100, I realized youre fake! Yells Ken. If only all women were naturally beautiful (Inclusion by Omission)! Call now at 1-800-GBasket. I said 1-800- GBasket. It will change your life. Side effects include swelling to those allergic to Dove and Coconut. Tape Recorded : AmandaSales.wmv

Argumentative Research Paper- Exploiting Womens Images

The media exploits women and ridicules their looks every day. Anna Reston, a thin and anorexic Brazilian model, was only eighty-eight pounds when she died. Why is this high expectation of weight being depicted to the society? Not only is there a high standard of weight, but there is a ridiculous standard for hair and facial features. Maintaining this idealistic beauty that the media impersonates is too difficult for women to strive to achieve. Women should be viewed by for their natural features. According to the website, How the Media has a Negative Influence of the Women in Todays Society, When the unnatural thinness became attractive in the media, girls then did unnatural things to become thin. Females sacrifice their bodies to meet high standards. The media is one of the most influential sources in society. The public has a slanted idea of a natural woman because of the advertisements that depict the stereotypes of how women should look, feel, and act. Advertisement agencies are lying to society by enhancing the looks of women in their advertisements. These lies set the bar very high for this idealistic beauty. A human being cannot be perfect. There is always something in a womens appearance that could look more beautiful in the real world, but to enhance the appearance artificially is wrong. Why is the media presenting these false advertisements to people? Obviously, to grab the publics attention and attract buyers to their overpriced products. For example, commercials on TV networks advertise make-up products. If an individual ever looks very closely at the commercial, the female model has a perfect complexion, shiny and beautiful hair, and a thin, toned body. These standards for women are not true. Not every female has all of these stunning features, although they wish and hope the products can change their features to be perfect. Women not only strive for the perfect body, but the advertisers also stereotype women to be the perfect housewife. Women are portrayed by advertisers as homemakers and nothing else. According to Helen Ingham, seventy-five percent of all ads using females were for products used in the bathroom or kitchen. Fifty-six percent of women in ads were revealed as domestic housewives. If a woman can cook she is then the ideal person. If a woman can clean, then she is the ideal woman. Advertisements have effective techniques to stamp a product into ones head and force women to purchase their amazing products and act in a stereotypical manner. According to Helen Ingham, Sex role stereotyping reflects the changes in beliefs about the value of family, child care, the role of the woman in marriage and the possibility of self-fulfillment through

work. These roles cannot always be achieved, which makes women unhappy and unfulfilled. Then depressed women eat poorly and then continue to spiral into unhappiness. In addition, the idealistic beauty has led to eating disorders for some women. According to ABC News, the obsession of the perfect body that models exemplify is hurting ordinary women and girls. Girls look up to famous people and try to imitate models, which is causing an increase of unhealthy body types in the society (Obsession with Perfect Bodies Hurt Women). Women should be noticed for their beauty beneath rather than their outside appearances. The medias degradation of women has caused some to be very sick and unhealthy. Models, skinny and determined, walk runways being a size zero. Women a size four or six feel obese when looking at the petite models. Not all women can be a single size. All women are different, and unique in their own way, making the diversity of the world. Also, models have to watch every single thing they eat or drink, making their lives completely miserable. If a model gains a few pounds, the media speaks negatively of her and how awful she looks, which is not right. It can be very stressful, damaging, and difficult for a model to obsess about food and weight because she is often worried about t her weight and appearance, constantly throughout the day. However, some women strive to be thin and compete with one another to be skinnier. According to the movie, Dying to be Thin, celebrities such as Victoria Beckham work to be thin because she believes such an image is how the world wants her. Other times, being thin, emaciated, is what is necessary for a woman to succeed in her job. The movie Dying to be Thin tells us about women and girls who need to be very thin to be selected to perform on stage. If the ballerinas are not thin, they need to find other jobs, which make them very depressed. Working all their lives to be a prima ballerina may be shattered if the ballerina puts on too much weigh. Some ballerinas weigh as little as ninety pounds. Also, cyber-galleries and chat rooms claim that "being thin is more important than being healthy. And the trainers and modeling agencies feed this information to the women and girls every day. By looking at this click on, one can see the stress and unhappiness both models and ballerinas face in their lives. click here to see clip. So once again, we see that the media portrays unrealistic standards for women to strive to achieve.

