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Muhammed Hasanovid

Where is she!? screamed William as he pushed the barrel of the gun in Joey's face. I swear to God that I WILL pull this trigger if I ask you just one more God-damn time! he cried. I don't know...pplease! I swear I don't know! weeped Joey as William's face got angrier and angrier. You've asked for it. and shot Joey in the thigh while releasing him from his hands. Joey fell down to the floor. He screamed in pain and tried to close the wound with his hands while the blood was spewing out like a fountain. The bullet tore his artery. I will ask you just one more time. Then, the next bullet will be in between your eyes. said William as he cocked his gun and pointed it towards Joey's forhead. Wait! Wait. Pleaded Joey. William now backed away from him a bit and asked him in a calmer voice Joey, tell me. Where the hell is my wife?. Joey leaned agains the wall and slowly started to talk while pressing his wound. She's safe. But they are using her for experiments using her blood. You two are the only ones that are resilient to the plague, but since your blood was polluted by gene irregularities, they chose to kidnap her and kill you. She's being held in their facility North of the Black Lands. William, now interested and a little calmer than before said Keep going.. Joey went on. But that facility is like a goddamn warzone. Heavily armed guards everywhere, watch towers that are scattered all over the place, guard dogs, mine fields, they have everything there man. The whole place is like a military base and it is literally impenetrable. Thats all I know. I swear. Said Joey, but he asked a question right after he changed his seating position. Tell me Will. How in heavens did you survive three months ago when you were attacked? I mean, you were registered to have had like 5-6 bullets in your body. Its a miracle youre that vital today? JustHow?. William looked up at him and said You know, I was a little shocked myself, but Im used to it now. When they left with my wife, I woke up in a puddle of my own blood. It took me a few seconds to recover from the shock. Then, when things got clear to me and when I realized where I was, I remembered that I had a box of painkillers somewhere in the kitchen. I crawled on the floor leaving a bloody trail behind me and when I reached the drawers, I pulled myself up. Every single move I made was so painful that I wished that I was rather dead. But I endured. I grabbed the drawer tray and violently pulled it out. The box fell out. I took for syringes and just thrust them into my heart. I felt so angry, but yet, I could now stand. I got myself back on my legs, and grabbing upon the furniture I somehow got out of my house. I got into my car. I sighed and looked at my bloody torso. I took some blood clogging powder from the first aid kit and poured it all over my body. It burned me. It started the car and drove myself to the hospital. I got out of the car and limped to the

entrance. Then I blacked out and the next thing I know is that I woke up at home. Wow man. Justwow. But how do you think that youre going to save your wi and in the middle of Joeys sentence, a loud beep interrupted him. It was his phones voicemail. It played automatically and said Target confirmed, ETA eight minutes. Agent Joey, standby for further instructions- and the voicemail ended. Joey had a surprised look on his face and said I swear I did not know I had that here! They planted it on me! Trust me man, I didnt and William said You wonder how Im going to save my wife? Heres how. First, Im going to start by cleansing this world, or at least whats left of it, from traitorous and filthy scum even if it was my best friend. The world would be a better place without your filth. Rest in peace. Said William calmly and he pointed his gun to Joey. Wait! NO! NO! N and William pulled the trigger. Blood spattered all over the place. Joeys lifeless body gave one last kick and all of his muscles relaxed causing him to fall to his side. William put his gun away and got out the door. He now had six minutes to get out of there. He ran to the garage where he found an old car. He sighed, Well, I have no other options. and he broke the glass in the window with his fist, got in and hot-wired the car. He stepped on the gas and went straight through the garage door. He was now on open road. Two minutes longer and he would be captured, probably dead. He got to a forest and turned his car from the main road now going directly into the forest. The Red Plague was now officially proclaimed as an epidemic throughout the globe. He knew that there are a lot of infected people lurking around the woods. Poor, desperate and dying men and women. He felt sorry for them. Just at a thought that he had a cure for that awful dread made him furious. The company that was chasing him was the one that organized a hit on him. They were the ones who shot him and kidnapped his wife. They stole his database that he made over a 5-year work. All the information for the cure was there. He dedicated his whole study and scientific work to solve the mysterious puzzle of the awful Red-Dead virus (as he called the virus of the Plague). When he finally succeeded in producing a working formula he went to Avia-Mactabilis, a world proclaimed pharmaceutical company. There, they rejected him. He went home baffled. How can someone turn down an offer like that? He wondered and wondered. But what he didnt know was that the Avia-Mactabilis board of directors took his idea into consideration. They tracked him down and hacked his private servers, thus finding out the major information about his cure. They sent in their agents to capture all the remaining information and his wife, who was a central powerhouse for their Liberated World project. That is how it all happened. Luckily enough, William was clever and he worked hard to find a contact inside of the Avia-Mactabilis. He managed to get to a person. The person provided William with a lot of useful information. Using that given data, he managed to track down a few important people looking for information about his wife. When he got to them, they all gave him some insufficient clues about her location and in the end William would execute every single one

