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Reverse Carolling 2012

Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.
(Matt 25:40)

Ten days of reverse carolling have passed quickly but most intensely. We were joined by Karen, James, Michael, Saul and Sinead from New Zealand; and Jeanny, Cynthia, Serena and Yvonne from Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. While our early Christmas gift was the presence of Angeline who joined us from ICPE Mission Rome. Thank you Mario and Anna for making this possible! This has been our sixth annual reverse carolling effort and the Lord continues to amaze us with His love for us and the families He sent us to in...Montalban, Rizal Province, and Magallanes, Salaban, Las Bresas, Bagong Silang, Maitim II Central in Cavite Province. In total, we visited, sang, prayed and gave gifts to 350 families.

Montalban, Rizal Province

Reverse carolling began in Montalban. Together with the Balikatan members and youth from the Seeds of Faith, we spread out in four groups and spent two days singing Christmas carols, praying, and giving food hampers to 185 families in need. Many of the families live in wooden shacks, some on the edge of the rubbish dumpsite, and many struggle to find work, and food for the next meal for themselves and their children. They welcomed us into their humble homes, often overwhelmed that strangers would have travelled thousands of kilometres simply to sing Christmas carols, and share with them the light and joy of Christ this Christmas. As we sang, tears welled up in their eyes, and their faces lit up when they received the food hampers for Christmas. They knew that this could only be God's doing! Who else would be so generous and crazy as to spend money, travelling more than 24 hours, leaving comfortable homes to visit someone that they did not know and call them brother or sister? But then who else would leave behind the omnipotence of being God to be confined in the womb of a woman for nine months and be born as baby into this world, simply for love? Only God. For love alone.

Magallanes, Cavite Province

In contrast to Montalban, Magallanes is a rural area. Whilst many men work on the land and as temporary construction workers, their incomes are meagre. We were touched by their hospitality. After a long, hot trek to one home, one man offered to climb a nearby coconut tree and provided the team with fresh coconut juice. Others joined us to help carry the 5kg heavy food hampers for the other families.

Here we threw a Christmas party for children aged 6 -10 years old. It was the first ever party many of these children have attended. The whole village turned up for the event. Over 80 children came, played games, received gifts and concluded with making a crib for baby Jesus. The Christmas message was shared by Jitka and the invitation to receive Baby Jesus was given through the mime, The Gift, played by our volunteers.

Thank you to Sister Liway Bautista and the catechists who helped us in Magallanes!

Salaban, Amadeo Together with the Claretian Sisters, we visited families in Salaban, Amadeo. Again, this was a rural community. Thank you to the sisters who helped us locate families in need, and who joined us for the day! Las Bresas In Las Bresas, many of the children do not go to school, and some travel to Tagaytay to sell snacks. We could see that many families struggle because of lack of work, and lack of money for food. Bagong Silang, Tagaytay It was great to re-visit Bagong Silang. Many families remembered us from last year, and had kept the Baby Jesus picture that we had given them last Christmas. A woman who had asked for prayers for the safe delivery of her child last year happily showed off her young infant, healthy and smiling! Once again, the Lord blessed us through these brothers and sisters. Their prayer requests for good health, jobs, a good life, education for their children, peace and reconciliation in their families challenged us anew. Their smiles, joy and gratitude in the midst of their struggles and lack of material wealth challenged our consumerism and need to have.

Also in Cavite Province...

What some of our volunteers say...

Sinead White,18, from New Zealand on her experience visiting the dumpsite in Montalban, Rizal Province Everyone needs to see this. Before I came I did not realize that this is real. You can see this on television but when youre in there, its like all your senses are gone. You can smell the trash that theyre living its real horrible to think that even though were only here for a short time, they still live in this all the time.

Michael, 16, from New Zealand Its also really disturbing to see that people are living like this when some other people have so much. Going back to New Zealand will be difficult especially living so comfortably after seeing what people are going through over here.

We thank the Lord, all our friends and donors who have contributed to the food hampers (and the clothes and toys), and our very special volunteers who travelled from the dioceses of Hamilton, New Zealand, and Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia to help us. Thank you for all your prayer support. May the Lord shower his blessings upon you and your family this Christmas and fill your hearts with His joy and peace!

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