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'Diving', the act of simulating an unfair advantage on an opponent has come into Football Since the turn of the

21 st century. It has be seen by many, as playing a crucial role in winning games! Throughout the 'Footballing Universe' diving has sprang into life in the past decade or so, due to numerous high profile dives from players such as Robert Pires and Luis Suarez. Gone are the illustrious days of Football, when skills, determination and talent were winning factors. Now, there is nothing more than lies and deception- which cost huge amounts of millions! Why is it that hundreds upon hundreds of cowardly footballers choose to dive and drastically demand in protest, a scandalous foul on them? The shambolic divers are either rolling around or shaking their hands as if they are begging for money, which is ironic looking at the wages they earn a week. Very staggering to say the least! Its time we all took an un-perpetuating and hard view at the diabolical behaviour adopted by divers. Young and gradually maturing footballers from all sorts of un-developed ages imitate the iniquitous actions of these players. This creates extremely large conflicts between players, fans and funnily enough, managers (moving your hands, implying that the opposite manager just talks rubbish!) Worst of all is that Children as young as 6 years are highly influenced by the disgraceful and dire actions of diving from eminent players like Luis Suarez who has shockingly dived more than he has scored in this calendar year. Ridiculous for a player of his calibre and standard! Recent statistics from the infamous research institute Opta have proven that 69% of Children who attend professional academies are habitual divers. They discovered that what the youths see on television acts as vicarious reinforcement. These negatively influenced children respond by saying they watch diving in Football matches. This perception is further encouraged by delusive managers during interviews, refusing to believe that his players dived. Why? Is the innocent child at fault? Its not their mistake and should not be held accountable because their so called 'hero's' are nothing but misleading people who purposely sabotage fairness in the game! Disgusted by the most recent footage on 'Match of the Day', even commentator Alan Hansen blasted; "the basic and fundamental aspect of football is to play with honesty". Yet those players still have the balls to speak to the public defending themselves. He further argues that "FIFA should feel ashamed to present prestigious awards like the Balon D'or on a global scale to players who dive". The former Liverpool man sarcastically questioned about "why Football as a world-wide sport would choose a

diver to be represented as the best footballer in the world while to be known as a cheater! Football associations from across the globe are cracking down on players who dive. This scheme was introduced by the world footballing governor Sepp Blatter, in August 2011. A fine of 20, 000 is handed out to players caught diving by referees. So problem solved? Players seem to be thinking twice before diving. Absolutely not! Nowadays, referees are giving unnecessary bookings to players who 'dive' but in reality are innocent. An example is Manchester City Adam Johnson who was wrongly red carded for apparently diving. However, camera views from countless angles proved otherwise. To continue, for several wealthy players, this fine is like a droplet in their infinite ocean of wealth. Subsequently, this will not cause a sufficient difference in how fairly and truthfully the game is played in! So for all you aspiring footballers on the brink of hitting the grandest stage, Ill give you a small piece but long-lasting advice; dont dive! It could win your team a maximum of three points but through the world everybody will know you to be a cheater! Even through acting, advertising and modelling!

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