Not only do women obsess about weight, but the media portrays women as sex objects and not human beings. Women then obsess about being sexual in order to capture a man. According to How the Media has a Negative Influence of the Women in Today's Society women are marketed as sexual objects. Advertisers believe that sex sells, so they do anything to sell their goods and services. For example, women appear to have a phallic symbol when advertising. A phallic symbol is any object that may resemble the penis. The phallic symbol is often advertising products. According to the Bruce Watson, the new design of the coke can is very similar to the old one, except that the red and blue section, rather than remaining separated by a white middle, actually converges on one side. It's supposed to resemble a smile, but the comparison is a bit stretched. One commentator described the new design as being somewhat phallic. Portraying a woman as an object rather than a person is inappropriate and degrading.

Girls who watch TV often compare themselves to commercial models and mimic this idealistic beauty. The media is destroying little girls dreams because girls can not be as attractive as the models that they look up to. Heather Regan, a student at HBHS said, The way the media portrays women provides a false image of the ideal female body type that causes teenage girls to feel alienated in their own body. This quote means that the media hurts women by making them feel like their body type is not good enough. The mass media is very negatively influential towards female citizens. The media needs to influence girls in a more positive and realistic way to make all women happy and acknowledged. Once the media has set the bar very high, girls cannot strive to achieve this idealistic beauty and their feelings are hurt, and often, they become very sad and then the society has created a depression. The depression can sometimes lead to suicide due to the unrealistic standards that are shocking and disturbing. Women are very emotional, and the emotions kick in when they cannot look the way the media portrays them. According to How the Media Has Negative Influence of the Women in Todays Society, Since the expectation of the female body image has been raised, the connection between thin body shape and perception of attractiveness has increased. This statement means

that the expectations have increased due to the human eye. Nowadays, people look at one another more carefully deciding whether someone is attractive or not, depending on body type and features. The eye depicts the level of prettiness and this prettiness is set by the media. Women are human beings and all should be rewarded for their unique traits. Since the media is one of the most influential sources, it alters females perspective because of the way advertisements are run. These sexual advertisements are stereotyping women and the commercials need to be relinquished to save womens lives. Society also sees natural beauty as being negative and authentic beauty as being the main priority. Beauty is more than putting on make-up, getting hair done, and looking as thin as a breakable twig. Why are these expectations so high? Women cannot keep up with the media any longer. Society is not only degrading women, but making them feel awful about their appearances. According to Youngchi Chang, in 2003 more than $15 million was spent on cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries. Women are even having surgeries to keep up with this ludicrous belief. These surgeries can sometimes lead to death or disfigurement. Women should not be made to feel awful for how God created them. Each woman is different and unique. We should celebrate these unique characteristics; we should not tell women and girls that they need to change. By changing the person, she is made to look like a clone of another. The sameness should not be celebrated because by being the same, unhealthy situations can happen. Also, advertisers do not care about womens feelings regarding women portrayals. A common statement, Dont judge a book by its cover, look within the pages, should be the words the media thinks about when snapping pictures of women or developing advertising campaigns. Before we can all be celebrated as our own person, the portrayal of women needs to be changed positively. To stop the media from degrading women, education and knowledge is needed. We need to be aware that there are professions that insist on thin women because looks are what is important, not the person herself, which is wrong. The public has been given an unfair picture of the definition of a naturally beautiful woman. The advertisements that exemplify the stereotypes of how women should look, act, and feel needs to be evaluated and re-designed. Lets unite women and girls to show that each of us is our own person with many miscellaneous features.