of them. He was ruthless when it came to finding the person he cared about the most in his life. William now continued moving towards the center of the forest. There, he had a secret lab. Not even his wife knew about it. He had to move stealthily because of all the prowlers in the forests. Prowlers were people infected with the Red Plague. They scavenged across the land and often murdered innocent passengers just so they could eat. A horrible life it was. A struggle for survival that always lead to death. Either the Plague killed them or Avia-Mactabilis, or its secret part sent in special operatives to exterminate as much of them as possible. They used their bodies for experiments with the Virus. Now, William has reached a clearing in the forest. A small, circular plain surrounded with trees. He moved to the middle of it and he seemed that he was looking for something on the ground. He reached down and found a big haft that was hidden in the tall grass. He pulled it hard and suddenly a door opened in the ground. He looked around himself to see if anyone followed him. When he was sure the area was clear, he quickly went inside closing the door behind him. Inside, there were a huge steel door that served as an extra measure of security. He approached them and a screen popped up in front of him asking for a password. He entered MYRA and the screen turned green with big letters saying access granted. The door opened by itself and William went inside. He took out his gun and left it next to a giant mainframe computer. He took off his bloody shirt and changed his clothes. All the high-tech devices that he had in the lab were now powering up as he was making himself a cup of espresso. The computer turned on. He sat on a big cozy chair and started to go through various data files on the computer. He quickly scanned the forest area around him looking for hostiles using his own little satellite. The area scan showed no activity, but there was a warning indicator that showed him that some unknown armed personnel was quickly moving to the location of the car he used to get here. He didnt rush for anything. He took a sip of coffee and turned on the video calling software on his computer. A minute later, someone picked up the call. It was his contact inside the Avia-Mactabilis. Hello Will. he said as a new window on the computer screen opened. Hi. William answered while taking another sip of coffee. You know, our special task force is headed your way. said the man on the screen calmly. I think that you should escape that area as soon as possible. Theyre coming for you. He continued. Dont you worry about me. Im perfectly fine right here where I am. If anything is supposed to go wrong, I will stop it before it even happens. Trust me. said William. Its your call. But keep in mind that they are military trained. They arent just some goons that will beat you up for money. They are trained to kill. Its my job to, at least, warn you. answered the man. I already told you. Ill be fine. said William and drank a bit more of the coffee. Now,

anything new on Myra? Did you manage to get the information that I asked you about? asked William. Actually, yes. said the man. I might know where theyre holding your wife captive. But I am not sure that that is the right location. However, there is someone who could know.. William wiggled in his chair a bit and asked Tell me. Who do you think might have what I need and where do I find him?. In about two days from now, there will be a meeting in one of our facilities in the Northern part of the Black Lands. He is a highly-seated member of our board of directors and he is directly connected to all the things that are happening secretly in Avia-Mactabilis. Can you get me in? William asked. I think, but it sure will be hard. and when the man wanted to continue talking, something interrupted him. Someones coming. I have to go. Call me in 12 hours and well talk more about this.. The window on the computer screen where the call was, now only showed Disconnected. User offline. William drank the whole cup of coffee. He stood up and went to a wooden drawer on the other side of the room. He opened it. Inside were two pistols. He took both of them and put them in his holsters. He put on his coat and while he was going out of the lab, he muttered Lets deal with some uninvited guests, shall we. and he left. A few hundred meters away, a dozen of armed men were gathering for a mission briefing. Their commander was speaking. The man that were supposed to capture is considered highly dangerous. Dont be fooled because hes a scientist. He was a Lieutenant of a special unit in the Great War. He got a war hero medal three times. He is no ordinary man. He is, maybe even more, trained as you are. He is skilled when it comes to shooting people, just like us. So be cautious. Now move! he screamed and all of the men started moving into the woods. William was leaned on a tree. He was holding his two guns in his hands, occasionally switching them from hand to hand because he was bored. Then, he heard some noise in the forest ahead of him. He got ready because he knew that they were coming for him. He wasnt afraid at all. He moved to a nearby heavily shadowed area and tried to stay unseen inside of there as much as possible. Finally, the men that were after him arrived upon the clearing where Williams lab was. They were confused and on great caution. One of them heard a branch crack and he immediately fired a bullet in that direction. Every one of them was nervous. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, they saw a grenade flying through the air towards them. As they didnt react on time, the grenade exploded and killed most of them. Those who managed to evade it in time were either dizzy from the shock or injured. William entered the area. He shot every one of them that tried to move or react to him. He killed almost all of them. He got to a nearby tree that had the commander of the squad lying beside it. He was bleeding from his stomach. William crouched near him and asked him a question. Who sent you? The commander was quiet, but he looked at William with hatred in his eyes. Ill ask again. Who sent you? and when he asked that, he smacked the commander with