Citing Sources Type of Source: Web Page Citation: Ingham, Helen. "The Portrayal of Women on Television." Aberystwyth University. MCS, 5 Nov. 1995. Web. 16 Apr. 2010. <>. Quote- Sex role stereotyping reflects the changes in beliefs about the value of family, child care, the role of the woman in marriage and the possibility of self-fulfillment through work. Paraphrase- Seventy-five percent of all ads using females were for products used in the bathroom or kitchen. Fifty-six percent of women in ads were revealed as domestic housewives. Type of Source: Web Page How the Media has a Negative Influence of the Women in Today's Society. University at Albany. Bobby Logo, 2010. Web. 16 July 2010. < /~cs1461/Negmedia.html+media+portraying+women+negatively&hl=en&ct=clnk>. Quote- This "ideal" thinness that the media has defined causes eating disorders in females. As a result of the media's definition of beauty, most women try to mimic this "ideal" thinness even though it may be impossible. Paraphrase- Since the expectation of the female body image has been raised, the connection between thin body shape and perception of attractiveness has increased Quote- When the unnatural thinness became attractive in the media, girls then did unnatural things to become thin. Type of Source: Web Page Citation: The way the media portrays women provides a false image of the ideal female body type that causes teenage girls to feel alienated in their own body.

Fernandez, Borja. "Anorexia and Models." WordPress. N.p., 7 Jan. 2007. Web. 23 Apr. 2010. < orexia-models/+most+anorexic+model&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us>. Paraphrase-Anna Reston, a thin and anorexic Brazilian model, was only eighty-eight pounds when she died. Summarize- Thin models create the fashion, showing off clothes with their well round body. Clothes are much more likely to sell on thin people. But the media has thinned models more and more over the years thereby creating a disturbing standard. Type of Source: Web page Citation: "Does Obsession with Perfect Bodies Hurt Women?." ABC News. Good Morning America, 2010. Web. 23 Apr. 2010. <>. Paraphrase- The obsession of the perfect body that models exemplify is hurting ordinary women and girls. Girls look up to famous people and try to imitate models which is causing an increase of unhealthy body types in the society. Type of Source: Web Page CitationChang, Youngchi. "Women Depicted as Sexual Object." The College Media Network. N.p., 2010. Web. 23 Apr. 2010. Path: < ews/Women.Depicted.As.Sexual.Objects889353.shtml+media+degrades+women&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us>. Quote- In 2003 more than $15 million was spent on cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries. Type of Source- Website

Citation-Goodchild, Sophie. "AlterNet." Dying to be Thin. The Independent UK, 22 Nov. 2006. Web. 4 June 2010. Quote- Also, cyber-galleries and chat rooms claim that "being thin is more important than being healthy. Quote-celebrities such as Victoria Beckham work to be thin because she believes such an image is how the world wants her. Other times, being thin, emaciated, is what is necessary or a woman to succeed in her job. Type of Source: Website Citation: Watson, Bruce. "Slash Food." Pepsi's new logo: What were they thinking?. AOL.Inc, 29 Oct. 2008. Web. 4 June 2010. Block Quote: the new design of the coke can is very similar to the old one, except that the red and blue section, rather than remaining separated by a white middle, actually converges on one side. It's supposed to resemble a smile, but the comparison is a bit stretched. One commentator described the new design as being somewhat phallic. Type of Source: Personal Interview Citation: Salamone, Amanda. Personal Interview. 19 May 2010. Quote: The way the media portrays women provides a false image of the ideal female body type that causes teenage girls to feel alienated in their own body. About the Author- The Brightly Blossomed Flower I usually prefer to write funny pieces to attract the readers attention, but my campaign is more so serious in order to make people understand my position regarding the medias degradation of women. The piece that I am most proud of is my argumentative paper. This piece, to me, is very strong and has many researched information backing up my thesis. The paper, persuasive and

organized, states how the media truly exploits womens natural beauty because of all of my quotes, paraphrases and influences. My community event could have improved because I set up a free concert with Lady Gaga and Lil Wayne, but there never was an actual concert. The community event was organized correctly, but I should have created a more realistic event that I could take action in starting. A realistic community would have persuaded my campaign more successfully. Fingers typing, thoughts gathering, I managed to complete my campaign. My campaign has taken shape as a brightly blossomed flower, beautiful and finished, making a difference for society. Whoever reads my campaign will raise awareness toward the suffering of women every day. I not only hope, but I know this campaign will inform others how the high standard that the media portrays for females completely deteriorates women physically and mentally.

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