his gun. The Council sent us. We are here to kill you and to deliver their bidding. the commander said. He spat blood on William. Youre going to die, mister scientist. Maybe we failed to do it now, but you will die. said the commander and screamed with pain. Wont we all die in the end? said William in a sarcastic way, now standing up and looking at his gun. Its really good to know that theres a secret agency thingy going on behind Avia-Mactabilis. You know, I never thought that I will somehow be connected to that type of stuff in my life. But, lifes full of surprises. said William as he turned around to leave. All of a sudden he stopped. Surprise! he shouted and shot the commander. It seems that there wont be any use of you anymore. said William to himself and walked away like nothing happened. He reached the old car that he left on the entrance in the forest. In the car was his phone he forgot. He took it and turned on his GPS tracking. Using the GPS, he used his satellite to track the location of the armored van from the squad that attacked him some minutes ago. When the location was discovered, he hurried to get there.

The van was parked near a giant oak tree. Beside the car there was a guard patrolling the area. William sneaked up past him and took him by the neck. He smashed his head on the vans door. When the guard fell down he snapped his neck. He took his rifle and entered the van. Now he quickly drove away till he got to the main road. There he turned North and continued on to the direction of the Black Lands. The next day, Williams phone signaled and incoming video call. He answered it. Ok William. Ive got great news for you. said that same man who William talked with in his lab. Terrific. Where do I go and what do I do? William asked quickly. Ive tracked your location. You are about 35 kilometers away from the Avia-Mactabilis facility in the Black Lands. South of you there is a convoy moving that is escorting the Board Director to his meeting there. In about 20 minutes they will reach a checkpoint that is on the entrance of the Black Lands. If you hurry now, you can make it before them. said the man. Isnt it a bit too risky? I mean, its a whole convoy. And Im sure there will be heavily armed guards, especially because its a Board Director theyre escorting. answered William. Well, to be more precise, its an armored limousine with the Director in it, and there are only four or five men in another car that is looking over them., William now smiled. Heres what I suggest you do. Wait for them near the Borders overpass. Then, when the limo appears, you crash into it so you flip it over. After the guards get out of their car, take them out and kidnap the Director. Or do you have any ideas? continued the man. Well, I stole a van from the men they sent to kill me. And inside I found a couple of EMP bombs. I was thinking to plant them along the way and when they arrive to kill their cars.

After that, I move in for the kill. That could work too. Its up to you. But know this, they are approaching the Border quickly, so I suggest you hurry up. If the mission is a success, call me back. Im close to finding your wifes location. said the man. Thank you. I appreciate that a lot. said William and closed the call. He accelerated toward the Border Checkpoint. He got past the checkpoint and continued towards the underpass.

He was now in the Black Lands. It was a giant wasteland on the North of Nervasia. It was the most prosperous area in the country until the Great War. Loads of chemical weaponry was used there. Eight years ago, the glaciers melted causing great floods in the valleys of the Black Lands, but due to dams and the skills of the masterminds that lived there, the water was turned into hydroelectric power and soon, there was more economical income in the area. Two years from that, the Black Lands were under attack. The capital city was bombarded and 70 percent of the population was killed. Then, chemicals were used to kill the vegetation and to poison the water. More and more people were dying from hunger or from diseases they got due to high percentage of chemicals in the air. All that remains now is a huge non-populated area that is not suitable for life anymore. Its not even a ghost of its former self. But the Avia-Mactabilis, who were partially responsible for the attack were now using this as the location for their facilities. They used the contaminated samples to perform experiments and to develop new viruses. One of those viruses was the Red Dead virus. It was an experimental virus that was supposed to re-establish living conditions in the Black Lands and to de-contaminate the air and most of the ground and water. But what they didnt know was how the virus will react on the immense heat that never went away because of the global warming. Eventually, the virus mutated in the weather and became fatal. The winds carried it to the populated parts of Nervasia on the South-West. Months later a new disease broke out and later it evolved into an epidemic. At first, infected people started getting high fevers. Then, when antibiotics were given to them, the virus responded by turning the facial and limb skin bright-red. People didnt know what was going on and a lot of horror was going on in hospitals around Nervasia. Twelve hours after the skin went red, the heart would start pumping blood faster and faster, causing blood overflow and eventually, death. Doctors called it the Red Plague because it was transferrable from people and animals. William finally set up the EMP bombs near the overpass, and hid himself and the van in the high grass nearby. He could now hear the convoy approaching. He took his rifle and prepared for attack. The vehicles passed the EMPs and William detonated them. They exploded, sending out an electronic strike that disabled all electronic devices in a five-meter radius and thus disabling

the two cars. The guards exited their car with their weapons ready. The Director stayed in his limousine. Suddenly, a grenade flew under the limo, and it exploded flipping the limo on its side. The force of the explosion dazed the guard for a bit and William jumped out of his cover shooting. He killed the two guards in the front and ran to the other side of the car. There he smacked the guard in the face with his gunstock. The guard died immediately from the force of the hit. The last guard ran towards William with a knife. William stepped to the side and shot the guard in the back. When he fell down on the ground, William shot him once more. He proceeded to walk towards the flipped limo while reloading his rifle. When he got to it, the door suddenly opened. A man in a tuxedo crawled out. He leaned on the side of the car. William could clearly see that he was injured. It seemed like his legs were broken. William approached him and grabbed him by his shirt. He lifted him up and threw him on the car. The man screamed for help. William shoved his gun in the mans face. Where is Myra? shouted William. What are you talking about, you freaking nutcase? How dare you do this? Do you even know who am I? answered the man with an ugly face expression. I asked you a question. Where is my wife? Where do you keep her!? now screamed William even louder. Wait. Are you that scientist guy who developed the cure for the Plague some months ago? asked the man with an evil smile. What if I told you that I am. Now, I will ask you only one more time. Refuse to answer me, I will pop a cap in that ugly head of yours. Where is my wife? answered William. Shes in our main lab. said the man. But youll never save her. You may try, but you will die! Remember, you cannot defeat The Council! he continued, now laughing. You will see me try. said William and stood up. He pointed his gun towards the man and fired at him a few times. William went to his van and took a can of gasoline. He came to the two cars, piled the bodies on one place and soaked everything with petrol. He lit a match and threw it on the pile. It erupted in flames. William got in his car and drove away. When he drove a few kilometers away, William took out his phone and called his contact. Did you do it? the voice said. Yes. I have got some information. answered William. Then tell me. said the man. According to what that Director guy said, Myra is in a place called The Cliff. He said that thats where your main lab is. replied William. That is true. But going there is the same as suicide, William. said the man. I dont care. Ill kill them all if I have to. I just want to save Myra, even if I had to die trying. I will get her to safety. said William.

Ok then. said the man. Right now, the Cliff is a few hours away from you. If you turn West in the Black Lands youll get to it in no time. But sadly, I cannot get you in there. Only if you managed to disguise yourself as one of their guards, that could work. I mean, youre driving their van, after all. he finished. Ill see what I can do. You just try and discover Myras location in that building. Said William and hung up the call. He turned around with the van and continued driving. Several hours later, he approached a giant building complex that was illuminated with bright lights from every corner. The walls that were surrounding it were high. William stopped the van and called his contact again. Hello. he said. Hi. answered the man. Did you get Myras location? asked William. Yeah. The main lab is on the 30th floor of the highest building. You can get there from the warehouse in the back, or use the elevators, disguised as one of their employees. said the man. Thanks. said William and got out of the van to change into guards clothes. Back on the entrance two guards were speaking. Oh, how I hate this world man. said one guard. Yeah. I mean, just look at what it has become. I remember thirteen years ago, when we could freely walk around nature without fear of something attacking you or getting contaminated. When you could drink water out of springs and rivers or when seasons existed. Now, we only have summer all year long. We sometimes get acid-rain autumn. said the other. My dear world. What have you turned into? sighed the first one. Their conversation was interrupted by an approaching van. Ready your weapons. said one guard. The other nodded and grabbed hold of his rifle. William was now approaching with the van. He slowly drove in between the gates and stopped to be inspected by the guards on the entrance. After completing the search and approving that he is one of their employees, they let him in. William drove around the building and parked in front of the warehouse. He concealed his gun under his coat and sneaked inside the building. There was a staircase in front of him. Atop of it, there was an elevator. He tried to run for it, but a guard suddenly came out of nowhere and started patrolling the area. William stood behind his cover, and when the guard turned he threw a small piece of glass that way lying there to get the attention of the guard.

The guard, now alerted by the noise, started moving towards William. Just as he went to look around the corner, William jumped out of his cover and upper-cut punched the guard. The punch was so hard that the guard fell down on his back, letting out a painful sound. William took him by the neck and held him until the guard stopped moving. He too the guards lifeless body and hid it into the janitors room. He took the guards clothes and went to the elevator. He got in and pressed the button for 30th floor. While he was going up, he took out his gun and checked the bullets. When the elevator was on 28th floor he said Im coming Myra.. The elevator stopped and the door opened. William was now inside a big hallway that had a few scientists walking around with papers. He pulled his hat to hide his face and started moving forward. He got to a big door at the end of the hallway. It said Main Laboratory-No entrance for unauthorized personnel. He smiled and as soon as he was to push the door open, a scientist behind him said Excuse me sir, but you cant go in there.. William stopped for a moment and then turned around while pulling his gun from its casing. He shot the scientist. Everyone that was there started panicking and running all around the place. William just turned back and entered through the door. When he was inside, two guards were running towards him. He didnt back up from them. He shot both of them while he was walking towards the center of the lab. He came upon a big glass cylinder that was filled with red liquid. In the liquid, there was a woman floating. She was hooked up to various tubes and wires. A team of scientists was operating on the computers that were hooked to the cylinder. He screamed Myra! and shot the scientists by the computers. He ran to the cylinder and started hitting the glass. It was bullet-proof glass, so he couldnt break it. He ran to those computers. The screens were spattered with blood. He wiped it off with his sleeve and looked for something. There it is! he said in excitement and pressed a button. Suddenly, the cylinders glass door started to open and the liquid flew out on the floor. He ran to it again. He separated Myra from the tubes and took her in his arms. He placed her on a nearby bench and hugged her. Im here now. he said, while letting some tears out. Myra started to wake up. Will? she asked in confusion. Im here baby. he said with a smile on his face. She hugged him back. Youre safe now. Ill get you out. said William as he stroked her wet hair. Suddenly, the door of the lab opened and heavily armed guards started pouring into the room.

He took his gun and pointed it at them. There were so many guards, William knew if he started shooting that he and Myra will surely die. While he was standing there, holding Myra with one hand and holding up his gun with the other, the guards lowered their weapons. William was confused. Then, a voice that William knew really well said Hello William.. It was the man who was his contact inside. We finally meet. said the man, now passing between the guards and facing William. You dirty, little scumbag! shouted William at him. The man just started laughing. Did you really think that you would get in and out so easily? he said, still laughing. Didnt your best friend teach you a lesson about trust? he continued. Never trust anyone. Never! And yet you chose to blindly trust me without even knowing my name or my position in this company?. William now pointed his gun at him. If you pull that trigger, you will die. Why do you think I brought all these men with me? And your precious little wife will die too. You have nowhere to go. If you try to exit the building, the guards will kill you. If you try and jump through the window, the fall will kill you. There is nothing below. Just a whole bunch of sharp rocks. said the man with an evil grin on his treacherous face. William looked at his wife and pointed to the windows with his eyes. She nodded positively. He knew very well that now, there was a river flowing under the cliff. He got to the building from that side. He then said I will have my vengeance, mister Anthony Jefferson Smith, the Head of The Council and one of the Board Directors of Avia-Mactabilis. with a laugh. Anthony stared at William with surprise. How did you? How on Earth? I never told you! he screamed at him. Youd really think I wouldnt track you down. After everything that has happened to me? You were relatively easy to trace. All I needed was the phone you gave that traitor Joey. William answered. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go. We will meet again. That, I am sure. said William with a smile on his face. He grabbed his wife and started running towards the windows of the lab. He shot a few times to weaken the glass. Anthony ordered the guards to start shooting at him. William jumped and smashed the window with his back. While he was falling out of the lab he aimed and fired one last time. The bullet shot Anthony in the side of the chest. It didnt kill him. I will kill you and your wife, William. he said silently and walked away to get some help. William was now falling through the air. He was holding his wife tightly in his arms. As he fell, the building above him got smaller and smaller. William now heard the sound of running water under him.

He closed his eyes as he hit the water under him.

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